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    posted a message on Oil and it's uses.
    YES! Fully support! Instead of cars there should be custom vehicles (eventually, would take forever to code)and oil could be used to power the engines for balloons! :iapprove: :Diamond: One notch and a diamond for you!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Single Player Commands [V4.9] - Official Download [SPC] [+NoClip]
    Quote from trunksbomb »
    Quote from Unknown Liquid »
    I barely understood what you just said,(i think i got most of it) and I could find no such instructions on minecraft.net. Could you link it or explain please? Thanks for your help so far.

    Assuming you're in Windows, go to your .minecraft/bin folder and shift+right-click somewhere in the whitespace in the folder and open a command prompt, and type

    java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame

    and hit Enter. When the game crashes, see if there is an error log in your command prompt that you opened.

    When I hover over an empty space in the bin folder, hold shift, and right click, it shows me the same little menu it does if I don't hold shift.
    I am very new to this stuff I probably just misunderstood you, these are my first posts on a forum ever.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Single Player Commands [V4.9] - Official Download [SPC] [+NoClip]
    Quote from trunksbomb »
    Quote from Unknown Liquid »
    I have a bit of a problem. I installed the mod like the instructions said, and when try to open a world it flashes an error screen for 1/16 of a second after "simulating world for a bit". Minecraft works without the mod installed, and I've had it work on beta 1.2. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: Minecraft closes after the error screen flash.

    I just had this happen to me, and it was because I set an illegal key binding. Have you done this? If so, find the bindings.properties file in the mods folder in your .minecraft directory and delete it.

    I have never made a key binding, so that can't be it

    sorry i have a bad connection in and out
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Single Player Commands [V4.9] - Official Download [SPC] [+NoClip]
    Quote from trunksbomb »

    Try opening a command window in your /bin folder and running Minecraft using the command line command given on minecraft.net. See if the error stack will print to the console.

    I barely understood what you just said,(i think i got most of it) and I could find no such instructions on minecraft.net. Could you link it or explain please? Thanks for your help so far.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Single Player Commands [V4.9] - Official Download [SPC] [+NoClip]
    Quote from trunksbomb »

    Quote from Unknown Liquid »
    I have a bit of a problem. I installed the mod like the instructions said, and when try to open a world it flashes an error screen for 1/16 of a second after "simulating world for a bit". Minecraft works without the mod installed, and I've had it work on beta 1.2. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: Minecraft closes after the error screen flash.

    Are you using any other mods? Have you tried starting with a fresh copy of minecraft.jar and installing the mod from there?

    Yes it was a fresh reinstalled minecraft, I tried redoing it two times.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Single Player Commands [V4.9] - Official Download [SPC] [+NoClip]
    I have a bit of a problem. I installed the mod like the instructions said, and when try to open a world it flashes an error screen for 1/16 of a second after "simulating world for a bit". Minecraft works without the mod installed, and I've had it work on beta 1.2. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: Minecraft closes after the error screen flash.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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