make sure you're typing the FULL FILE NAME. this includes the extension which may or may not be visible to you. if you've tried <name>.dat then try <name>.dat.dat
I cant remember what the server was, but its cool. We currently are running MCSharp now. Does anyone know if you can create teleporters like that in MCSharp? And we have a level that we made in the old server, that we want to convert into the format MCSharp reads. How exactly do we go about doing that?
Sorry about all the questions, but hey, you gotta learn some how.
Most lilkey that's a bug in the server, sometimes when a player joins, or even changes rank/color, everyone else jumps to said player for a second, we're not entirely sure why though.
... if the number of commands was reduced by combining some with arguments, for example /guest, /builder, /op, etc., could be "/setrank <name> <guest|builder|op>"
everytime i try to conect it says "
(12:02:26) connected.
(12:02:31) kicked (You must login! Try again.)."
And then it freezes the web-browser. and i have to cancel the server to get the browser to work again..
Im logged in, and other people have no problem to join..
( i think)
And i have deleted players dna
tried to disable the irc robot.
Your client is taking too long to login. this could be due to the server currently being a CPU hog. Your browser is probably freezing for the same reason.
Norton believes we're using an illegal IRCBot used to hack into IRC servers and screw things up. That is not at all what we're doing. Our "IRCBot" is simply a preprogrammed client. There is no hacking involved, it just connects to the sever, logs in, joins a channel, and starts listening
MCSharp does not have portals, although we have been considering it.
as for converting maps:
craftable night vision goggles? I kinda like that ide-- *stares at ShadowDusk's avatar*
I assume you mean an ISO of the .lvl maps. If so, then no, there's no way currently. We are going to be moving to NBT soon though.
Your client is taking too long to login. this could be due to the server currently being a CPU hog. Your browser is probably freezing for the same reason.
Norton believes we're using an illegal IRCBot used to hack into IRC servers and screw things up. That is not at all what we're doing. Our "IRCBot" is simply a preprogrammed client. There is no hacking involved, it just connects to the sever, logs in, joins a channel, and starts listening
Here is the code we use for IRC: