I greatly appreciate the Simpsons reference.
- Unclevertitle
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Member for 12 years, 10 months, and 13 days
Last active Wed, Apr, 3 2019 15:09:02
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Aug 21, 2018Unclevertitle posted a message on Minecraft 1.13.1 Pre-Release 2Posted in: News
I kind of want that bug. It's basically implying that phantoms can see and hunt ghosts.
But I mean it also breaks what spectator mode is supposed to be about so... -
Nov 18, 2017Unclevertitle posted a message on Everything announced at MINECON EarthPosted in: News
Mob B was my second choice so I'm pretty happy about it.
Nov 17, 2017Unclevertitle posted a message on MINECON Earth Mob D RevealedPosted in: NewsQuote from Worldsshrugged»
Hey, can you please clear something up for me? I think I'm not interpreting things in the way most people are, but I can't tell if what Jeb said necessarily means "the Blaze King can spawn ANYWHERE", and not just the old nether fortresses. If BK only spawns in a structure, he loses my vote.
Jeb uses the phrase "random encounter" so I think he means it has a low chance to spawn anywhere in the the Nether.
Nov 16, 2017Unclevertitle posted a message on MINECON Earth Mob D RevealedPosted in: News
A: Deep Sea mob, another kind of hostile water mob, makes ocean travel a little more hazardous slightly, helps fill the barrenness of oceans (a little). Geared toward players who want more out of the ocean and find it too peaceful/easy.
B: High Flying mob, 1st hostile (or semi-hostile) air mob that's not a boss, interesting in that it targets players who haven't slept in a long time. Multiplayer might be most affected as the nighttime isn't skipped unless everyone on the server is sleeping at once (unless they're using some kind of plugin). Geared toward players who want more overworld flyers.
C: Hungry Hungry "hippo" mob, eats mobs and items, camouflages itself, sets itself as a trap, presents possible new mechanics with enchanting. Geared toward players interested in new enchanting mechanics, or taking advantage of mob behavior in redstone mechanics.
D: Miniboss Blaze mob, basically a Nether miniboss, random appearance makes the Nether more dangerous, geared towards players seeking a PVE challenge.
I think this whole voting thing is to get a sense of what kinds of things the playerbase at large most wants out of Minecraft. What kinds of playstyles should our updates be focusing on?
Based on my own interests I find C the most interesting I'd like to see what kinds of machines players make to take advantage of C's abilities. Though really I play Minecraft to explore the game's mechanics every once in a while when things change. So maybe I'm not the typical Minecraft player here.
Nov 8, 2017Unclevertitle posted a message on Minecraft 1.13 Snapshot 17W45APosted in: News
You know I could get behind that horse secretly being two villagers in a costume.
Nov 8, 2017Unclevertitle posted a message on Minecraft 1.13 Snapshot 17W45APosted in: News
I'm okay with the new legs on the horse but goodness that snout is awful.
Aug 2, 2017Unclevertitle posted a message on Better Together: Beta & FAQPosted in: News
Many people go triggered about how that won't be worst update, so here's my reasons why it most likely will be theworst update:
- Minecraft (cross platform) will no more be avaible to play on Mac, Linux and any Windows below 10.
- The new minecraft marketplace will be terrible. Now, things that used to be free on Java Edition will now cost money (and Mojang is hiding under sign "Give Creators what they deserve".
- We don't want Minecraft to become 2nd Roblox.
- Minecraft Java Edition will no more be the mainstream version and people playing java edition will be "weird" and "outsiders".
- Java Edition servers will slowly start to move on to cross platform, so there will be no servers to play.
- This will kill modding.
- Jeb said that in few years Java Edition will become Community Edition. Now imagine what Vannila minecraft with stuff from Hexxit. It sucks, I know
- And if community won't take good care of it will die.
- The new textures (this will most likely not happen in this update but it's still bad.)
- You will have to buy Minecraft twice to play with your friends.
- Those extra features from MC:PE will now be in every version of minecraft.
- As altrag said, you will have to read 2 whole words on title screen of Java Edition.
- If Mojang will still do stupid decisions like this people will move on to some better game, there are already few Open-Source versions of Minecraft.
- As far as I know, the Java version still works on Mac and Linux and several versions of windows. The windows 10 edition never worked on anything other than windows 10. The windows 10 edition is being rebranded as "Minecraft." Minecraft as we knew is being rebranded "Minecraft Java Edition." So yes, technically "Minecraft" will no longer work on Mac and Linux, however the program formerly known as Minecraft is based on Java and will still work fine on those operating systems.
- Things that are free on Java edition will still be free on Java edition. The Marketplace will not be implemented on the Java edition.
- Okay? (Never played Roblox)
- So what? People who prefer the Java version will still keep playing the java version. People who prefer console/pocket/windows 10 will play those versions. Hell, here's an idea. Some might even play both versions. Depending on whom they want to play with at the time. I mean it's not like Minecraft (any version) is an expensive game.
- There may be fewer purely vanilla servers available, sure. But the modded scene is still damn strong and will keep going under it's own momentum. Especially considering the freedom it offers.
- It really probably won't.
- I don't know what "Java Edition" becoming "Community Edition" means. It sounds like another meaningless title change. I've never played with Hexxit stuff but it's apparently a mod pack? Wasn't modding considered a good thing in #6?
- This is pretty much true of anything? Always?
- I like some of them and am neutral to the others. Also texture packs will still exist.
- Dude Windows 10 edition is free if you already own the Java edition. If you don't game on a PC then yeah, maybe. Still, you're assuming my friends will want to play Minecraft on consoles and won't prefer the Java edition. That's not necessarily true.
- That sounds like the opposite of a bad thing? There are features in pocket edition that I want the in the Java edition! Pistons for example. Pistons can push hoppers in the pocket edition. THINK OF ALL THE REDSTONE POSSIBILITIES THAT MAKES.
- God I know. I'm tired just thinking about it. It's going to take almost 1% of my willpower to not read it every time the title screen loads.
- Mojang is a company owned by a bigger company. Companies often make decisions with the intent to make more money. Those decisions aren't always preferred by fans. Everything about this decision sounds like it will make them more money. Further it likely won't alienate most of their fans (though clearly some). So... I don't think that makes it a stupid decision.
Aug 1, 2017Unclevertitle posted a message on Better Together: Beta & FAQPosted in: News
Why? Literally nothing about the Java edition changes except for it's name.
For the other versions they gain increased features and multiplayer interaction becomes cross platform.
Feb 23, 2017Unclevertitle posted a message on Making The Most Secure Door EverPosted in: News
No need. It's a wooden door. -
Jan 12, 2017Unclevertitle posted a message on Minecraft Crafting & Recipe Quiz: Can You Get Every Question Correct?Posted in: News
I never played the pocket edition... but it was the cookies question that threw me. Never made cookies in minecraft. I had no idea they're crafted 8 at a time.
Dec 16, 2016Unclevertitle posted a message on Community Creations: The World's Hardest Puzzle MapPosted in: News
Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge, motivation, or time to do so. However, I did mention what I think would make this experience better and less frustrating. Also, I acknowledged that the poor block movement mechanics might be due to limitations of using command blocks. Maybe I worded things more harshly than I needed too, I don't know. At the time I felt I was being pretty fair.
Quote from Unclevertitle»
Maybe if the map had an ability to reset ONE BLOCK AT A TIME INSTEAD OF ALL OF THEM AT ONCE, then it would be a decent puzzle map. As it is it's just a frustrating pile of annoyances due to poor movement controls.
I mean that may just be due to the limitations of using command blocks in the game to do all this puzzle stuff
I mean if this map didn't have the frustrations that I mentioned? It'd be a great puzzle map, maybe not as challenging (read cognitive challenge, not technical challenge) as I'd have liked but still great. Block movement is a cool mechanic that I initially enjoyed quite a lot, but the frustrations of dealing with the controls eventually ruined the entire experience for me to the point where I just got fed up with it and decided it was no longer a good way to spend my time. -
Dec 16, 2016Unclevertitle posted a message on Mumbo Jumbo: Shulker Box Storage System!Posted in: NewsQuote from MrZiemniak18»
Lel, this thing is kinda useless.. He could always bring an ender chest with 27 shulker boxes with him. It's effective, compact and SAFE
I mean if there were multiple stations and hopper pipes to transport between them...nope. Enderchest beats that too.
Effective, compact, safe, and portable.
Wait, aha!
Multiple stations designed to be used by different players. Shared communal storage. A shulker library.
Dial up a shulker box, wait for it to be delivered, return the box when you're done.(Additional return stations can just connect to the same hopper line)
There! A (somewhat) practical use! It's not perfect, there are item transport times to consider. But the display will let you know if a box is checked out. -
Dec 1, 2016Unclevertitle posted a message on Community Creations: The World's Hardest Puzzle MapPosted in: News
Fair warning right now. This is decidedly NOT the world's hardest puzzle map... though it may perhaps be the most frustrating.
The puzzles themselves are pretty simple to figure out. Figuring out the puzzles is the easy part.
Actually being able to solve them without accidentally shoving a block into a wall making it irretrievable forcing you to reset all your progress? Dealing with paths that pretty much require you to kill yourself repeatedly just to move a single block from point A to point B? Again and again facing block movement mechanics that are at times too unresponsive and at other times EXTREMELY touchy?
Yeah dealing with stupid puzzle busywork is the hard part. This isn't challenging, it's just needlessly punishing.
Maybe if the map had an ability to reset ONE BLOCK AT A TIME INSTEAD OF ALL OF THEM AT ONCE, then it would be a decent puzzle map. As it is it's just a frustrating pile of annoyances due to poor movement controls.
I mean that may just be due to the limitations of using command blocks in the game to do all this puzzle stuff, but if you have a computer setup where you encounter lag at inopportune moments, then prepare to deal with a lot of stupid annoying interruptions as you attempt to carry out your solutions.
17 puzzles in and the puzzles don't seem too hard. They're pretty simple maybe they get more challenging later on. However the block movement mechanics are inconsistently touchy and very easy to mess up simple tasks such as moving from point A to point B.
I was expecting challenging puzzles and instead got puzzles of easy to moderate difficulty and a heap of "user interface" frustration.
Oct 27, 2016Unclevertitle posted a message on Apple Announces Minecraft Coming To Apple TVPosted in: News
2017: Texas Instruments releases a new graphing calculator: The TI 84 Plus ME (Minecraft Edition)
I could almost believe that happening. - To post a comment, please login.
I mean if it's already so specific as to require block coordinates and requires commands to obtain, why not just use commands or command blocks?
Place a redstone block next to the circuit you need to power:
/setblock x y z minecraft:redstone_block
Remove the block when you need to deactivate it:
/setblock x y z minecraft:air
Adding/removing blocks too conspicuous? Then set the block state specifically.
/setblock x y z minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp
/setblock x y z minecraft:redstone_lamp
This should appear as the lamp simply turning on or off.
I guess I didn't explicitly say that I was also against that idea.
Most other foods simply can't be eaten "too much" seeing as you can't eat any more when the hunger bar is full. Just make cheese the same way.
Spamming cheese becomes impossible.
Harder sure, but the trickiest part is coming up with the math equations, but you only ever need to do that once. The rest is just letting a computer calculate things.
The sun can remain the same, it would dictate day and night. The moon would be on a separate orbital rail with a slightly faster speed and have the rail 'wobble' very, very slowly should probably simulate enough changes for possible but rare eclipses. This would double the number of calculations for positions of celestial objects in minecraft (since the moon would no longer automatically be 180 degrees opposite the sun).
Sun and moon positions are functions of time within a day/night. Moon rail wobble angle a function of days within a Minecraft "year" (or just time on a larger scale). Because it's on a larger scale it only needs to be updated once per in game day thus minimal calculation overhead.
The dimming level for the eclipse can be calculated on the sun and moon's positions when their distance is less than the radius of their sprites. A simple vector calculation with no obstacles. I don't know how mob pathfinding works but seeing as zombies can navigate mazes I'm guessing the algorithm involved is a lot more complicated than a simple distance calculation between two moving objects.
If eclipses are worth adding to the game, they're worth being added in right. I'd prefer some consistency in how the moon is moving overhead even if I rarely pay attention to it.
Similar to your sample with a single minecart stopping, unloading, and then leaving doing the same for a multi minecart train wouldn't be much more complicated. Just increase the hopper bandwidth (one hopper per cart with chest). And either let one chest be the main controller or use 4 comparators and AND their signal together.
All you'd need is a way to start and stop the train, depending on this hypothetical engine cart's functionality this can be as simple as using an activator rail, inactive powered rails, pistons, or done manually by a player riding the train.
It's really not all that much added complexity.
Minecraft's clouds are loooooong overdue for an upgrade. So naturally, Support.
6 years ago this suggestion was posted on Reddit. Notch was immediately impressed and said he'd "draw inspiration from this."
And nothing significant has happened with clouds since.
I think minecarts could stand to be faster. As they are almost no one bothers to use them since other methods of travel are generally faster/better.
Regardless, Support.
Using multiple types of arrows: Holding the Bow in the offhand and selecting arrows in the hotbar (or vice versa) will prioritize those arrows over others in your inventory, allowing you to switch arrow types on the fly.
Mining Torch tactic: particularly if all you're doing is digging 1x2 tunnels.
Plus the offhand is a pretty good spot to keep a stack of rockets when you're flying. (unless you're using the bow)
I support this.
The biggest drawback mentioned for going this route would be losing "global" command block functionality but it seems to me they could just implement commands or server controls specifying a chunk range within a given area to always remain loaded.
Either that or some other more efficient way to implement global commands that's not dependent on chunks being loaded in memory.
I think it'd be interesting (if annoying to the trap designer) if the sound detector was affected by weather. Thus it'd hear rain and emit a low level signal such as strength 1 or 2. Thunder would give it spikes of a stronger signal (still not 100% though) possibly up to 5-7 for nearby strikes.
A side benefit of this would be using the sound detector to detect weather.
Straight up brilliant suggestion.
Simple suggestion. Clever mechanic. A somewhat needed mechanic. Great crafting recipe. A boon to redstone builders everywhere. Sounds like a very "Minecrafty" item too.
Seriously, using a trapped chest is really smart. Logically the trapped chest when activated would disable the hopper this simply changes the method of activation to something hugely useful.
Not to mention filters are sometimes referred to as "traps" in real life. (The lint trap in your clothes dryer for instance)
Best item filter suggestion I think I've ever read.
Honestly, I think the cube aesthetic is part of what makes Minecraft work. It keeps mining, digging, and building quite simple and easy. I've played other voxel based games that let you reshape the world and some of them have a problem that I think Minecraft avoids by keeping things geometrically simple at right angles.
Things built by players in those games more often than not look out of place compared to things generated naturally. In Minecraft you can usually tell the difference between something built by a player and something created by the game's generation but generally speaking nothing looks like doesn't belong.
Now There are games that have more possible shapes and still manage to keep player made creations looking just as in place as game generated areas. Stellar Overload does it pretty well but it can also make building things rather tedious at times. I only ever bothered to build vehicles in that game.
All the above is purely my opinion of course.
But I think the general consensus is that cubes and right angles are a staple feature of Minecraft, and thus unlikely to change.
No support.
Shulker boxes kind of defeat the need for this. Both in sorting and transportation seeing as you can store the shulker box in an ender chest or just carry it yourself.
No thanks. I like the simplicity of a 3x3 crafting grid.
It's an interesting idea, but personally I'd rather keep my more valuable items in my Ender chest which when broken doesn't drop anything and I can keep the items. With enough shulker boxes and a silk touch pickaxe I typically have more than enough space for all my valuable items in a secure and conveniently mobile storage system. Other chests then become storage for items I either have in bulk or don't mind losing.
I find it unnecessary but I wouldn't mind it's inclusion in Minecraft.
Lukewarm Support.
Potential other names (though I don't particularly mind "Suicide Chest" others might):
"Cursed Chest," "Vanishing Chest," "Greed Chest," "Magic Chest," "Nether Chest"