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Boltreon posted a message on Sparks Appear When Minecarts Drastically Slow Down (40+ Supporters!)So this is a very,very small suggestion.Posted in: Suggestions
I suggest that when minecarts travel at a high speed and then slow down immediately and drastically, sparks appear behind them. The sparks would be particles not entities or others.
The sound of this would be like this:
I'm sorry to say but the sound was recently terminated by youtube for some unknown reasons. I'm sorry. But if you have ever heard the sound of trains slowing down or the screeching of metal against metal, that's basically it. Again sorry for any inconvenience.
On top of that, here is what the particles would look like:
The sound wouldn't be as high pitched though to prevent the continuous murdering of people's ears. (Pictures and videos provided by Badprenup and DmgVol. Thanks guys!)
Now if you really support this suggestion, please use the banner made by PoisonDagger273.
It is a very small suggestion I know, but sometimes realism just fits. -
techbrew posted a message on World UID for multi-world serversSummary:Posted in: Suggestions
Add a World UID that will uniquely identify a world on a given Minecraft server. Since the world seed is no longer sent to the Minecraft client, there is no good way to tell when the player has logged-in, respawned, or teleported to a different world on the same server.
Edit August 20, 2014:
To clarify: The world UID does not need to be guaranteed unique (GUID) nor universally unique (UUID). It does not need to be unique across servers. We don't even need to enforce uniqueness on the same server:
- It should be reasonably unique by default on a given server.
- If a server owner wants to make all worlds have the same UID by editing the appropriate file, that's fine.
- If the server is a bungee-type server cluster, the same world can exist on multiple servers and could also have the same UID. That's a good thing.
Looking back at this post, I regret having used the UUID class in the example implementation. I put it in for ease of hash generation, not because there's an actual requirement for Universal Uniqueness. Unfortunately I think that muddied the waters of this topic.
1. In general, client mods could make use of the World UID for a variety of reasons, including:
- Unique map generation per world
- Unique waypoints / custom markers per world
- Custom events when entering/leaving a specific world
- https://github.com/M...ore/issues/1005
- http://www.gamefaqs....06524-/63457457
- http://www.minecraft...0#entry11848875
If you know of other mods which need this, please reply to this thread with details.
Implementation Details
1. When a new world is created -- or when legacy world data is loaded for the first time -- the server will create a UID, keep it in a member variable on the World object, and persist the UID to file.
/** To generate a Long UID: */ // Thread-safe singleton initialized once on startup SomeUtilityClass.uidCounter = new AtomicLong(System.nanoTime()); // Later when a UID is needed for a new / legacy world long uid = SomeUtilityClass.uidCounter.incrementAndGet(); world.setUID(uid); // Or if a String UID will suffice: String uid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); world.setUID(uid);
2. The server sends the world UID as an additional field to the client in all Login, Respawn, and EntityTeleport packets.
Login, Respawn, and EntityTeleport packets would be larger by at least 64 bits (for a Long UID) and 36 bytes (for a String UUID.randomUUID() ) -
Kholdstare posted a message on The Other Adventure Update Part 1: Overhauling the TerrainPart 2Posted in: Suggestions
Most of us remember the Adventure Update (and if you don't, part of it was Beta 1.8 and the other was Release 1.0). The updates were supposed to give us reasons to explore, and images of 1.8 showed beautiful landscapes inhabited by villages and sinister dungeons filled with evil creatures and untold fortunes.
What we got was a predictable terrain generator that ended up killing most of the reasons to explore rather than giving us more reasons to explore, and a couple of dungeons that only had mediocre loot and only featured one new mob. The strongholds were clearly unfinished at the time, with the only good loot being the walls of the strongholds themselves; the rooms of the strongholds were usually quite similar (though better off than mineshafts) making every stronghold feel very similar and the unique mob was weak and easy to kill. The mineshafts were better off, but the mineshafts almost always looked the same, the loot was mediocre (except for melon seeds which were great at the time, but now that we can buy melons they're mediocre as well) and the unique mob is incredibly dangerous compared to the stronghold's mob, making them generally a waste of time to explore if you didn't already have melon seeds. Villages were nearly worthless when 1.8 was released and only gained value when a chest was added to the blacksmith and when villagers could trade with you. To top it off, the promised generator was not like the pictures that were shown, and was incredibly predictable. The seeds section that once showed unique and epic landscapes such as Glacier's mountains and 404's hidden cave now showed "epic mountains" consisting of an Extreme Hills (EH) biome and a bunch of loot and structures around the spawn.
I will not deny that the structures are interesting and that the biomes can produce cool formations. However, the biomes are always very similar to other biomes of another type (one forest is nearly identical to another forest) and every biome is flat except for EH and X-hills (the technical biomes that attempt to replace true height variation; the game refers to them as "foresthills" and "deserthills" and whatnot). The structures suffer from similar problems; jungle temples and forest temples always have the same traps, mineshafts have very little variation in the rooms, caves are always endless, and strongholds have only a couple of room types.
This thread aims to fix the predictability problems with the terrain. In the future, I will make a thread that fixes the problems with structures.
To try to appease everyone's tastes, there are a few worldtypes you can choose from (LargeBiomes is removed; you'll see why later).
Fantasy World
Where the biomes and terrain are (mostly) independent of each other.
To create the ideal world, the generator will go through a couple of steps in the beginning.
The Base World
Simply put, the generator generates a world similar to the 1.4.7 worlds; it generates a landscape consisting of 8 identical debug biomes (they are completely flat and are at the sea level) and an "ocean" biome that is similar to the current one, but slightly different; the ocean floor gently slopes downwards to an area roughly 50 blocks below the surface.
The world generates temperature and rainfall values, similar to the 1.7.3 worlds but using a slightly modified biome grid (yes, it is ugly as hell). Rather than just temperature and rainfall, there is soil quality (suggested by a supporter) which allows for a wider variety of biomes. Temperature, Rainfall, and SQ all have values ranging from 0 to 100 which are used for biome placement. Since I cannot make a 3D graph, you will have to make do with these five crappy graphs instead:
There are a couple of changes to the grid I have made (they are pretty obvious):
-Jungles generate at very high rainfall and temperature levels, replacing part of Rainforests on mediocre soil quality. On the higher soil qualities, jungles replace rainforests.
-Woods is removed and wildly changes based on the SQ. On low, it is a temperate steppe. On mediocre, it is a shrubland. Above that, it is a mixed forest.
-Deserts vary a lot, once again. On low, it is a wasteland. On mediocre, it is a badland. On medium and above, it is a sand desert.
-Forests are pretty constant for the most part, but on very high SQ they become redwood forests.
-Savannas on low SQ are tropical steppes instead.
-On low and mediocre SQs, tundras are ice deserts instead.
-Grass deserts are replaced by plains on medium, high, and very high SQs.
-On mediocre SQ and below, swamps become marshes.
-The rainier part of taigas are replaced with pine forests, unless the SQ is low (in which case it is just a taiga).
Because biomes were very small pre-1.8, the Temperature and Rainfall values now increase and decrease at two times the previous rate. Biomes will not spawn in the ocean.
Do not that the affects of soil quality (such as Sequoia rarity, or tree density) scale a little more smoothly than just based on the classification of the soil quality. For an example, a forest with a SQ of 25 will have a lower tree density than a forest with a SQ of 50, even though they are both classified as having a mediocre soil quality.
Despite what the graphs say, marshes, rainforests, and seasonal forests are capable of containing kapok trees (jungle trees) at any soil quality, but if the soil quality isn't very high the chance is very low (especially at the lower SQs). A similar thing occurs for pine forests (including taigas that fit in the same range), forests, and mixed forests (and shrublands/temperate steppes as well) with sequoias, though once again the chance is very rare outside of the highest soil qualities.
There are two technical biomes: River (and Frozenriver; both of which do not have an effect on the grass color) and Coast (which also does not affect the grass color. The Coast biome appears on the edge of the shoreline in the water as well as on the land. The length of the coast varies, ranging from 0 blocks to 100 and changing all along the coast. If there is 0 blocks on land, there will be 0 blocks in the water; if there are 100 on land, there will be 100 in the ocean and so on. Coasts will also take on a different name called "tropical coast" if the temperature there is over 66 (where a desert can form), which acts as if it were a different biome, and it will become a Frozen Coast at roughly 33 and under.
Oceans follow a similar formula; if the temperature is over 66, the ocean is a Tropical Ocean. If it is under 33, it will be a Frozen Ocean.
(To those who care: I am using the temperature biome system over the current one because it makes the transitions between biome to biome a lot smoother. To those who think there wasn't enough diversity between 1.7.3 biomes: don't worry, that will be changed.)
Grass, sand, and snow are generated. Beaches are generated as well, next to oceans; both sand, gravel, and dirt (aka no beach) will generate. Clay generates at and around oceans, in 1.7.3-style patches, but at a higher frequency.
Mountains are generated, similarly to 1.7.3, but only on non-Ocean biomes.
Mountains are more common in Jungles, Rainforests, Badlands, Taiga, and Tundra (but flatlands still exist).
Mountains are less common in Plains, Savannas, both of the Steppes and Swamps/Marshes. Mountains still exist there, though.
Additionally, in "coast" biomes, the terrain is smoothed out (including mountains, if they are present). This will create a flat coastal plain in areas with a big coast while keeping cliffs and overhangs along the edge of the ocean if the coast is small.
Biome Characteristics
The characteristics of the biomes generate; trees, tall grass, and whatnot. The characteristics of each biome are below.
This includes rivers and their generation. Rivers can have either a dirt bed or a gravel bed. Rivers generate at areas of high elevation as a block of water (similar to water flows/falls) and actually begin as a thin stream of source blocks embedded in the ground. They gradually get bigger, and form a bigger river if one river intersects with another. Rivers can split if a mountain gets in the way, and they can erode away a canyon if they spawn on high ground (of course, only during world creation).
To add more variation, a biome will not always have the same characteristics. There is a % chance of a certain characteristic occurring (e.g. 3 types of trees in that forest) and that specific biome will have that characteristic if it is chosen. I use jungles as an example for this, but overall it'll affect things mentioned there plus (at times) the density and rarity of the future flowers or possibly tree color.
Jungles are pretty similar to what they are now. However, the canopies of the big jungle trees (renamed "kapoks") are much larger and contain branches inside. Teak, mahogany, and ebony trees may also appear, replacing the small jungle trees. If there is only one tree type and it is chosen as Kapok, the small trees will remain Kapoks; otherwise, the small jungle trees take the form of the 2nd and 3rd tree types. If Kapoks do not exist, trees are an additional 3-5 blocks taller. The small shrubs are usually rarer and smaller (let's face it, those shrubs are annoying as heck). Ferns are usually common. There is a possibility of waterfront trees existing (these trees will grow in the water like swamp trees do now, but exclusively in water).
Possible Number of Tree Types: 3 (80% chance of 3, 15% chance of 2, 5% chance of 1)
Tree Type 1 Probability: 95% of the time it will be Kapok, 1.66% of the time it will be Teak, 1.66% of the time it will be Mahogany, 1.66% of the time it will be Ebony.
Tree Type 2 Probability: 5% of the time it will be Kapok, 31.66% of the time it will be Teak, 31.66% of the time it will be Mahogany, 31.66% of the time it will be Ebony.
Tree Type 3 Probability: Same as 2.
Waterfront Tree Probability: Only appears 33% of the time. 50% cypress, 45% mangrove, 5% willow.
Waterfront Tree Density:
Tree Density: 95% chance it will be regular, 5% chance there will be 3 less trees per chunk (favoring Tree Type 1). If there are 3 less trees per chunk, trees may grow 1-2 blocks taller than normal.
Tree Density Probability: 45% chance it will favor Tree Type 1, 45% chance it will be neutral, 5% chance it will favor Type 2&3. If it favors Tree Type 1, it will be 4-10 blocks taller if it is Kapok and 4-5 blocks taller if it isn't while the others are 1-2 blocks shorter. If it favors 2&3, they are 2-3 blocks taller.
Rainforests, as well as jungles, contain ocelots. This biome contains Ebony trees (black wood) as well as Teak trees (like oak, but more orange). The trees here are fairly tall, and range from 13 blocks in height to 17. Ferns are common.
This biome generates at a lower height than the rest of the biomes, to flood it partially. Mountains can generate here, though. Cypress wood is a light greenish color, and willow is dark green. Trees range from 12 to 15 blocks in height. Ferns are uncommon. In addition, in a swamp, sugarcanes can spawn and grow two blocks away from a water source due to all the water. Kapoks spawn here, though rarely (based on the SQ).
Marshes are similar to swamps, but without trees. Sugarcanes and tall grass spawn very frequently. Kapoks spawn here rarely based on the SQ.
Seasonal Forest:
Contains mahogany trees (these replace the current spruces, taking their logs and planks) and acacia trees (like oak, but slightly darker and glossier). Ferns are uncommon.
Relatively unchanged from vanilla (besides mountains), except the trees are taller. Contains oak and birch. The trees here are slightly larger than in Vanilla, with birches ranging from 11 to 14 blocks and oaks ranging from 10 to 13. Ferns are rare. Shrubs (see shrubland) are uncommon, and shrub leaves found here occasionally drop raspberries (1/12 chance). (Raspberry shrubs can be grown by planting a raspberry on tilled ground; it grows a melon-like plant which eventually turns in to a fence-like block that spawns raspberry leaves around it. Raspberries restore 1 hunger point.) Sequoias rarely spawn here, depending on the SQ.
Redwood Forest:
Identical to a forest, but some of the oak trees are replaced with sequoias (a giant pine similar to kapoks in size; their leaves decay at a distance of 10 blocks rather than the 4 of a regular tree due to the size of a sequoia)). Their wood is, of course, a deep red.
Pine Forest:
Spruces and Pines generate, but are otherwise identical to 1.8 taigas (without the forced height). Spruce wood is whitish, (the original spruce wood is changed to mahogany) and pines are like the new spruces but more yellowish. Spruces range from 8 blocks to 14 blocks high, and pines range from 7 blocks to 12 blocks high (pines technically already generate, but they generate as spruces; they are the tall ones with only a couple of leaves). Sequoias generate here, though rarely (the rarity depends on the SQ).
Savannas contain a widely varying density of acacia trees. Ferns are rare. There is lots of tall grass. Springs are more common here than any other biome. Acacia trees generate differently in here than any other biome, and have short trunks and wide canopies (when growing acacia trees elsewhere, they make two growth checks; they try to generate the wide Savanna variant first, and if it fails, it generates a taller, thinner variant instead). These trees are bigger and wider at higher SQs.
Tropical Steppe:
A largely flat area with rare mountains. Contains occasional "useless" bushes from shrublands as well as occasional tall grass.
Temperate Steppe:
A largely flat grassy area with nothing of interest besides the sheer amount of flatland.
Plains contain a widely varying density of oak trees, but usually there are only a few scattered ones. These oaks are the same height as vanilla oaks. There is lots of tall grass. Shrubs are rare, and the ones that appear drop blackberries (1/10 chance; to grow a blackberry bush, till some dirt and plant a blackberry, which grows a melon-like stalk that eventually turns in to a fence-like block. This block spawns blackberry leaves alongside it periodically. Blackberries restore 1 hunger point.)
Lots of small "shrubs" are found here, alongside a varying density of oaks. Both blackberry and raspberry shrubs spawn here, as well as a "useless" shrub that has a different texture than blackberry and raspberry bushes; these drop sticks.
A Pine Forest with snow.
Ice Desert:
A snowy, barren, lifeless landscape. There is nothing but sand and snow for miles.
A snowy, barren landscape. The useless shrubs from shrublands spawn here, though rarely.
A large expanse of gravel. Nothing grows here, not even cacti.
The normal sand layer of deserts is replaced with sandstone. Of course, cacti cannot grow in sandstone.
Sand Desert:
A sandy expanse of dead bushes and cacti.
A wet area in the middle of a desert with grass and palms.
Grass Desert:
Like a desert, but with grass. The unused dead bush tall grass spawns here (the one that drops seeds), and oaks spawn here (though rarely).
Frozen Coasts:
Identical to a tundra combined with the biome the coast is on.
Temperate Coasts:
Identical to a shrubland (with fewer shrubs) combined with the biome the coast is on.
Tropical Coasts:
Identical to a tropical steppe (with palm trees as well, which has a dark brown color, though not as rich as the color of mahogany) combined with whatever biome the coast is on.
Ores & Caves
Ores and caves generate. Emerald ore spawns underneath mountains, regardless of biome.
Springs also spawn (at a heavily reduced rate) as well as the blocks of water and lava that form waterfalls and lava flows.
Cave generation is the same as in 1.7.3. There will no longer be caves everywhere you go (the density will vary).
Structures generate.
-Biome-respective temples generate in their biomes (more on those in a later thread; the current temples fall under this and receive an overhaul).
- Villages prefer to spawn in tropical and temperate coasts, forests, pine forests, plains, and savannas. They are not found often in deserts, tundras, swamps, jungles, and rain forests. They receive a somewhat unique look based on the biome (more on that in a later thread).
-The current strongholds are given an overhaul, and spawn in a ring like they do now. A second ring spawns another 1000 blocks away, containing six strongholds rather than 3. There is another 2000 blocks from the first, containing 9 strongholds. The trend continues. (As a side note, each End Portal leads to a completely separate End dimension, allowing for you to fight the Enderdragon multiple times... but for each time you kill him, he gets stronger. More on that in a later thread.)
-Abandoned mineshafts follow the same spawning method as villages.
And then the world is fully generated (say something if I left something out).
Where the terrain forms the biomes.
The realistic terrain generator aims to create a realistic world. For those who like realism.
Do note that the last 8 layers (besides Layer 1 which is still bedrock) are replaced with a layer of lava.
Like the Fantasy generator, this generator also goes through a step-by-step process.
Tectonic Plates Placement
Since tectonic plates are the foundation of real-world terrain, naturally this step would come first.
This basically generates several large (roughly the size of a 1.8 continent) biome-shaped areas. These are the tectonic plates of the world.
Tectonic Plates Simulation
The tectonic plates will all move in random directions and form realistic continents, mountain ranges, sea floors, et cetera. This will form the world's oceans and continents. Any area that contains water is now an ocean biome.
Yes, caves will form right here and now. Rather than the 1.7.3 cave generator, a Realistic generator cave will immediately form a small central area, usually flooded with lava or water. These will branch out with tunnels that gradually grow smaller. There are a couple of tunnels by default, and when a cave generates it will roll several random dice rolls (or numbers) to determine whether it gets slightly bigger (the main cavern and existing branches will be bigger and longer when it actually generates and it adds a few extra branches to the caves). This will create caverns and caves of various sizes. Due to the nature of how these caves will generate, the bigger ones will be rarer.
If a cavern intersects with ocean water, it will not generate. This is only for the cavern; the caves can intersect just fine.
(For future reference: I refer to the large center area as a cavern. The branches are caves and are NOT caverns.)
Soil Quality
Soil quality now partially generates. It tends to create high soil quality in flat areas, and low soil quality in mountainous areas.
Volcanic Activity
Yes! In the Realistic generator, you will get volcanoes. Because volcanoes are awesome, and they form awesome islands, and there's lava, and lava is awesome.
First, volcanoes will form occasionally on plate boundaries, over lava-filled caverns (if there is no plate boundary over the lava-filled cavern, it will not generate). When they do (it isn't guaranteed), they form a "magma pipe", a pipe of obsidian reaching from the surface to the lava cavern. It will overwrite other cave(rn)s and whatnot.
Tall, steep volcanoes known as "composite volcanoes" will form if they spawn over a particularly large cavern that is flooded with lava. These volcanoes are so tall that they stretch over Y=128.
A crater-like depression in the ground is another volcano that can form and is known as a caldera. This will occur if the magma pipe from the cavern (it doesn't need to be as big as the one for a composite volcano) intersects with another cavern, either dry or filled with water.
A shield volcano will form where a composite volcano can form, but only when the lava cavern intersects with Layer 8 or below where the magma sea is. It is essentially a very wide composite volcano with a smoother slope that doesn't generate above layer 128.
A cinder volcano can form if a composite volcano cannot. It is essentially a smaller version of a composite volcano.
In addition, "hot spots" will occur (a large-scale "noise" similar to temperature or rainfall in the Fantasy generator). If the noise value is sufficiently high enough, cinder volcanoes can generate there.
Volcanoes of every sort increase the soil quality of the surrounding land.
Poles and Equators
This is where equators and poles and whatnot are generated. By default, the poles and equators are 50k blocks apart (there are multiple), though you can configure the distance as a terrain slider. This sets a basic definition of temperature. (Biomes still follow the same placement as before, but the temperature and somesuch is defined by the poles.)
Atolls/Sea Classification
Yep, those things. They generate in shallow areas in the tropical seas.
Also, at this point, any sea with a temperature above 66 is classified as a tropical ocean. 66-33 is a temperate ocean, and 33-0 is a polar ocean.
Ocean Currents
Basically, imagine if oceans had rivers. These "rivers" move around continents and somesuch if they pass, but otherwise they flow freely. They all form a loop (because they're currents). Later on, these will influence the temperature of an area, but they do nothing yet. These currents are not visible, by the way, they are only a technical thing.
Rain-Shadow Effect and Air Masses
Air masses are simulated. Air mass "origins" are placed in tropic and polar areas, and move towards polar and tropic areas respectively. If these simulated air masses hit another air mass, they change paths and form around eachother; when this occurs, the rainfall around the point of collision will increase. If no collisions occur in an area, the rainfall will generally be low.
If an air mass hits a mountain, it will move around the mountain and increase the rainfall around the area of impact. There will be a dead zone on the other side, which will decrease the rainfall there.
An air mass will take in to account where it formed. If it formed in an ocean, it raises the rainfall of the areas it passes through and increases rainfall more in collisions.
Erosion and Rivers
Now that we've got rainfall, we can generate erosion and, more importantly, rivers. Areas with more rainfall will erode the soil away and make the terrain a little smoother (though you will never encounter this erosion in actual gameplay). In addition, if this simulated rainfall collects enough in one area, it will form the start of a river. From there, it creates... well, a river. These rivers behave pretty similarly to the Fantasy rivers, though these will follow the easiest path of flow.
Coastal and Ocean Current Temperature Calculations
Remember those ocean currents? Yeah, they influence temperature. These currents will significantly increase the temperature and rainfall of the surrounding area. In addition, oceans will also slightly increase rainfall and temperature in the surrounding area.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Glacier "spawns" will generate in mountains and polar regions. The "spawn" will move (like the airmass simulation) until it travels a great enough distance and melts. The areas it was in will have a lower height. If the spawn is in a polar ocean, it will just generate an iceberg there instead.
Yep, finally.
And that's it! One earthlike world, just for you. Though perhaps it could use more biomes.
Where the biomes form the terrain.
The repetitive/predictable generator is the same as the current one, but with more biomes added (rainforest, overhauled swamp, pine forest, seasonal forest, savanna, shrubland, and grass desert). For those who prefer the current generator, and for Creative builds that want to use sliders to customize their world. (It would probably act more like the BWG generator, since that has better underwater bedding.)
Compatibility is the current worldgenerator, and it cannot be accessed normally. Old worlds default to this generator. When you open it, you have an option to switch to one of the other worldtypes, or to stick with Compatibility (you can change it later in the options menu).
Terrain Sliders
There will be terrain sliders... or at least, a form of it. The three main world generators will have different options for customization. Since I favor variation over sliders, I won't go that in-depth with it.
For the Fantasy world generator, all you can customize is the biome size. You can either increase the biome size up to 16 times the normal amount, or decrease it to up to 1/16th of the normal amount. (It's less restrictive than large biomes.)
You can modify some more things for the Realistic world generator. You can modify the size of the tectonic plates, the frequency of glaciers, the distance between the poles (or equators), how much of an impact the rain-shadow effect has on rainfall, and how much of an impact oceans (and currents) have on the temperature.
Any variable that is kept constant can be altered in the Repetitive world generator. The main intention of sliders is to give you the world you want, anyway, and chances are you don't want thesillything known as "variation" to get in the way of that.
These are some of the suggestions from viewers that I liked:
Quote from danix111
It just hit me. Why should we restrict ourselves to old, noise-based temperature system when we can use layers?
What I thought of was having a layer that generates values from 0 to 100, and then gets stretched using fractal zoom. Several instances could generate temperature, rainfall and drainage.
This would have two advantages:
- Pseudo-random number generator employed by layers gives uniformly distributed numbers, meaning it would be possible to come across all biomes with equal chance, like now (well... except Ice Plains, they look more technical).
- It gives large biomes while retaining proper placement, with no need for tinkering with values too much.
Credits to EyeOfTheDaev for the idea of soil quality.
Badprenup posted a message on Snowy Upgrade! - Let's make Snow cool!As we all know, Snow comes in three forms. We have the Thin Snow, a Snowball, and the Snow Block. But what some of you do not know, is that there are actually 6 more forms of Snow that already exist in the game. On a related note, you might not have known that the Thin Snow and the Snow Block could easily be the same block, but currently are not. My suggestion is to change that, as well as a few other things about snow. Some of these ideas you may have seen before, but I did search and didn't find anything.Posted in: Suggestions
(Note: These ideas pertain to improving a single Block, so this would not be wishlisting)
Making the Thin Snow and Snow One Block(Edited)
Change Snowfall Mechanics(Edited)
This picture is taken from a vanilla game (via the Minecraft Wiki):
As you can see, there are actually 8 different states that the Thin Snow can inhabit, including one nearly identical to the Snow Block. However, only the smallest state is obtainable without hacking or modding the game. This image is as I said, Vanilla code. But the blocks were hacked in with a 3rd party editor. My question is: Why?
Why can't we see all these in the game? They work just fine. The first three do not have a hitbox, and the last 5 have the hitbox of a slab. So why not make so we can obtain any of these?
Give us these other blocks. Besides changing the code, it shouldn't affect the game in any negative way. The only possible thing it could do that people would not like is make snow seem less blocky (more on that later). Here is how I would do it:
1. Change the Crafting Recipe for Snow Blocks
First things first, this would change. The current Snow Block would be removed (freeing up a Block ID) and it would be replaced with the "Thin Snow" block, but with a Data Value of 7, so it would look and act just like the current Snow Block. It would become a shapeless recipe that costs 8 Snowballs to make, one for each layer. So it would cost more, and you couldn't make it with a 2x2 crafting grid (you actually can, keep reading). But the rest of this would totally make up for it.
2. Make so you can craft any of the 8 Snow Blocks
Okay, so you have a more expensive Snow Block, yippee. But what if we could make any of those snow layers. How? Simple. The same shapeless recipe, but the number of Snowballs determines the thickness. So a single Snowball would make it a Snow Block with one Layer, 2 Snowballs would make it 2 layers thick, etc. The max you could do is 8, which makes the Snow Block above. This could lead to some awesome structures and cool buildings with many layers of Snow. It also gives us a Snow Slab. And all of this happens with a single Block ID! Yay!
EDIT: For those who understand images better than words (I have a tendency to over complicate things when I talk), here is a quick picture explaining the crafting cost, Block ID, and what they dropped when dug up with a shovel:
3. Allow the combining of Snow Blocks with different thicknesses
So remember where I said you could still make the full Snow Block with a 2x2 crafting grid? Here is how you can. If we can place Snow Blocks with different thicknesses on each other to combine them, it would be awesome and possible. For example: You wanted the Full Snow Block with a 2x2? Just make two Snow Slabs (Recipe is 4 Snowballs and is shapeless). Then you place one and then place the other on top, the same as you do with any Slabs we already have. But you can do more!
With this, you could combine ANY two Snow Blocks. And they would just add like you would expect. Place a Thickness 3 Snow Block on a Thickness 2 Snow Block and it becomes a Thickness 5 Snow Block. Two Thickness 1 Snow Blocks becomes a Thickness 2 Snow Block. And so on. But this is where we reach an impasse: What happens if you combine two that would add up to more than 8? Like combining two Thickness 5 Snow Blocks?
There are three options. The first option is that it makes a Thickness 8 Snow Block, and the rest is wasted. The second option is that it makes the Thickness 8 Snow Block, then makes a Thickness X Snow Block (where X is the remaining Snow, in this case, a Thickness 2 Snow Block) on top of it, if possible. If there is a Block above it already, the rest is wasted. The final option is that if you do that, the remaining snow gets added to your inventory (in this case you would get a Thickness 2 Snow Block) or dropped if your inventory is full. I want to hear what you guys think on this.
4. Change it so Snowballs dropped is based on Thickness (and gives Silk Touch more use)
But is it worth it? I mean, Snow only goes on one layer thick naturally (unless... read on) so full Snow Blocks would cost twice as much Snowballs. And most people are only going to use the Slabs or Snow Blocks right? Well for starters, what if you get a full return on your snow if you use a Shovel to dig up some Snow? For each layer thick the Snow is, you get one more Snowball. And coupled with another idea (trust me, getting there) it wouldn't be too hard to get lots of Snow fast. Also, these all have the same mining speed, so it isn't costing too much time.
As for Silk Touch, how about using a Shovel with it gives the Snow Block of whatever thickness back in Block form? Anyone working with Snow would want this Enchantment, if at the very least to save them some crafting time.
5. Small change to the new Snow Block
As I said above, the max thickness Snow Block acts like a Slab as far as the hitbox (for walking, not mining) is concerned. This would need to be changed to a full block. Already possible, as it changes from none to Slab in the current implementation.
1. It makes sense. At least to me it does. Plus one less Block ID used.
2. It gives us more to play with as far as Snow.
3. It would make Snow Biomes more interesting and harder to traverse (keep reading).
4. More compact Snowball storage as blocks (2 times as much!).
5. Less wasted code. Why keep it in if we can't use it?
6. Got more? Tell me.
Reasoning Against
1. Would definitely take away that Blocky Feeling in Snow Biomes or wherever Snow is being used. But this is ONE block that is largely aesthetic anyways. Plus with that other idea I keep teasing you with it would actually make Snow Biomes look pretty damn cool, at least in my opinion.
2. Probably not a priority. But then again, not too much work to add anyways. As I said, most of this code is already there, it just can't be accessed.
3. Got a complaint? Tell me.
(This is about the other idea I mentioned several times)
With the change I proposed, Snow Blocks would be more expensive. But what if more Snow simply fell? What if, in a Snow Biome, Snow behaved differently? First off, it would be able to generate anywhere it has a direct line to the sky. But not just a direct line, it can also generate under any number of transparent blocks, such as Leaves (which are treated as transparent by certain parts of the game, even on Fast Graphics) or other Snow Blocks (excluding the Snow Slab or full Snow Block). That would allow some much better looking Snow, actually allowing it to generate under leaves of Trees. It also wouldn't screw with any existing contraptions, at least to my knowledge. If you have examples, let me know.
The other change to these mechanics would be Snowfall leading to buildups of snow. Meaning, that snow would randomly build up to different levels over time. The opposite is true with Snow melting. This has quite a few stipulations and drawbacks that we will get into next.
1.a. Snow Generating under leaves or other partial Snow Blocks (not Slabs or Full Blocks)
This would allow for snow to evenly coat a Taiga Biome, instead of the ugly patches of grass under trees. It would also allow the different layers of leaves on a tree to be covered. Basically it treats leaves like Air. Finally a Winter Wonderland! There is one problem though which is addressed next:
1.b. Snow needs to have a certain list of items that is considered "Blocking" it from the sky. That list would need to include... Just about everything except Leaves I think. Obviously it wouldn't be able to go through Slabs or Glass. And I can't think of any others. So maybe it just needs to consider Leaves and the first couple thicknesses of Snow (before Slabs) as Air, and any other blocks would be blocking. Huh. That sounds possible.
2.a. Snow would be able to build up during snowfall. It would land on any block within the Biome that is exposed to the sky, as well as underneath the things listed in 1.b.. This would give us natural variation in Snow, and would change a lot about how we move and act in a Snow Biome. However, it might actually be easier to move through these biomes, if not slightly bumpy. Because the Snow has three hitbox types (None, Slab, and Full), after some buildup you would probably be running into a lot of places where it changes back and forth between the three states very often. It might get annoying and inhibit Sprinting in some places but people have been complaining that the game is kind of easy right? Maybe some difficulty moving strategically through Snow would make things more challenging.
Also, when it isn't snowing, snow that is above the lowest level will melt over time to level one (unless it was placed by the player).
Just for clarification at unitedsquadron3's request, Snow would still be able to land on Leaves. Just when it is checking an area to see if it can add snow, it considers any Leaves or Snow thinner than a Snow Slab as Air. So in actuality, more Leaf blocks in Ice Plains and Taiga Biomes would get snowed on.
2.b. Here is the first problem. Wouldn't so much snow build up eventually, that it encased the entire Biome in Snow? Heck no! The easy fix for this is not allowing Snow to build up onto a full Snow Block, so the maximum the entire Biome could get is one block taller. Or you could just make so Snow will only generate on Snow through Snowfall UP TO 3 layers thick. Meaning a Slab of Snow or more would NEVER generate on a full Block of Snow. That would allow a bit of variation visually.
2.c. The second problem: Wouldn't this mess up Snow based creations in these Biomes? It would sadly. However, the game can detect if a block is placed by a player. We see that with player placed Leaves not decaying. However, it uses the Data Value system that we would need for this whole idea to be possible (it uses 4 values for not decaying versions of the leaves and 4 for decaying versions). So naturally, we are at another impasse. How to make the system detect player placed blocks?
The easiest method in my mind is to use that free Block ID that we got by getting rid of the Snow Block. It means we don't actually gain a Block ID, but you would be able to use one Block ID for Player Placed Snow and the other for Natural Snow. If you have an alternative, I'm all ears.
EDIT: Actually, thanks to jpmrocks, we have a solution that doesn't use the Block ID we freed up in the first idea. When I saw that the Thin Snow used 8 Data Values (0-7, as I have said), for some reason I just stuck with thinking it only had 8 possible values. But it actually has 16! Meaning that we can use values 0-7 for Natural Snow, and values 8-15 for Player Made Snow. That way we have a free Block ID after all!
2.d. What about melting? I have an answer for this actually, using that second Block ID from 2.c.. If the game knows one Block is natural and the other is Player Placed, then the Player Placed Snow could be immune to melting via light! You could make igloos and Snow huts without having to choose between mobs and melting (FINALLY). So this would work fine with the fix I recommend above, but if you guys have an alternative I'm all ears.
EDIT: With the alternative method I was reminded of by jpmrocks, melting can still work easily. If we put both natural and player generated Snow into one Block ID, the melting mechanics can simply only be applied to the data values that represent Natural Snow.
Also, How does the snow melt? The same way it does now. Except instead of it all melting at once, when the game tells a Snow Block to melt, it simply removes the top layer of Snow, and this repeats until the light source is removed or there is no snow left. So Snow would take longer to melt, depending on how built up it is.
1. It would look pretty neat.
2. Fixes the increased cost of Snow Blocks, provided you have some Snow fall.
3. Makes it harder to traverse through Snow strategically (yay game challenge!).
4. Shouldn't be too laggy, if at all. It's already rendering blocks there and they aren't textures you can see through like leaves.
5. Friggen non-melting igloos! Yes!
6. Once again, if you have one, tell me.
Reasoning Against
1. One man's cool look is another's eyesore. Would remove some of the blockyness in those biomes and buildings
2. EDIT: With jpmrocks' reminder, we CAN free up the Block ID currently being used by the Snow Block! Snow Stairs anyone?
3. Potential lag. I'm not an expert on this stuff so I would need to see tests of it to know for sure. Maybe a mod maker can swing by?
4. Once again, I need your input.
What do you think guys? I want as much input as possible, which means I should not have posted this at 2 AM my time. But screw it, go!
Supporters (100% Support, 35/35)
This supporter list is only in regards to my original ideas. Any ideas added by others (see below) do not apply to this list, as some support was voiced before ideas were given.
Badprenup (I would hope so, it is my suggestion)
Godzilla200088 (confused on some wording, will add to OP to make it clear)
Related Ideas (Posted in this thread)
Because of a very interesting idea posed by ErasoGnome, I decided to add this section. Basically, if anyone posts an additional change to snow or a tweak on my ideas, it will go here. If you posted one in this thread and it is not here, give me a link via PM.
1. Snow Restricting Movement (by ErasoGnome)
Quote from ErasmoGnome
I like this. Maybe snow with more than three "layers" should have a minor slowing effect as you walk through it? Not a significant amount, maybe half that of soulsand, and you would sink in a bit as well. I just think that wouldn't be too game-effecting, add more detail to snow, and possibly free up another block for defensive purposes, which is always nice.
Although lumpy snow already inhibits sprinting, so it isn't totally necessary.
I personally think it is interesting, although snow with three layers with the current game code would be a Snow Slab. I'm not sure if this would be changed so that it isn't a Slab anymore, but I have a possible solution.
Instead of it being anything thicker than 3 layers why not have it be on layers 2-3 and layers 6-7? So you would be able to walk fine on Snow that is 1 thick, but the next two levels slows you down. Once you get to the Snow Slab, you can walk just fine on the Snow Slab or the Snow Slab with one more layer on it. But then if the Slab gets any more snow on it it slows you down until it is 8 thick (aka full Snow Block).
Unless you just meant that anything that is a Snow Slab or thicker slows you down and the collision does not change, which I also like.
Either way, I like the concept, but I think it would be better if kept as a Gamerule that is off by default, something like /gamerule slowingSnow <true/false>. As you said, this would make Snow harder to deal with, but the random variation would make running in Snow difficult anyways.
Go ahead and give responses guys!
Support Banner
Like the idea? We now have a banner for signatures. I think I'm getting the hang of this banner making thing too. Props to unitedsquadron3 for the original idea.
tastybunns posted a message on [original]~Ender Blocks~[Pictures]|[Poll]Notice: I will be updating the textures soon so if there is any impurities with the pictures right now please pm me now. here is an example of one of the statements i have been getting a lot:Posted in: Suggestions
Q: (Actually more of a statement): The Smooth End stone looks too rough.
A: I get it. I've been told multiple times that it looks too rough to be smooth. I'm not an artist.
But don't worry, Ill get to it in a couple of days working on better textures and better pictures.
Forum Rules-- No arguments
- No Links
- Dont go off topic
- Never take my post for yourself
- (In this case ask me first if one is going to use this)
- Everyone is allowed
- Follow rules
- Respect me and Innocent bystanders
If anything End Stone is useless, i mean really. i don't have anything against it i just want to try to make a textured block made out of End Stone because it isn't really used for decoration or a purpose. What do you see anything useful in endstone? absolutely nothing...
so here are a few blocks made out of enderstone
Smelting End Stone will result in Smooth End Stone.And crafting them like Stone Bricks to make 4 Ender Brick.
You can also craft Ender Stone Brick Steps and Slabs (The same way)
Add 2 Nether Brick and 2 Ender Brick diagnal from eachother to create a dark/light
Tile Block
Here are some examples of what they would look like:
Pictures:Finally a use for Ender Stone...Thank you for your help and support if any and i hope this gets through to be a popular block to use.//imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#2" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#2" align="http://imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#2" class="cs_aimg_http://imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#2">//imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#4" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#4" align="http://imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#4" class="cs_aimg_http://imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#4">//imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#1" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#1" align="http://imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#1" class="cs_aimg_http://imgur.com/8Ja...izMaNG#1">//imgur.com/rVNX8Ko" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://imgur.com/rVNX8Ko" align="http://imgur.com/rVNX8Ko" class="cs_aimg_http://imgur.com/rVNX8Ko">
cheesy-crackersfor the BannerDownload here: http://www.mediafire...nature Here is a list for all of my first 50 supporters.
If anyone takes any of my ideas or project them as yours, well your wrong.if you shall take these ideas and improve of them,please, please, pleasedo not make another topic following this one.Pm me to ask me for extras that i may put in this topic to help me out.Until then tastybunns will be extremely happy that nobody has copied his main topic.If that happens anyways i will try to contact a forum admin and lock your topic.
Updated on December 8th 2013
Thanks for the support and reputation, don't stop digging!
want to make this a reality?Show your friends and keep this topic alive and widespread.Someone could even make it a mod if they wanted to.But if that is so ask me for permission first before you go on making something that goes to waste
(Thanks for the reputation guys, i love you all and thank you for my first popular tag)[represent] -
Clarification posted a message on Health ThingI got an idea. Ever wondered another person's health while fighting other players? Well, maybe you canPosted in: Suggestions
check how much you damaged them with a item called the health (Please suggest stuff to go in here and then craft it, take a screen shot and crop it to the crafting grid then post. I want a watch for it. ) .
When in hotbar, you see other people's health bars hovering above their heads for a range of 30 blocks.
Crafting Recipes:
[represent] -
Katashan posted a message on Why coloured light is REALLY on the cardsThis is very interesting. Now I can't wait to see what minecraft wiki will first put in their 1.8 section.Posted in: Future Updates -
GerbilCrab475 posted a message on Make cave spiders spawn in caves and silverfish stone in all biomesCave SpidersPosted in: Suggestions
As many of us know, the cave spider does not naturally spawn. They only come from monster spawners that are in abandoned mineshafts. Hence the nickname I have given them: Abandoned Mineshaft Monster Spawner Spider (AMMS Spider). After all, they are cave spiders, so it would make sense if they spawned in caves right?
Basically I'm just suggesting that cave spiders should spawn in the deeper layers of the underground areas of Minecraft. They would spawn on easy, normal and hard difficulties. Don't worry people who play on easy, cave spiders are actually easier than normal spiders on easy mode, as they don't poison you on easy mode! The people that should really worry are the ones who play on hard mode, as their poison lasts much longer on hard mode.
Cave spiders would be a rare spawn, they usually spawn with other normal spiders like in the picture below. You should always be on your toes when you hear a spider, it could in fact be a cave spider.
In 1.4, stone monster eggs (silverfish stone) started to generate in underground areas. That is: underground areas only in the extremehumpshills biome. Silverfish stone should generate everywhere underground. After all, a surprise isn't a surprise when you know it will come.
In addition, silverfish stone will break exactly at the speed of stone on hard difficulty, so you won't see it coming on hard mode.
"Hit me, I'll only call my friends!"
Do you think that theAMMSCave Spider andExtreme Humps BugSilverfish should have more significant roles in the game? Then put this banner in your signature. Because they want to kill you just as much as the others do.
flaminghawk83 posted a message on Why Has No One Thought of This Anti-Griefing Gamerule?Why hasn't anyone thought of this? Though I don't believe that there is anything that we can't do about griefing in the long run, I still think that a lot of people want this. People complain a lot because griefers get TNT, and blow up stuff. Now, in a battle server where you can't destroy stuff anyway, this isn't a problem. But in survival servers, it can be a big problem. So, here it is.Posted in: Suggestions
/gamerule doTntGriefing
We already have a gamerule to make Mobs not grief, why not TNT? When this is set to "true", TNT can destroy stuff. But when set to "false", it can't. It is simple, and very useful.
That's it! I hope you liked it. Please view my other suggestions, and give me feedback. Thanks for reading! - To post a comment, please login.
This isn't a wishlist as they all are rare events that only aesthetically affect game play. If this is still a wishlist, please indicate why.
There are many rare events, none of them really game-affecting. They are simply aesthetic rare events that have a extremely low chance of happening. There is different levels to how rare something is. Common is once a Minecraft week. Uncommon is once every Minecraft month. Rare is every Minecraft year. Extremely rare is every Minecraft decade.
Any rare events that take place in the sky can be seen anywhere you can see the sky. Others depend on whether you can see the area where it takes place. Each event lasts one Minecraft day. To prove having seen a rare event, there is a list of Minecraft rare events that have been seen by the player in the statistics.
Shooting Star: A Dazzling light trail goes through the sky as you watch in awe of it's beauty. Comes in yellow and blue varieties.Comm
on appearance. Increases light level to 5.
Credit goes to whoever made this picture as I have no idea whom.
Ore shine: Occasionally a single ore will sparkle a bit, being a bit noticeable then others. It would be look like a very bright ore. This never happens on coal. Uncommon appearance.
Mist: In the forest, tundra and taiga biomes, a mist will come around and lower visibility, but by very little. Uncommon appearance.
Mist will be lighter than this. This is only for now.
Cloud shape: A cloud will appear occasionally in a random shape. Those objects would be Minecraft themed. Extremely rare appearance
Nether Blaze: You might stumble upon a odd ring of fire in the Nether, there is a chance a blaze will spawn in the center. Comes in Small, Medium, and large varieties. Uncommon appearance.
Meteor Crash: You might find a smooth stone hill half-buried in smoldering ground. It is per-generated in the ground. A random assortment of ores may be found in the meteor with Iron being the most common and diamond being the rarest. Nether quartz does not appear in meteors. This is the only rare event that once generated, it is always there. Rare appearance.
Credit to:PureDarkness
Credit goe to: DestructionMaker
Blue moon: Simply the moon, but blue. Uncommon appearance.
Leaf fall: In the forest and jungle biomes, you might find a group of falling leaves. Common appearance.
If you look closely where the big tree to the left's upper leaves are you can see the particles. Leaf fall would be a larger and more leaf-like version of that.
Aurora borealis: In the taiga and tundra biomes, you might see a dazzling array of lights in the sky. Increases the light level to 6. Uncommon appearance.
mod made by Mr.Rube
directed to me by UnileggerDripper222
Close lightning:
A single better looking lightning bolt strikes within 60 blocks of the player. Rarity: common.
Inspired by Gerbilcrap475.
Plain and Savannah winds:
A deep but short gust, blows all tall grass in the biome. Comes with a gust sound. Rarity uncommon.
Rustles of the dark.:
Roofed forest, forest, and mega taiga biomes have a chance of having spooky rustling leaves behind the player.
Mesa Sunrise/sunset:
Bryce and mesa biomes have a brilliant sunrise/set . Perhaps the most beautiful sunrise/set possible could be found in this rare biome. Rarity: Rare.
Think this for Minecraft.
Photographer: Unknown
More to come when my creativity returns! Please post your criticism.
Please help by posting better pics!
Credit will go to whom brings them.
Support list:
First time I've laughed out loud in a while.