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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Maybe large ground dragons/beasts would be nice to have. I don't know about their practicality, but they'd be fun for multiplayer.

    Maybe something like fell wyrms from ff12; they'll turn aggressive once you hit them.

    For a nether version, they could resemble the usual ff behemoth, but for this type, they'll attack immediately on sight.

    They should spawn on large clearings such as plains or deserts.

    And I guess they could give a bigger heart which you could split into normal hearts, and more loot.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Ah right, the recipe is supposed to say tier 1 (tiers count the 0)

    ah, thanks
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    I deleted to config to see if it does anything, but the obsidian spanner is still tier 1, both from the creative menu and the one I crafted

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    I don't know if I'm missing something, but as far as I know, there's no tier 2 spanner???

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    There's seem to be a bug in alloying any steel in the crucible when it gets laggy; it doesn't produce -or say "save"- the steel being alloyed even after a long period of time.

    Edit: Could you add support for other types of (modded) meat for generic meat?

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Use hotter stuff like blaze powder

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    You could also nerf the exquisite loot (either what it contains or the chances to get one), cuz Dires are pretty easy to kill with decent equipment. I got 11 artisanry books out of one loot which is pretty op (oorrr nerf how much books can give you)

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Nah reinforced stone isn't an ingot


    yeah, but I still had to use the ingot mold to get it out of the crucible :|
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    lol, I think I know where the instructions for the syringes went..

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    It should look like this.

    Btw AP, there's no instructions on how to input the potion to the syringe (but it's self-explanatory though). Oh and, do you plan on adding compatibility with modded potions?

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    yeah, same thing

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Since we're using ingot molds now, it also applies to reinforced stone which doesn't seem right

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    ah, well that makes sense. So basically, it's another way of making the item.

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    ah, thanks

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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    Here are some other metals: (definitely simpler)

    Twilight Forest


    Knightly Armor Durability: Helm:220, Plate:320, Greaves:300, Boots:260
    All Attack Damage +7, Durability 512
    Sword, Axe, Pick


    Armor Durability: Helm:220, Plate:320, Legs:300, Boots:260
    Armor Traits:
    Helm - Aqua Affinity I
    Plate - Protection I
    Legs - Protection I
    Boots - Feather Falling I
    All Durability 512
    Attack Damage +6
    Trait - Knockback I
    Attack Damage +5
    Trait - Fortune I
    Attack Damage +4
    Trait - Efficieny I
    Attack Damage +3
    Trait - Unbreaking I


    Armor Durability: Helm:275, Plate:400, Legs:375, Boots:325
    Armor Traits: Each has Fiery Aura II (Mod Enchantment)
    Uses Blaze Rods as handles
    Attack Damage +8
    Durability 1024
    Trait - Fire Aspect
    Attack Damage +6
    Durability 1024
    Trait - Auto-Smelting (Mod Enchantment)

    The following aren't exactly metals, but here they are anys


    Armor Durability: Helm:220, Plate:320, Legs:300, Boots: 260
    Armor Traits:
    Helm - Projectile Protection II
    Plate - Blast Protection II
    Legs - Fire Protection II
    Boots - Feather Falling II
    All Durability 131
    Same as Diamond
    Attack Damage +6
    Deals 3.5 hearts (7 health)
    Trait - Looting II
    Attack Damage +5
    Trait - Efficiency II
    Attack Damage +4
    Trait - Fortune II
    Attack Damage +3
    Trait - Efficiency II

    Naga Scale:

    Armor Durability: Tunic:337, Leggings:316
    Armor Traits:
    Tunic - Fire Protection III
    Leggings - Protection III



    Armor Durability: Helmet:165, Chestplate:240, Leggings:225, Boots:195
    Tools: Shears - Corrosion 0/255 (Mod's own Durability-like thingy)


    Durability: Helmet363, Chestplate528, Leggings495, Boots429
    All Durability 1561
    Attack Damage: Sword+7, Axe+6, Pickaxe+5, Shovel+4,


    Durability: Helmet165, Chestplate240, Leggings225, Boots195
    All Durability 250
    Same Mining Speed as Iron
    Has a chance to set mobs on fire
    Corrosion 0/255
    Attack Damage: Sword+6, Axe+5, Pickaxe+4, Shovel+3

    Weedwood Bow:

    There are 4 types of arrows
    Same Durability as a normal one but slightly faster
    Corrosion 0/255

    Picture Order: Knightmetal, Ironwod, Fiery, Steeleaf, Naga Scale, Syrmorite, Octine, Valonite

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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