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    Banana is a staple crop in Uganda. Ugandans have the highest per capita consumption of cooking banana
    in the world (Clarke, 2003). However, banana production in Uganda is limited by several productivity
    constraints such as pests, diseases, soil depletion, and poor agronomic practices. To address those
    constraints, the country has invested significant resources in research and development and other publicly
    funded programs, pursuing approaches over both the short and long term. Uganda formally initiated its
    short-term approach in the early 1990s; it involves the collection of both local and foreign germ plasms
    for the evaluation and selection of cultivars tolerant to the productivity constraints. The long-term
    approach, launched in 1995, includes breeding for resistance to the productivity constraints using
    conventional breeding methods and genetic engineering. Genetic engineering projects in Uganda target
    the most popular and infertile cultivars that cannot be improved through conventional (cross) breeding.
    The main objective of genetic engineering in Uganda is to develop genetically modified (GM) cultivars
    that are resistant to local pests and diseases, have improved agronomic attributes, and are acceptable to
    consumers (Kikulwe et al., 2007).
    The introduction of a GM banana in Uganda is not without controversy. In Uganda, where the
    technology of genetic engineering is still in its infancy, it is likely to generate a wide portfolio of
    concerns, as it has in other African countries. According to the Uganda National Council of Science and
    Technology (UNCST) (2006), the main public concern is the safety of the technology for the environment
    and human health.
    Several countries have designed and implemented policies to address the safety concerns of
    consumers and producers (Beckmann, Soregaroli, and Wesseler, 2006a, 2006b). Such policies include
    assessment, management, and communication of the biosafety profiles of genetically modified organisms
    (GMOs) (Falck-Zepeda, 2006). As a consequence of its international obligations and the need to
    guarantee a socially accepted level of safety to its citizens, Uganda has taken significant steps to ensure
    the safety of GM biotechnology applications. GM banana varieties will need to undergo biosafety
    assessments and receive the regulatory approval of the country’s National Biosafety Committee before
    being approved for research, confined field trials, and release into the environment for

    The biosafety regulatory process, however, has several economic consequences as biosafety
    regulations are not costless endeavors. Kalaitzandonakes, Alston, and Bradford (2007) calculate the
    compliance costs for regulatory approval of herbicide-tolerant and insect-resistant maize to be on the
    order of about US$7 to 50 million. They note that the approval costs for similar types of GM crops will be
    similar. In addition, biosafety-testing requirements can consume significant amounts of time—from a few
    months to several years. A delay in the approval of a new variety forestalls access to the potential benefits
    generated by farmer adoption of the technology, and one can expect such costs to be substantially higher
    than the regulatory compliance costs. Wesseler, Scatasta, and Nillesen (2007), for example, estimated that the average annual benefits of Bt corn for the European Union amount to about 155 million euros per
    year. On the other hand, regulatory processes create additional information about the technology and can
    help to improve the selection and regulation of appropriate technologies.
    Jaffe (2006) has noted that existing drafts of Uganda’s biotechnology and biosafety policy stress
    the importance of the socioeconomic implications of the technology for biosafety regulation, but that
    author also observes a lack of precision in identifying the socioeconomic aspects and how they should be considered. Each country decides independently whether to include socioeconomic considerations as part of the process of deciding which technology may be approved for commercialization after being deemed
    safe by the biosafety authority. In fact, Article 26.1 of the Cartagena Protocol gives countries the choice
    of whether to include socioeconomic considerations in the biosafety assessment process consistent with
    other international treaties although limited to the context of biodiversity (Jaffe, 2006). Article 26.1’s
    “may take into account” clause has been applied strictly in some countries, such as India, where the
    socioeconomic consideration is mandatory for biosafety applications.
    Many countries, including Uganda, have not determined whether and how to include
    socioeconomic considerations, at what stage of the regulatory process to include them, and what the scope and decision-making process within biosafety regulations should be. In fact, some biosafety experts (and some countries) have resisted including such considerations in the biosafety decision-making process, as in their view, such issues may cloud that process and distract regulators from the scientific/technical issues related directly to biosafety. It is worthwhile to note that inclusion of socioeconomic considerations for biosafety regulatory approval at the laboratory/greenhouse or confined field trial stages contributes
    very little to the decision-making process, as the material will not enter the food chain and thus will not be
    commercialized until it is given regulatory approval further along in the process. Therefore, a major
    objective of this discussion paper is to illustrate the relevance of socioeconomic analyses for supporting
    biotechnology decision making but also for contributing to the development and implementation of
    biosafety regulations. We present a general approach using GM banana as an example.
    In the following sections we discuss the benefits that a GM banana could provide to producers
    and consumers in Uganda and the role of biosafety regulations in governing the introduction of a GM
    banana. A real option model is presented that shows how concerns about environmental risks can be
    considered within a cost-benefit analysis as a first step toward a socioeconomic assessment of introducing
    a GM banana in Uganda. We explicitly show how the underlying trade-offs between potential irreversible
    and reversible benefits and costs that accompany a GM banana can be assessed, building on previous
    research on banana production in Uganda by Bagamba (2007) and Edmeades and Smale (2006). We
    calculate the maximum incremental social tolerable irreversible costs (MISTICs). The application of the
    MISTICs approach pays closer attention to the application of the precautionary principle within the
    assessment of GM crops (Just, Alston, and Zilberman, 2006). It is important to note here that this is the
    first application of the MISTICs approach in a developing-country setting.
    In addition, we show how the results of the economic analysis can be combined with the
    consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for a GM banana using a choice experiment model. We explicitly
    demonstrate how one can use a latent segment model to capture and account for heterogeneity among
    consumer preferences given a tangible economic benefit of the GM banana.
    The latent segment model
    complements and extends the dimensions of previous research (Li et al., 2003; Loureiro and Bugbee,
    2005; Knight et al., 2007) on consumers’ WTP for GM food by, first, incorporating the foregone
    economic benefits of a delay in release and, second, incorporating producers as consumers in the sample.
    The approach is unique in its application to banana varieties in a developing-country context.
    The paper is structured as follows. The second section discusses in more detail the relevance of a
    GM banana for Uganda. Section 3 introduces an overview of biosafety regulations in Uganda. Section 4
    presents the MISTICs approach and explains its application. Section 5 reports and discusses the
    preliminary results. Section 6 introduces the theoretical framework of the choice experiment and its
    application. The final section draws conclusions and discusses implications for decision making regarding
    biotechnology and biosafety regulations for a GM banana in Uganda.
    Banana is one of the most important crops in Uganda with approximately 7 million people, or 26% of the
    population, depending on the plant as a source of food and income. Bananas are estimated to occupy 1.5
    million hectares of the total arable land, or 38% of the cultivated land, in the country (Rubaihayo and
    Gold, 1993; Rubaihayo, 1991). The plant is grown primarily as a subsistence crop in rural areas, although
    consumption is not limited to rural areas as approximately 65% of urban consumers in Uganda have a
    meal of the cooking variety of banana at least once a day. Ugandans have the highest per capita
    consumption of cooking banana in the world (Clarke, 2003).
    Most of the banana varieties grown in Uganda are endemic to the East African highlands—a
    region recognized as a secondary center of banana diversity (Stover and Simmonds, 1987; Swennen and
    Vuylsteke, 1988; Smale and Tushemereirwe, 2007). The endemic banana varieties (AAA–EA genomic
    group) consist of two use-determined types: cooking bananas (matooke) and beer bananas (mbidde).
    Karamura (1998) recognized 238 names of East African highland banana varieties in Uganda, with 84
    clones grouped into five clone sets. The nonendemic clones include dessert bananas (varieties that are
    consumed raw), some beer bananas (varieties suitable for beer and juice making), and roasting bananas
    (or plantains).
    Banana yields in Uganda are severely reduced by several pests and diseases. Among the pests that
    cause the most yield damage are weevils (Cosmopolites sordidus) and nematodes (Radopholus similis,
    Pratylenchus goodeyi, and Helicotylenchus multicinctus). The diseases that contribute to the worst yield
    losses in Uganda are the soil-borne fungal Panama disease, or Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum),
    bacterial wilts including the banana Xanthomonus wilt (Xanthomonus campestris pv. musacearum), and
    the air-borne fungal black leaf spot disease or “black Sigatoka” (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) (Gold,
    1998; 2000; Gold et al., 1998, ; 2001; Tushemereirwe et al., 2003).
    Consequently, the National Banana Research Program of the National Agricultural Research
    Organization (NARO) in Uganda has developed a breeding program that employs a range of traditional
    crop breeding methods and a portfolio of biotechnologies to address the crop’s most debilitating problems
    caused by pests and diseases (Kikulwe et al., 2007). The short-term breeding strategy includes the
    assembly of local and foreign germ plasms for evaluation and selection of varieties resistant or tolerant to
    existing productivity constraints. Resistance to a limited set of pests and diseases (e.g., black Sigatoka)
    was identified in hybrid banana varieties. Though characterized by bigger bunches, the hybrid varieties
    are not widely grown in Uganda (Nowakunda, 2001; Smale and Tushemereirwe, 2007). Producers and
    consumers prefer the East African highland cooking bananas, but these are also highly susceptible to
    black Sigatoka (Nowakunda et al., 2000; Nowakunda, 2001) and bacterial wilts (Tushemereirwe et al.,
    2003). Susceptibility to diseases prompted the national researchers to adopt a long-term breeding strategy
    that includes the generation of new genotypes and other new approaches to introduce resistance.
    The highest-yielding highland cooking bananas proved to be sterile, which slows down their
    improvement through conventional breeding (Ssebuliba, 2001; Ssebuliba et al., 2006). With major biotic
    constraints not easily addressed through conventional breeding and management practices, recent efforts
    have been made to employ genetic engineering for the insertion of resistance traits into selected banana
    background planting material. Unlike crossbreeding, genetic engineering allows for improving the
    agronomic traits (e.g., disease and pest resistance) as genes are inserted into potential host varieties
    (cultivars) while not changing other production and product attributes (e.g., cooking quality). The genetic
    modification approach has shown potential for the improvement of the crop (Tripathi, 2003). At the
    University of Leuven, Belgium, GM bananas with resistance against black Sigatoka have been developed.
    Yet the performance of the new varieties and/or traits inserted into local host varieties cultivated under
    local conditions is not known as the field trials have just begun.
    Edmeades and Smale (2006) argue that the choice of a host variety for a genetic transformation
    largely determines its acceptability by producers and consumers. In those regions strongly affected by
    biotic constraints, it is likely that GM banana cultivars will be more beneficial to poorer and subsistence-oriented farmers. In addition, the insertion of multiple traits into East African highland bananas, although
    associated with additional research and development costs (e.g., transformation costs, regulatory costs),
    could further increase the benefits generated by the adoption of the technology in Uganda. Multiple traits
    may also increase adoption rates, as farmers may not immediately notice the beneficial effect of a single
    Although GM bananas look promising for large-scale (mass clonal) multiplication and
    dissemination, empirical evidence of the success of such organisms is still limited. Long-term
    multiplication of micropropagated (tissue-cultured) plants, for example, may lead to epigenetic
    (somaclonal) variations. Additionally, genetic uniformity in a trait intensifies the probability of mutations
    in the targeted pest or disease that overcome resistance and increase epidemic vulnerability. These two
    aspects raise questions about the clonal fidelity of offspring plants and their genetic stability, both
    affecting economic benefits of GM banana varieties. In this context biosafety measures to monitor,
    evaluate, and mitigate effects of such occurrences become critical for the appropriate deployment of the
    technology in Uganda.
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    posted a message on Rate the above forum member's avatar!
    3/5. Hey, it's better than the grey default avatar.
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    posted a message on The next poster is ...
    Anything with massive amounts of pounding bass.

    Next poster hates Nutella.
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    posted a message on Rate the signature above you!
    1/10. I swear, if I had a penny for every time I saw one of those "achievement get" sigs, I would have... a lot of pennies.
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    posted a message on My Hill
    engie_ninja explodes as he is struck by a massive wall of pure, throbbing bass. My hill.
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    posted a message on WHAT IS THE AVATAR ABOVE YOU THINKING?
    My hair. It is green.
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    posted a message on What is the weak point of the avatar above you?
    Apples filled with razor blades.
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    posted a message on Rate the signature above you!
    0/10. No offense, but I'm quite sick of those.
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    posted a message on state a dream that you hade once
    I have dreams where I get up, go to school, spend hours in classes, come back home... and then the alarm rings.
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    posted a message on Answer the question WITH a question.
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    posted a message on WHAT IS THE AVATAR ABOVE YOU THINKING?
    "I can't be arsed to get an avatar."
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    posted a message on Need some fitness help.
    If you are only trying to focus on push-ups, try doing your push-ups in "sets" of four. After each set, give yourself thirty seconds to recover, and then do your next set. Stop once you have done three sets. As you get stronger, gradually increase either the number of sets that you do or the number of push-ups in each set. Push yourself; always make sure that your sets are challenging enough that you are breathing heavily after each one. By the end of your last set, you should be totally exhausted.
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    posted a message on The next poster is ...
    I saw the first four episodes and never really got into it.

    Next poster has made a bacon weave.
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    posted a message on Drivers
    I never honk unless someone is about to hit me, and I view anyone who honks for any other reason as an inconsiderate asshole. That is, unless they are trying to tell me something important, like my car is on fire.

    Since you have probably just started (legally) driving, here is a word of advice: DO NOT GET A TICKET. Insurance is an angry ***** and a drain on your wallet. I found this out the hard way.
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    posted a message on Exotic foods
    Quote from Skipper3210

    Sushi is awesome!

    I am open to something as long as it has no shell fish.

    I love sushi, but I'd much rather not know what is in half of it. I prefer to eat it and not ask any questions.
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