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    posted a message on The best minecraft hosting servers? Pay Per Month
    Quote from GamingNorge»

    Because people dont have a good Internet?

    We i was 7-9 we had around 30/30 internet, now we got 75/75, and ill probably buy 100/100 to make my own server at home to <3

    - M

    Congratulations again? When I was 7-9 we had a dial up modem, early teens we had ADSL, now and for the foreseeable future ADSL2+ is the best I'll ever get. Again, not everyone has fast internet, assuming everyone can get decent speeds is a grossly biased opinion.

    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on The best minecraft hosting servers? Pay Per Month
    Quote from GamingNorge»

    Yes, its *common for me, didnt say it was common* for other people.

    These discussions ends so sadly because of these things XD

    It's a sore subject for many for sure

    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on The best minecraft hosting servers? Pay Per Month
    Quote from GamingNorge»

    Actually it is, never have less than 50 minimum ;)

    Up 'n Down ^^

    So yeah, i luv norwegian connection <3

    Congratulations, your internet is within the top 5 averages for the entire world, now think about everyone else.


    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Dedicated Server
    Quote from BensDaMan»
    If you had a choice of hosting /your/ public Minecraft server on either a OVH or WholesaleInternet box, for free, which would you choose? (Same CPU & RAM)

    If you don't mind I'll just jump into the middle of the conversation.

    If I had to chose I would probably go OVH purely for it's 'ok' network, which is actually pretty decent when you consider the price they're providing it for. Definitely keeping regular backup's and ready to jump ship to a new server when the hardware fails on the old box, I've heard nothing but bad things about their response times for fixing hardware related things. (Unless I'm thinking of Kimsufi, which is entirely possible)

    However I would be far happier waiting it out and grabbing a $50 E3 with a SSD when they go on special every now and then from other providers, you're likely to get booted off their network if you become a DDoS magnet but by the time you're attracting that sort of attention you should really be looking at forking out the extra cash for some decent mitigation.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Looking for a Cheap yet reliable Teamspeak server
    I'll just throw my two cents in here.

    You can run an unlicensed version of TeamSpeak (32 slots) on a very tiny VPS (~128mb) that you could pick up for $6-12/yr, however you would be managing it yourself, have no provider support and be required to maintain the security of your system yourself. However if you're going purely for bottom of the barrel prices that would be your best bet.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Pex Help
    You've probably added the * node to your own personal user which is giving you access to all commands. Try it on another account or double check to see if you have any wild card nodes like *
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking For Server Host In Australia
    All good, It's safer to go with a company rather than a stranger over the internet anyway. So you didn't make a bad choice.

    What's the host if you don't mind me asking ?
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Looking For Server Host In Australia
    I might be able to help you out with this, I'm looking to test how my small VPS would handle a couple of people running around in minecraft. I'm not a hosting company just a fellow Australian with an interest in minecraft.

    It'll be free to start with, if you feel like chipping in a little per month to keep it running then that would be great.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on 1-2$ hosting?
    Quote from FrostPlay »
    Maybe some Intel Atom type crap CPU, but nothing good for running Minecraft servers. You can't get a dedicated server with 16GB of RAM for $20/month with a decent CPU. Link me a host if you think otherwise.

    As you wish, ask and I shall deliver
    Taken straight from the billing panel

    Dedicated Servers - Atlanta - HP BL460C Dual X5150, 16GB, 500GB Dedicated Server
    HP BL460c Blade Server (4 cores, 16GB RAM)
    - 2 x Dual Core 5150 Xeon
    - 16GB RAM
    - 500GB Disk
    - 1 IP Address
    - Gigabit Port
    - Hardware RAID Controller
    - Dedicated KVM (HP Lights Out) with full graphical KVM, virtual media
    - Dedicated Power control (power on/off/reset as required)
    - 5TB Bandwidth
    - OS: Centos, Ubuntu, Scientific Linux, Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD, etc
    - Unmanaged

    Single thread performance for a X5150 is roughly ~1000 which is comparable to a Xeon L5520 which I know some of the smaller budget providers use.

    I've used them personally for a test server for a large mod pack (150+ mods) and it ran it fine with half a dozen users.
    Splitting the server up into smaller 'sections' is entirely possible, and the gigabit port is entirely legit. I would often push 800-900Mbps

    For $1.25/GB people really shouldn't be expecting E3 1270V3 performance, but it's entirely your resources to abuse as you like and you wont be sharing with anyone.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on 1-2$ hosting?
    If you're competent at linux distro's and are willing to manage your own dedicated server you can get a 16gb ram server for $20 a month.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Hey There Take A Look At This Thread If You Host Servers!
    Have you broken your shift key yet? Just a suggestion going forward, don't capitalize every word that you type (IE use proper grammar) and take a look at the stickied sponsorship thread.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Looking for Owner/Donors
    Not even really sure why I'm posting here but hell I have something on my mind.

    If you're looking for an 'owner' to pay for the server, why on earth would they be willing to give you money when they could just run something themselves?
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on ★Looking For★ $20-$30 8 GB ★Dedicated Server★
    Quote from Ambamore2000
    Hello, so, currently, I am looking for a host who can give a dedicated server for 8 GB, about $20-$30. If there is something around my range, that'll be fine. Also, if there is a coupon code for recurring prices, not 1st month prices, please tell me. Also, I don't waant minecraft server hosters, I just want a dedicated server hoster. Please give me a link to the store. Thank you, also, I don't want people telling me "Your not going to find this", last time I did this with VPS, I've actually found it. ;) I keep trying, and eventually find. I also hope there is DDoS protection and good reviews.

    If you're willing to pay it quarterly I've had a server with Delimiter for over a year now, pretty reasonable performance for the price really.

    Dedicated Servers - Atlanta - HP BL460C Dual X5150, 16GB, 500GB Dedicated Server
    HP BL460c Blade Server (4 cores, 16GB RAM)
    - 2 x Dual Core 5150 Xeon
    - 16GB RAM
    - 500GB Disk
    - 1 IP Address
    - Gigabit Port
    - Hardware RAID Controller
    - Dedicated KVM (HP Lights Out) with full graphical KVM, virtual media
    - Dedicated Power control (power on/off/reset as required)
    - 5TB Bandwidth
    - OS: Centos, Ubuntu, Scientific Linux, Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD, etc
    - Unmanaged

    CPU is old but it meets your only other requirement of ram.


    (Not a ref link or anything I promise, just a link to their promo page for these servers)
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Static IP Help!
    Quote from TNT123BOOM

    Wow Thanks and the Static ip is working but its NOT letteing me surf the web and so im making a letter ip wich is really good :D thanks in advance BTW I Gaved you Elmo-Admin rank on my server i'll post ip here and other places when done thanks again :)

    No problem, however you shouldn't have any issues to connect with the internet if you have a static IP. I suspect you may have set it up incorrectly.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on The Forever Plan
    Quote from izaiah5

    To put it simple I want to buy a server that's 64-128gb of ram forever. I don't want todo any monthly payments etc. I just want todo a 1-Time payment and for my to be done for the rest of my life and not have to ever worry about my server going down. I would like the price of both or whichever you can do, I have already have a great offer but I want to see if anyone elts can do better. I am not open to any monthly payments once so ever.

    There is no such thing, and if there was the price would be so high you wouldn't want to do it anyway.
    I suspect you're thinking that you can buy the server outright and it will be forever yours, which is true in the hardware sense but you still need to put your server in a data center, and that is an ongoing cost. To give yourself an idea hop onto webhostingtalk and look up some collocation prices. That is the price that you will need to pay as an ongoing monthly cost, even if you 100% own the server's hardware.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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