... the error is saying that the level is NOT GZip format, so it will not load it. I don't know what you did, but try using 7zip to zip it into a gzip format
so if you wanted to autoload a map called oceanbuild, with physics set to normal, you'd do:
oceanbuild = 1
also, we know all of the levels are .lvl, that's the server format. and because of Notch using Java, we can't add support for .dat without a buttload of .dll files, and even then it'd be a horrible thing to do.
Also the water, lava spreading doesn't seem to work and why have grass on every peice of ground?
I thought only the blocks of ground on the top were meant to have grass on them.
way ahead of you, in the current dev version we have flooding air, which will destroy any exposed lava/water and convert back into air after it's done.
unby24, you can't actually parse the urls, as they are an MD5 hash. instead you must get the bot to login to minecraft.net, use an HttpWebRequest and sort through the HTML to get the parameters for the Java applet. There you will find the IP and port.
as for the bot, just choose a name, irc server, and channel, and the server will handle the rest.
it has a few commands received via /msg such as kick and ban
EDIT: Official forum: http://day7tech.com/forum
EDIT: you can see what I'm up to at http://day7tech.com/live
EDIT: The new webserver for day7tech.com is up and running now, you should be able to download smoothly now
here's what MCSharp uses to send/receive positions
HTNO = Host to Network Order
NTHO = Network to Host Order
hope this helps
EDIT: BlockChanges are encoded the same way.
the syntax is: mapname = physlevel
so if you wanted to autoload a map called oceanbuild, with physics set to normal, you'd do:
oceanbuild = 1
also, we know all of the levels are .lvl, that's the server format. and because of Notch using Java, we can't add support for .dat without a buttload of .dll files, and even then it'd be a horrible thing to do.
also, make sure you have physics on and make sure you're placing active water/lava and not static water/lava