I'm playing on an aspire A515-43 laptop and an AMD Ryzen 3 3200U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 2.60 GHz processor. I've been noticing lag spikes, especially when loading new chunks. I have lithium, sodium, and phosphor yet I still get lag spikes and a low framerate. If you need more details, then please ask!
So, I know the classic "/execute as @p if entity @s[X, Y, Z]" but no matter what I can't get that to work! If I have a repeating command block with that command which is meant to say hi after that then it just won't stop saying hi. If I have a repeating command block and set it to make a block appear above itself, it just won't set the block no matter what I do. Please help!
No, if there are any empty spots of a skin texture it will appear completely black. I also don't think this is a correct topic for this forum. This forum is only for redstone and redstone builds.
Help! I have been playing Minecraft on a laptop and I would like to know if there is any way to fix this! I have optifine installed and every time I load in new chunks (So basically any time I move too far) I get a bunch of lag unless until I let that chunk fully load. I also have a large amount of lag when I load into a world I just created! I have to constantly just look around to let every chunk load so that I don't get down to 5 frames per second.
With 1.9+ PVP you have a cooldown making combat much slower and all the extra features such as crystal PVP is much MUCH easier than having to flutter-bujumble-humble-dumble click and use the julambadia-binglejumbumble-super rod to keep your enemy in the air like a plane. But with 1.9 PVP you have time to react and actually, ya know, FIGHT instead of just flutter-bujumble-humble-dumble clicking and I bet all the tryhards are going to trash on this thread. Just let the old combat die man or play an ACTUAL GAME MEANT FOR PVP?
So recently my computer has had trouble with space, so I've been working to move stuff to my D: drive. However, I have not been able to find a good way to move Minecraft over to my D: drive. If anyone could find a good way to then that would be very appreciated! Thanks :D.
I have command blocks underneath buttons and depending on which one you press an armor stand will move a certain direction or jump. But when they move they will always look in the same direction and I was wondering how I could change that?
This is the command I'm using for moving left:/execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~-1
I'm playing on an aspire A515-43 laptop and an AMD Ryzen 3 3200U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 2.60 GHz processor. I've been noticing lag spikes, especially when loading new chunks. I have lithium, sodium, and phosphor yet I still get lag spikes and a low framerate. If you need more details, then please ask!
Maybe you have some optifine options on which decrease performance?
Hello! So, I play on an acer aspire laptop in Minecraft version number 1.19.4 and this has been an issue for a while which I have generally ignored but it has started to get annoying. I've tried to fix it by enabling fast graphics and such, but the issue still stays. Whilst doing all this stuff does improve my overall FPS it does not fix the issue of lag when loading a new chunk! Please help if you can. Here are a few tutorials that I followed to try and fix the issue: https://gamebanana.com/tuts/15896, https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/minecraft-lag-fix-no-more-lag-works/#:~:text=1 1. Open Task Manager by pressing CTRL,,MC and diamond if this worked for you!, and here is a texture pack I downloaded to try and improve lag: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/modelculling/ (If you need more details on my PC or my specs then please ask!).
So, I know the classic "/execute as @p if entity @s[X, Y, Z]" but no matter what I can't get that to work! If I have a repeating command block with that command which is meant to say hi after that then it just won't stop saying hi. If I have a repeating command block and set it to make a block appear above itself, it just won't set the block no matter what I do. Please help!
No, if there are any empty spots of a skin texture it will appear completely black. I also don't think this is a correct topic for this forum. This forum is only for redstone and redstone builds.
Help! I have been playing Minecraft on a laptop and I would like to know if there is any way to fix this! I have optifine installed and every time I load in new chunks (So basically any time I move too far) I get a bunch of lag unless until I let that chunk fully load. I also have a large amount of lag when I load into a world I just created! I have to constantly just look around to let every chunk load so that I don't get down to 5 frames per second.
With 1.9+ PVP you have a cooldown making combat much slower and all the extra features such as crystal PVP is much MUCH easier than having to flutter-bujumble-humble-dumble click and use the julambadia-binglejumbumble-super rod to keep your enemy in the air like a plane. But with 1.9 PVP you have time to react and actually, ya know, FIGHT instead of just flutter-bujumble-humble-dumble clicking and I bet all the tryhards are going to trash on this thread. Just let the old combat die man or play an ACTUAL GAME MEANT FOR PVP?
I'll try that later today and tell you if it works! Thanks
So recently my computer has had trouble with space, so I've been working to move stuff to my D: drive. However, I have not been able to find a good way to move Minecraft over to my D: drive. If anyone could find a good way to then that would be very appreciated! Thanks :D.
Try emailing mojang or microsoft about this, sorry if this isn't a good enough suggestion because I don't really know how to help in any other way.
Bruh you said the same thing twice.
I've never really heard of anybody hating on horses... But if those ppl exist then I totally disagree with them!
It's fine! Thanks!
I have command blocks underneath buttons and depending on which one you press an armor stand will move a certain direction or jump. But when they move they will always look in the same direction and I was wondering how I could change that?
This is the command I'm using for moving left:/execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~-1
Now that I can make it jump go left and right how could I make it face different directions?