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    posted a message on Pirates of the Infinite Horizons
    Quote from Melvarius

    You're ass is in. Also, do you know what lingo means?

    *cough* YOUR *cough*

    (i know i dont know everthing, but i am compelled to corect everyone i see, sue me if you dont like it :F)
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This Winter
    Quote from iJR

    Selfish pc gamers do you guys even think about kinect for disabled gamers?For people who can't more their limbs " xbox mine coal "

    Well, for one thing, we are not selfish, we are worried about how it will affect the gameplay, we dont want to punch or move to play a game that requires a lot of work, sure, for disabled players, it will be difficult for BOTH ways. IF THEY CANT MOVE THEIR LIMBS, how the crap will they move their arms to punch or do whatever they want for kinect. This also goes along with PC keyboards, your calling us selfish when it would be even MORE difficult to use it for kinect, honestly, right now, I want to call you a dumbass, but thats against the rules...

    Think of this, us "selfish" PC gamers are more worried about the gameplay issuesa than who plays it, life happens, if you get disabled where you cant play video games for the rest of your life, then i feel sorry for you, but i cant feel empathy for you about not playing video games, unless they come up with a mind transfer device that either allows you to think about pressing buttons letting you do so, or putting your mind into the game, but otherwise, all I have to say is, life happens...
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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