You have a good idea, but your sentences seem to be short and a little bland at times. Like this one; "It was getting dark." This could be changed to "The golden sun slowly sank beneath the horizon, darkness quickly following suit... clawing it's way from each cave and crevice to fill the approaching night." Or, perhaps, "Then he shot a few arrows and ran away." Well, why did he shoot arrows? Was your character startled? Angry? Did he avoid getting hit? Perhaps they were boobie arrows and he got motor-boated? You never know. Don't be afraid to be descriptive!!! Tell us why and with big words! The Thesaurus is your friend! But you do, in fact, have a good story and you just need a little push in the right direction.
Also, a little tip with paragraphs. They should be like skirts; Long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to make it interesting. Tie it up like a present, don't start with a topic and end with a different one, lace it up with the same bow. Or start a different parapgraph.( I love how I didn't follow my own advice there... LOL, lazy author is lazy. )
I probably have bad grammar... but I never said I was exceptionally gifted with English. Though I do read and write a LOT.
Yea I should. Updating it daily or every two days
Also thanks for the positive comments.
Act 1 Day 1 Week 2
I stared at the ruined city. Once used to be beautiful city of happiness. The place is filled with the dead. Survival is your only option. I equipped my iron sword. It was the only thing left of my father before he died. I was only 13. I never forget the day he died. I am 17 now and i will follow his path to become a master. Food is precious. Every piece saves you from going outside. Many people have died from hunger or killed while finding food. I knew I have to get food now or never.
It was getting dark and the golden sun slowly disappeared into the horizon. I took my last piece of cooked bacon and my leather armor. Secret entrances are always good for a secret escape. I sprinted to the nearest supermarket I knew. Dead bodies filled the city. Suddenly a zombie noticed me and started to follow me. Then more and more joined. I searched my inventory for my bow and arrows. I knew I forgot something. A survivor was trying to break open a door and turned around and looked at me in fear. He shouted something I didn't hear. Then he shot a few arrows and ran away. I was angry but I knew he couldn't do much but at least he took some zombies down. I saw the supermarket up ahead but the zombies are catching up.
A couple of survivors were getting food too. Most of stayed and prepared to fight. Most zombies carry swords, armor and money from before they got infected. I ready my sword and charged at the zombies with the other survivors. I sliced the zombies easily. One zombie infected one of the survivor on the arm. He fell to the ground and clutched his arm in pain. More zombies gained on us. One survivor died and another one got infected. We couldn't hold the zombies for much longer. We had to flee. I quickly grabbed some apples and pork chops and ran out with the survivors. I will never forget the people who tried to save us. It was getting dark and we have to find somewhere to sleep.
I followed the survivors into their hideout. It was a cave house underneath a giant TNT factory. The entrance walls were filled with dispenser full of arrows. For extra defense there's a iron door with a hidden lever. When I walked in it was massive. It had 4 rooms. The main one, one for the kitchen, one for the storage area (basically full of TNT and weapons) and the bedroom.
"So who are you stranger? Do you want some food?" asked one of the survivors. He sat down at the table and ate a pork chop.
"I'm James and who are you?" I replied. I took a apple and munched it up.
"I'm Alex. The person next to me is Ryan and the other guy is Neo," said Alex while he grabbed another pork chop.
"Mind if I get some sleep? I'm tired," I said.
"Sure, we'll sleep a bit later," Alex replied.
I walked to the bedroom and fell on the bed. I knew its only going to get harder.
--- Day 2 Week 2
I woke up refreshed. Some of the other survivors were still asleep. I went to the kitchen and cooked some bacon. It was a lovely new day with plenty of zombies to slay. The bread isn't very nice but at least it is better than nothing. The bacon was nice and crispy when cooked. I might stay here for a few nights then head out back to my house.
"Hello James," said Neo as he walked into the room.
"I'm going outside and get some fresh air," I said as I ate my pork chop and bread.
"Sure just be careful out there," Neo exclaimed.
I walked out the door and looked around. It seemed very quiet. I continued walking onto the road. Far ahead I can see the giant skyscraper standing out with gigantic plant roots covering the skyscraper. It was badly damaged by terrorists and a day later the plague broke out and infected everyone. Lots of zombies appear to be near the building. The skyscraper is like a zombie hotspot. I always wanted to know what happened in there. The plants mysteriously appeared three days ago and covered all the floors. I knew there was something in the skyscraper to do with this infection. I might go explore it with a group of survivors. First I need to find diamonds and get myself some better armor. A zombie appeared down the road and spotted me. Soon a whole horde followed. I could just make out a small figure in front of the zombies. The survivor shouted some words. I could just make out enough words to mean he needs help. I couldn't fight this horde with just two people. I quickly ran back to the base and alerted the other survivors. Some were still sleeping while others were having breakfast.
"There's a giant horde outside the base!" I shouted.
They quickly got geared up and headed out.
"Oh ****," said Alex.
The survivor ran towards us leading the horde behind him. The archers rained arrows on the zombies. We charged towards the zombie at full speed. Alex went berserk and quickly killed off large numbers of zombies. I took the safer option of killing them one by one. One of the archers rained flaming arrows and hit Ryan on the arm. He cried out in pain and a zombie quickly infected him. The battle ended quickly as many zombies got slayed.
Suddenly the earth shakes and a giant zombie comes into view. We were transfixed in horror. It was gigantic and there is no way we can kill that giant. The archers rained arrows on the giant and did barely anything. No one dared to run up and attack it. Neo charged at the giant circling the giant and attacking it. The giant missed Neo and sent him flying. The giant just barely got a scratch. The archers continued firing at it. The giant moved closer and closer with every step. Neo and Alex charged at it with other survivors. It punched a fist at one of the survivors crushing him flat and stepped on another survivor. They didn't stand a change against this giant. I tried to find its weakness but there seemed to be none. If I try to stab my sword into his head or body he will certainly be dead. I did a run up and jumped up and thrust the sword into the giant's chest. Large amounts of blood left its body and soon its whole body is covered in blood. I repeated until the giant finally fell to the ground dead. The sun was setting again and the darkness covered the earth. It was night and the zombies are at its strongest. I headed back to the base and fell to the bed ignoring everything around me. I was so tired after the fierce battle. Its only going to get harder and harder.
I will finish more chapters if you like it. Please post comments.
IGN: UltraLoLz
Why YOU Want To Join: I LOVE killing da zombies! It is fun to kill zombie with friends. Killing zombies is always fun! Using different tactics and traps to kill them all.
Referall: none
sportakus1: Shops are not in version 0.45B, and assuming you did not change the settings, Treasure Hunters will only spawn via conversion. This means you have to give HomeSeekers shovels to make Treasure Hunters.
Thanks for all the support and suggestions everyone!
Well, here is a list of new changes I made for 0.5 (in addition to the changes I've already mentioned): The animal repellant system has been improved. Animals now properly run from any builders nearby. Configuration options for the Trader have been added. Configuration options for setting the maximum # of structures that each builder is permitted to make have been added. A new misc. configuration option has been added: BuildAnywhere. Setting this variable to anything but 0 will make builders build their structures over any terrain, replacing terrain that is in the way. When you right click a builder to make it stop following you, it will now immediately try to build a structure (or place a torch in the explorer's case), if the land is suitable. The mayor now scans land much quicker when looking for a suitable location for a Town Wall.
I am still currently programming the town enhancements, which along with new contributed blueprints, will be the last stuff I add before releasing 0.5. Best case scenario is that I release version 0.5 for Beta 1.1_02 tomorrow night.
I thought you finished 0.5.... thats why my minecraft beta comes up with a blank screen....
Suggestion: You should change jukebox into a stero!
Wow looks amzazing! The best texture park i've ever seen! I can't wait for it to be finished!
Im giving you 5 diamonds!
So around 30 slots with 2GB?
Yea I should. Updating it daily or every two days
Also thanks for the positive comments.
Day 1 Week 2
I stared at the ruined city. Once used to be beautiful city of happiness. The place is filled with the dead. Survival is your only option. I equipped my iron sword. It was the only thing left of my father before he died. I was only 13. I never forget the day he died. I am 17 now and i will follow his path to become a master. Food is precious. Every piece saves you from going outside. Many people have died from hunger or killed while finding food. I knew I have to get food now or never.
It was getting dark and the golden sun slowly disappeared into the horizon. I took my last piece of cooked bacon and my leather armor. Secret entrances are always good for a secret escape. I sprinted to the nearest supermarket I knew. Dead bodies filled the city. Suddenly a zombie noticed me and started to follow me. Then more and more joined. I searched my inventory for my bow and arrows. I knew I forgot something. A survivor was trying to break open a door and turned around and looked at me in fear. He shouted something I didn't hear. Then he shot a few arrows and ran away. I was angry but I knew he couldn't do much but at least he took some zombies down. I saw the supermarket up ahead but the zombies are catching up.
A couple of survivors were getting food too. Most of stayed and prepared to fight. Most zombies carry swords, armor and money from before they got infected. I ready my sword and charged at the zombies with the other survivors. I sliced the zombies easily. One zombie infected one of the survivor on the arm. He fell to the ground and clutched his arm in pain. More zombies gained on us. One survivor died and another one got infected. We couldn't hold the zombies for much longer. We had to flee. I quickly grabbed some apples and pork chops and ran out with the survivors. I will never forget the people who tried to save us. It was getting dark and we have to find somewhere to sleep.
I followed the survivors into their hideout. It was a cave house underneath a giant TNT factory. The entrance walls were filled with dispenser full of arrows. For extra defense there's a iron door with a hidden lever. When I walked in it was massive. It had 4 rooms. The main one, one for the kitchen, one for the storage area (basically full of TNT and weapons) and the bedroom.
"So who are you stranger? Do you want some food?" asked one of the survivors. He sat down at the table and ate a pork chop.
"I'm James and who are you?" I replied. I took a apple and munched it up.
"I'm Alex. The person next to me is Ryan and the other guy is Neo," said Alex while he grabbed another pork chop.
"Mind if I get some sleep? I'm tired," I said.
"Sure, we'll sleep a bit later," Alex replied.
I walked to the bedroom and fell on the bed. I knew its only going to get harder.
Day 2 Week 2
I woke up refreshed. Some of the other survivors were still asleep. I went to the kitchen and cooked some bacon. It was a lovely new day with plenty of zombies to slay. The bread isn't very nice but at least it is better than nothing. The bacon was nice and crispy when cooked. I might stay here for a few nights then head out back to my house.
"Hello James," said Neo as he walked into the room.
"I'm going outside and get some fresh air," I said as I ate my pork chop and bread.
"Sure just be careful out there," Neo exclaimed.
I walked out the door and looked around. It seemed very quiet. I continued walking onto the road. Far ahead I can see the giant skyscraper standing out with gigantic plant roots covering the skyscraper. It was badly damaged by terrorists and a day later the plague broke out and infected everyone. Lots of zombies appear to be near the building. The skyscraper is like a zombie hotspot. I always wanted to know what happened in there. The plants mysteriously appeared three days ago and covered all the floors. I knew there was something in the skyscraper to do with this infection. I might go explore it with a group of survivors. First I need to find diamonds and get myself some better armor. A zombie appeared down the road and spotted me. Soon a whole horde followed. I could just make out a small figure in front of the zombies. The survivor shouted some words. I could just make out enough words to mean he needs help. I couldn't fight this horde with just two people. I quickly ran back to the base and alerted the other survivors. Some were still sleeping while others were having breakfast.
"There's a giant horde outside the base!" I shouted.
They quickly got geared up and headed out.
"Oh ****," said Alex.
The survivor ran towards us leading the horde behind him. The archers rained arrows on the zombies. We charged towards the zombie at full speed. Alex went berserk and quickly killed off large numbers of zombies. I took the safer option of killing them one by one. One of the archers rained flaming arrows and hit Ryan on the arm. He cried out in pain and a zombie quickly infected him. The battle ended quickly as many zombies got slayed.
Suddenly the earth shakes and a giant zombie comes into view. We were transfixed in horror. It was gigantic and there is no way we can kill that giant. The archers rained arrows on the giant and did barely anything. No one dared to run up and attack it. Neo charged at the giant circling the giant and attacking it. The giant missed Neo and sent him flying. The giant just barely got a scratch. The archers continued firing at it. The giant moved closer and closer with every step. Neo and Alex charged at it with other survivors. It punched a fist at one of the survivors crushing him flat and stepped on another survivor. They didn't stand a change against this giant. I tried to find its weakness but there seemed to be none. If I try to stab my sword into his head or body he will certainly be dead. I did a run up and jumped up and thrust the sword into the giant's chest. Large amounts of blood left its body and soon its whole body is covered in blood. I repeated until the giant finally fell to the ground dead. The sun was setting again and the darkness covered the earth. It was night and the zombies are at its strongest. I headed back to the base and fell to the bed ignoring everything around me. I was so tired after the fierce battle. Its only going to get harder and harder.
Why YOU Want To Join: I LOVE killing da zombies! It is fun to kill zombie with friends. Killing zombies is always fun! Using different tactics and traps to kill them all.
Referall: none
white blocksFluorescents blocks and Caution blocks on marble? Or should we not visit the nether?0
Bow = pistols
Who needs bows when theres pistols! The Skeleton archer
bowpistol!Arrows = bullets
Arrows wont even hurt a scratch. Thats why they invented the bullet!
Sword = um... katana
These swords are useless. But then theres the katana!
Can you please tell me im a noob at java.
I thought you finished 0.5.... thats why my minecraft beta comes up with a blank screen....
So you step into a bead and then suddenly your in the nether? Or a portal could be a door?
Beads as portals? Why would a bead be a portal? Wouldn't it look wierd?
Wow looks amzazing! The best texture park i've ever seen!
Im giving you 5 diamonds!