first off: it's powers of two, not multiples. big difference there
secondly, @computermix: it's sorta possible, but it requires sending the clients the ID of a connected player (don't ask why, it's just how notch made it)
We didn't release the source because I figured you wouldn't want us to. We were planning on rewriting much of the netcode to eliminate copyright issues, but it proved to be a daunting task.
That said, would you mind if the source was released? and of course credit comes where it's due
some antvirus programs seem to have a problem with Meebey.SmartIrc4Net.dll, I can assure you that it contains no malicious code, it's been approved and listed on the Mono website and I've run it against 3 different antivirus programs and found nothing; not to mention it's opensource (look for it on sourceforge).
@computermix: the code is there, but it didn't work so I commented it out temporarily.
@tomrama: no there's no way to mark doors so that it's easy to spot them, at least nothing the server can do. You can, however, mark them with brick and whatnot (that's what I do)
secondly, @computermix: it's sorta possible, but it requires sending the clients the ID of a connected player (don't ask why, it's just how notch made it)
We didn't release the source because I figured you wouldn't want us to. We were planning on rewriting much of the netcode to eliminate copyright issues, but it proved to be a daunting task.
That said, would you mind if the source was released? and of course credit comes where it's due
PS: never trust the dates on that list.
/me goes to try it out
@tomrama: no there's no way to mark doors so that it's easy to spot them, at least nothing the server can do. You can, however, mark them with brick and whatnot (that's what I do)
not sure what you mean here.
no way around this, the client would have to be updated, the server has no control over it, it can just replace a destroyed block.
that would be 5 minutes
We're hoping that commands (among other things) will be more configurable in the near future
no it's not going opensource just yet, however, if you want to decompile and edit for your own needs, that's fine with me.
/perbuild and /pervisit are supposed to save directly to the file, I'll look into it.
I'm aware of the console chat thing, and it's been fixed, I'll update when I fix the above.
Don't just assume we did no beta testing, why do you think it took so long to release?