- UnIKrafTr
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Member for 14 years, 3 months, and 4 days
Last active Thu, Apr, 19 2012 16:28:33
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Jun 16, 2011UnIKrafTr posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This WinterPosted in: News
Jun 12, 2011UnIKrafTr posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This WinterAll right, this will be my FINAL POST, and would be apreciated if reposted.Posted in: News
I've decided that i don't agree at all with this. MY final opinion is:
EITHER ONE FOR ALL OR ALL FOR NONE, its not fair for just the 360 to get it, think of those who dont have any system except a wii, or a ps3. It will always be better on the pc, but i think this should have been withheld until every console could've gotten in on this deal. Sure, markus is getting a bit greedy and lazy, just putting peoples mods into the game, but this should have been the fans choice, or the customers choice, he should have done extensive research about the customers to see what console they'd want, eventually he would put it all together and make it for all consoles, maybe. Honestly, I think the project should be post poned until we get a wii version, a ps3 version, and a 360 version, realeased within a months time of each other. Just please, stop the war against fanboys, smart people, and 360 smart people. (that means there are fanboys that can go jack off to a picture of betty white while the smart people have a decent conversation, expressing our opinions in an orderly fashion, just for the sake of arguing.) This forumn has shifted from its intensions, to a rage forumn about pc's and xbox, and even ps3's. we are all disagreeing with each other and its making me and the rest of the smart people sick, although we continue to argue to make our point,so please, just post yor opinion and just SHUT THE **** UP!
There, happy now, no mre arguing, just post your opinions and leave, i will be making a fanboy forumn for this, so they can argue, so this forumn isnt clouded by all of our ignorance, so, just start clean!
Thank you :smile.gif: -
Jun 12, 2011UnIKrafTr posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This WinterPosted in: NewsQuote from imoff1c3
Why try and trash xbox "fan boys", you make urself look like crying bitches, microsoft does NOT need money, whoever said that, go hang urself, and it will be BETTER on the xbox than the pc, get over it. And PLZ get off the Gaystaiton, it's a crap system, I wouldn't make MC on that trash. Everyone else on notch's dicC, get off and give him a break, it's not ur game so FUCC OFF.Have a awsome day noobs.
okay, now to bash your freaking mind in. WE ARE NOT TRASHING FAN BOYS (which you are one) IT WONT BE BETTER FOR KINECT, THE GAME WAS MADE FOR PC FIRST SO IT AUTOMATICALLY SAYS, PC IS GOING TO BE BETTER NO MATTER WHAT. What sequels have you heard of that are better, this is a second version of minecraft, take the sims 3 for example, it sux on consoles but is good on pc, same with sims 2. IF it sarted on console, its better on console, if it started on pc, its better on pc. GET THE f*CK OVER IT. And now theres the fact, that you dashed to playstation 1.2. and 3. oh my oh my, you've brought a storm upon you my enemy. The ps3 is a much better system than the 360, period, what exclusive games do each have, the 360 has what, nothing that i can think about right now. the ps3 has little big planet 1, and 2, metal gear solid 4, and i bet a few more that i cant list in a violent burst of outrage. I wouldnt make mc on any console especially the 360 because the only thing it can beat is the Wii, which is a retarded system. It may not be our game but he listens to us, and if he would have made something like a forumn looking for our opinion, he would have just kept it on the pc until further notice. BTW, you are the noob, have A awesome, oh yeah, you spelled awesome wrong to, you are like xbox live, those who have it like it, those who dont have it, can find a sh*t ton of problems with it, ive played on xbox live and i hated it. You know what we all need to do, CLOSE THIS DAMN FORUMN DOWN AND KEEP MC TO THE PC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! -
Jun 12, 2011UnIKrafTr posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This WinterPosted in: News
Well, unfortunateley, some people need to be clever to do that, some people can bareley play games, so they wouldn't be able to work a pc to copy and paste... -
Jun 10, 2011UnIKrafTr posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This WinterPosted in: NewsQuote from Reinveil
So far, the reasons given have been:
- Xbox kids will ruin the forums because they're all illiterate Call of Duty fans. This is usually said in language that is rife with misspellings, typos, and poor sentence structure. The irony is not lost on some of us.
- They think Notch will be focusing all his energies on the Xbox version, despite the port being developed by a different team and not coming out until the PC version is finished. But knowing these things requires a bit of research and not simply making up what you think is going to happen. Apparently the PC elite finds this difficult.
- They're of the belief that the game should be PC-exclusive because "IT'S ALL WE HAVE!!!!!!!"
Like the game being ported to another platform somehow diminishes how fun their preferred version is. I'm pretty sure I observed this same illogical kind of selfishness the last time I visited my stepdaughter's elementary school to pick her up.
I'm sure there's more, but I start bleeding from the ears after prolonged exposure to this level of hypocritical stupidity.
I couldnt agree more, my problem is because its for kinect, the worst add on to a console ever... -
Jun 10, 2011UnIKrafTr posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This WinterPosted in: NewsQuote from thrkrew01
umm whats so bad of it going to xbox??!!! that makes more people hear of it and make it more popular. and i have to say Shin.... did u take ur chill pill this morning....
The reason i dont like it is because its for kinect, it would be fine if it was just for the 360, but kinect? no way. -
Jun 10, 2011UnIKrafTr posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This WinterPosted in: NewsQuote from IiI_stealth
Get over your PC superiority. This is all just you being mad because consoles usually get more attention.
You know what we have to deal with, viruses, space issues, you all have DISKS that hold so much memory, we got minecraft first, so the first version will always be supereor, but if you call us having PC superiority, you have serious issues. We arent mad because consoles get more attention because games for consoles, are on the PC almost 100% of the time! We arent mad, we are glad, we dont want 5 yr olds watching crysis two commercials and seeing its for PC, getting a PC, and playing with us. Honestly, you are just wrong here, i really just flat out disagree with you
Jun 10, 2011UnIKrafTr posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This WinterPosted in: NewsQuote from iJR
Selfish pc gamers do you guys even think about kinect for disabled gamers?For people who can't more their limbs " xbox mine coal "
Well, for one thing, we are not selfish, we are worried about how it will affect the gameplay, we dont want to punch or move to play a game that requires a lot of work, sure, for disabled players, it will be difficult for BOTH ways. IF THEY CANT MOVE THEIR LIMBS, how the crap will they move their arms to punch or do whatever they want for kinect. This also goes along with PC keyboards, your calling us selfish when it would be even MORE difficult to use it for kinect, honestly, right now, I want to call you a dumbass, but thats against the rules...
Think of this, us "selfish" PC gamers are more worried about the gameplay issuesa than who plays it, life happens, if you get disabled where you cant play video games for the rest of your life, then i feel sorry for you, but i cant feel empathy for you about not playing video games, unless they come up with a mind transfer device that either allows you to think about pressing buttons letting you do so, or putting your mind into the game, but otherwise, all I have to say is, life happens... -
Jun 10, 2011UnIKrafTr posted a message on Minecraft Coming To Xbox Kinect This WinterHonestly, if its for kinect, HOW WILL YOU PLAY IT!? punching? I also dont have an xbox 360 as well as most PC players, and I'm not going to go out and spend $300 on a system that I think is in 3rd place in the gaming race (PC, PS3, XBOX, WII in ascending order) and another $30 for a game that will eminently fail because it was meant for a keyboard. If anything, I think it shouldn't be on kinect, it COULD work on a controller, but not on kinect, I hope someone reads this :sleep.gif:, and possibly agree's with me. (and my above statement of pc players means hardcore PC gamers who have steam games but also enjoy minecraft...) This is just my opinion, and I'd appreciate it if you guys dont quote this and say, YOU ARE F***ING RETARDED FOR THINKING THIS, or, YOU ARE NOT A TRUE MINECRAFT FAN! or anything like that...Posted in: News
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*eyes of judgement*Oh yeah, three things:
1) I will be getting an avatar (im procrastinating, sue me)
2) I need an invite on that server mubobber with the hole, you need an invite to be part of this clan!
3) I kinda wanna be a captain, not sure, maybe...\
but i was the bilge rat D: remeber, i corrected you :biggrin.gif: oh well, im kinda inactiv a lot so i dont blame you for not keeping me in so yeah.
Pirates are supposed to be naughty, or am i naughty by being good. Im not sure :tongue.gif:
*cough* YOUR *cough*
(i know i dont know everthing, but i am compelled to corect everyone i see, sue me if you dont like it :F)
but there already is one, and its kick ass
*sadface* It's going so well :smile.gif: