- UKdeccy
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Member for 13 years and 6 days
Last active Thu, Aug, 17 2017 19:34:56
- 240 Total Posts
- 52 Thanks
NyctoDarkMatter posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)Hey, would you guys be interested in a MaM Reboot signature? If you'd like, you can see my signature for more of my work and decide from there.Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
Krill13 posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)Perhaps minotaurs should drop minotaur horns upon death and with that you can craft a minotaur axe.Recipe could be like vanilla axe except with minotaur horns and maybe you might as well replace the stick with either bones or blaze rods.Posted in: Minecraft Mods
The minotaur axe's attack damage can be 9 or 10 and it should maybe have a charged melee attack where you right click and hold to charge and release to attack.The longer you charge,the higher the damage is and max damage should either be 18 or 20.And of course since it's an axe it should do more damage to dendroids. -
Shadowofthedevil posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)Hope you guys like my new signature The other link is to my other friend's mod, SCPcraft. I added in your link bottom.Also, really digging the new kitsune pet, but there's one thing you forgot to put up there, how do you get the blue star core?Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
thegofa posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)Posted in: Minecraft ModsQuote from EbeneezerSquid
Reminds me of the Cat Snakes from "world out of time" by Larry Niven. Basically a furry Cat-Boa Constrictor. Always wanted one of those.
Just for "trivia's" sake, if you ever played Magic the Gathering you'll know the card Nevinyrral's Disk...
Its Larry Niven's name reversed
Thanks so much for bringing this great mod back, power to you guys, look forward to more fun !!!
TG -
davidwellz posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)it's fine, i don't think i'll be needing a downgrade! there are a lot more interesting mods for 1.7.10 than i expected already got a new 1.7.10 modded adventure up and runningPosted in: Minecraft Mods -
Shadowofthedevil posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)OMFG, ITS BACK!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING ITPosted in: Minecraft Mods -
knight088 posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)It's back IT'S BACK! IT'S BAAAAAAAAACCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
LaziNoah posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)Im so happy this is back. I would love to see the pixiu as a mount or a chinese dragon.Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
Opal3 posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)Just posted it as my skype mood.Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
irdoom1337 posted a message on [1.7.2][1.7.10] [V1.0.2] Myths and Monsters Mod (Check my last comment on the thread for status update)looks cool!Posted in: Minecraft Mods - To post a comment, please login.
If its public, ask for permission. if its private, just add it and leave a credit and whatever you want to add(website etc..). It's as simple as that
We are looking for a Sound and Animation Developer!
If you want to apply, feel free to leave a post or message UKdeccy!
(It is required to show your past work so we can see how good you are!)
Planet Minecraft Link: Here
Spawning will be fixed as well as the item ID conflicts you've been experiencing. Thanks for the support.
No official date yet but we are trying to take our time as we would like to bring out a nice clean update with minimal bugs and some new content for fans to enjoy. For updates on the mod people are best off following my Twitter.
Post models and progress on there.
I am so sorry for my lack of activity everyone. I have had a lot of stuff going on such as my laptop breaking, college and just other barriers. I also really went off Minecraft which really hasn't helped. I am currently using an old rust bucket of a laptop that will allow me to run techne but uffortunately I can't run the game without really bad FPS. So I am going to try and get a lot of the models I had off my old PC remade and I'll see about getting an update out in the near future.
You all have my sincere apology, I have let you all down and for that I am really sorry. You guys have been so supportive of the mod and for that I owe you the very least to update the mod.
I will have a chat with HoopAWolf about getting the mod updated with new content. Once again I am really sorry everyone.
I knew about it Hoop. It will be added once my PC is fixed. Your free to implement it while I'm off.
Brilliant idea.
This is the final form of the Blitsune. Kill mobs with the Blitsune and you will eventually be able to make him grow into the Battlesune!
All good ideas. If you perhaps give us ideas of how these creatures would act and their abilities. Also tell us if any of the beasts would need fusing to make a super beast
The Sand Wyrm is actually a collection of 2 ideas.
Plenty of mods will be updating in the future. If you want a downgrade so bad we will make a poll.
Thanks for the kind words. Will probably be downgraded if people demand for such a thing
We will see if we can find any Mythical beasts with the matching criteria. Thanks again for all your kind words.
For those of you wondering there is a new release of the mod with new stuff. GO here!