• 1

    posted a message on Opening Server?

    It's your firewall. Open your firewall, in your anti-virus checker, for the port your server is using (25565 most likely) and allow all computers to access it.

    Also make sure that you are using your public IP. Google whats my ip and it'll tell you.

    This video covers most of the issues for server connection problems. There's no voice, but it's thorough.

    Posted in: Hosting Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.0.0] FancyPack & Stained Glass - Updated11/26/2011
    I gave up on fancey pack in 1.6 during 1.7 I was thrilled to see it updated (unofficially of course), and it would be a shame if this mod died for good.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Human Photoshop Skin Template
    A quick Photoshop template with instuctions made easy for skin editors.
    Nothing too special, saved in a PNG format
    Follow links to be able to download the instructions and template

    Instuctions 1000x900


    Template 64x32


    1. Save in PNG format
    2. Copy the 64X32px picture in the Minecraft.jar with 7zip or WinRAR.
    3. Open up the “mobs” folder
    4. Paste your picture inside.
    5. Delete file named “char.png”
    6. Renamed your picture “char” no capitals
    7. Start Minecraft
    8. Press “I” or “F5” to see character
    Posted in: Skins
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