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    posted a message on Is anyone else bothered by the ridiculous number of cave spawns?
    Personally I love the way caves are. The second you think you have mined everything out of a cave you will break a block revealing a whole new area to mine! So fun. :)

    Personally I never enjoyed strip mining or branch mining. It was always so boring and well boring. Either way it seems like most people complain because they feel forced to explore and mine them. You could show a bit of self restraint and just either wall it off or continue on as if it wasn't there.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Has anybody found any secret enchantments in dungeons yet?
    There was a thread on here with the seed and coordinates to a skeleton spawner with a Fortune 2 book. Now not exactly sure if that counts as 'hidden' enchantments or not or whatever.

    Oh heres the thread.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Strange items in the 12w50a "items" folder.
    Sorta disappointed that the present chest thing is just a texture change for Christmas time.

    Though I hope the Skis become a full time item of sorts that have a use. I can just see myself in a Ice Mountains biome sking down the mountains. :D

    Though how that would work I am unsure. Still would be cool. Might even make me want to spend time in some of the snow biomes(not a big fan)
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Creeper Holes drive me insane
    Same and the worst part is I decide to fill them up immediately after they blow up. Which means I grab my dirt and begin filling the hole in and then...

    Well where there is 1 creeper there is always another. I have died so many times trying to fill in these stupid holes.

    Though I suppose for the most part I actually just cover them up and don't entirely fill them in. Sometimes I place a torch or two under there.(I'd hate to have zombies moaning in my yard during the day.)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What Is the command block and whats is adventure mode
    Quote from Phycozz

    So, if you were to start a survival map with a starter chest, you could get wood and mine if you get the right tools..? Adventure mode beat the Wither challenge, anyone? :3

    Thats exactly right. Though I think you could wait until night and hope a creeper blows up a tree and not destroy the wood. You know to make things extra challenging or maybe just tedious.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on What Is the command block and whats is adventure mode
    Actually in Adventure mode you CAN break and place blocks. At least I can. The thing is you need to have the right tool in order to break a block. So if you want to dig some dirt you need a shovel.

    Adventure mode pretty much makes Axes one of the most valuable items in game.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Goodbye Minecraft..
    Quote from Bumber

    Don't forget the armor system change. And massive cave systems doing all the mining for you.

    If you don't mind being one hit away from death most of the time on normal.

    Thats where the healing potions come in. I did mention they were key right? Hmm... sometimes I revise my posts and lose track of changes.

    Back before hunger you relied on porkchops and bread and whatever else food there was then to heal. As long as you can't starve to death once you have the capability to brew healing potions you can skip over hunger altogether on Normal. This would also effectively roll back the stacking of food because you can't stack potions.

    Healing potions would be the new porkchops. Preferably splash so you can bypass the whole animation.

    It's rather amazing that people complain about hunger when Mojang has made it extremely easy to ignore it altogether... at least once you get netherwart and a brewing stand... and melons. I forgot about the whole melons part... and gold I guess.

    Actually this would make the game even harder... challenging... maybe just too frustrating.

    But yeah. Once you can produce healing potions you can say good bye to hunger on Normal and Easy because it be the exact same idea as it was before hunger. Only you know not as easy as plunking down a torch on grass. :P
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Goodbye Minecraft..
    Quote from Bumber

    Food stacking.

    This is going to sound really dumb but... you don't actually need to stack them. Actually I wonder what it be like to play minecraft if you couldn't stack items(except maybe torchs)


    I hear people complain about enchanting and potions and that sort of stuff. I actually agree. I haven't actually done much brewing... but I do think enchanting can make the game really easy. Which is why I don't do much enchanting. I will get some good enchantments if I need to clear something out... like a 3x3 tunnel between bases or for whatever reason.

    But if enchanting and potions do make the game easier then why not just stop using them?

    Other then Hunger and Breeding nothing has changed fundamentally about Minecraft. Oh ok... and the terrain gen.

    Everything else has more or less remained the same gameplay wise. Minecraft seems to be a game where you can make it really easy or you can make it as hard as you want. If you think you are to powerful with your enchanted diamond armor and weapons... then don't use them?

    People keep bringing up this idea that Minecraft has somehow dramatically changed. The way I see things is that there are just more options to make the game easier.

    I am really sick of people blaming enchanting and everything else for making Minecraft easy. Sure it's true to an extent. but I'd also blame Minecraft becoming easier on the player themselves.

    Nothing critical has changed... except maybe hunger and breeding.

    But hey! Once you have the ability to brew healing potions you can sorta go back to the old system. :D

    Until you starve to death. Wait can you only starve to death on Hard? Otherwise on Normal and Easy you could literally play as if Hunger wasn't there. Of course then you couldn't sprint.

    But yeah. I'm done ranting.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Snapshot Halloween decorating.
    Quote from Voyager_John

    Why would anyone need that much TNT?!

    Need? Who cares.

    The point is... you can never have to much TNT. That and if you know how to place TNT you can clear out a nice large area with little work.

    Actually since I have taken up the habbit of tunneling between my bases... that much TNT would be AMAZING to have. Easy tunneling at it's finest. Too bad I am just to lazy to kill that many creepers and I don't like building mob traps.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Have Diamonds Lost Their Excitement?
    Heres a tip. Don't use Fortune enchantments on Diamonds? Just yesterday I found 10 diamonds in a cave and I was jumping for joy. I still get excited when I find diamonds because they are awesome.

    So throw away that fortune pick and mine diamonds like the old days.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What would you rather have 64 diamonds or fully enchanted diamond armor
    64 diamonds of course. I never use diamonds for armor and... well I love my diamond tools. :D
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Custom... Items?
    Ok I can change the name. I just can't change the description part. Not sure what I am doing wrong. :(
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Magic Wands!
    How do you do this? :D
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Swamps are now actually USEFUL?
    With witches and slimes? I really need to hunt down a Swamp. Normally I avoid them like the plague.

    I love the concept I do. Swamps sound like a great place... but it's the colors that just kills it for me. I just can't get myself to live in them. But with these changes and... seriously there needs to be a new atmosphere mob called the froggy.

    So yeah... where does one find a swamp anyways? I'm already terrified to explore thanks to lava. Though with the new update apparently that was a bit nerfed to prevent infinite spread...
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on I didn't mean to break superflat! I swear!
    Quote from Bumber

    It looks vaguely ravine-like to me. Could either be a bug or a one-time glitch. Share seed and coordinates so we can test it.

    I sorta deleted the map... I think I typed in SuperFlatFunTime as the seed. I tried it and it seems like it was just some chunk error. if I ever get a similar flatworld like this I'll probably keep the seed and definitely save the folder. Because... it really is kinda cool.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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