Hey guys, just want to say hello! I'm on holiday, haven't been so active at the programming site.. :tongue.gif: Sorry for that, @Paril.
I've been busy with school projects and big IMPORTANT exams..
So yeah. I'll be home in approximately two weeks :smile.gif:
I'd like to start by saying this is the best skinning program I've found. I really enjoy using it and you and your team have done an amazing job. Seeing the "Fetch from Minecraft.net" tool made my think, what if you could see a catalog like thing for the skins that have been uploaded. Yeah I realize many sites are like that but It would be cool if you could just search through and pull a skin you just found directly into editing within the same program. I don't know if that's possible but I'd love to see it. Thanks again for the amazing program. I can't wait for the full blown texture back making version.
Thank you very much for sharing your openion! I appreciate it, and so do the others.
I do have a few questions, though. In the video, I noticed that you could animate the skin, is the animation feature just to have it do the running animation?
Can you pose the skin model or is it fixed in that position?
Can you take screen shots of the skin through the actual program?
Thank you for that.
You can move the skin around meanwhile it's running, yes.
You can take screenshots of the skin through the application itself, yep :smile.gif:
If you're able to continuously reproduce it, that does help to an extent - providing us with the View Details stuff of the crash dialog MIGHT help, but it's hard to tell.
The only way to really fix it though is to get it compiling on your end and debug it, basically; this would be the ultimate key to fixing it, although would probably be a 20 minute process or so.
When you think of it.. it might have been an unhandled exception. Did you make it catch them?
I've been busy with school projects and big IMPORTANT exams..
So yeah. I'll be home in approximately two weeks :smile.gif:
Yep, that's planned for a future update. Next time, read through the first page at the topic :smile.gif:
- J
Thank you very much for sharing your openion! I appreciate it, and so do the others.
You bet!
1001 = My age + 3 (binary)
Thank you for that.
You can move the skin around meanwhile it's running, yes.
You can take screenshots of the skin through the application itself, yep :smile.gif:
That's obviously because MCSkin3D is only available for the Windows platform.
Thake a look at this quote:
When you think of it.. it might have been an unhandled exception. Did you make it catch them?
Thanks :smile.gif:
If you read through the first post you'd figure that out :smile.gif:
Thanks for liking it! :smile.gif:
I think Paril have planned that for a future version.. not sure. Gotta talk to him.
Hmm.. can you PM me your contact information?
E-mail me [email protected]
Then I'll send you the language editor and the English template so you can translate it into Hebrew.
You can fetch Notch' skin through the application.
Well, thank you for giving us your opinion to it :smile.gif:
We're just waiting for our personal translators to finish up Spanish & Chinese.
Meanwhile... I will be continuing working on the Language File Editor.
See ya then!
- J
Thank you for your telling us your opinion to the application. :smile.gif:
- J