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    posted a message on Notch is mad at Simon and Lewis
    Quote from CynicalPride

    So, let me get this straight, you think that the minecraft forum is a court of law, and not a place to express ones own opinion?

    Yes, it is a place to express one's opinion. However, when one touts their opinion as fact, then they deserve to be called out on it and evidence should be demanded. Why should a forum board be any different than a court in this regard? If you make a claim, back it up or admit that it is your opinion. You have expressed your opinion as fact and therefore I have called you on it. You didn't like that my view was different than your own, so you proceed to insult me and make lame attempts to throw out red herring arguments.

    Definition of OPINION
    a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter b : approval, esteem
    a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge b : a generally held view
    a : a formal expression of judgment or advice by an expert b : the formal expression (as by a judge, court, or referee) of the legal reasons and principles upon which a legal decision is based

    Hmm, I guess if you believed that minecraft forums were based on definition 3, I could be wrong. But if you have any ****ing sense at all, I'm guessing that definition, and the "COMMON ****ING SENSE" you claim, will tell you that the minecraft forum is a place to express opinion in the mindset of the first two definitions.

    Deliberately attempting to skew my point to add strength to your own argument? I see how this works.

    Anyway, what I was saying is that it is only common sense to expect someone who makes a claim to back it up with evidence. No one on any side of this argument has done so, least of all Notch. However, idiots like you defend him in spite of the fact that there is a glaring lack of evidence, making your opinions on the matter your opinions. Nothing more. No amount of aggrandizement by bringing red herrings and straw mans, nor insulting those who do not buy into the ******** will change that. Again, you have zero evidence that any of Notch's claims are true, so that by definition makes your personal judgment a biased opinion. You cannot escape that fact.

    Or did you think everyone who came on the forums was trying to write the laws of the universe?


    Pardon my logic, I'm sure it's getting in the way of your ignorant dribble.

    Circular logic? Okay, I guess I can pardon that so long as you know it's an intellectual fallacy.

    Sorry, but your ******** deserved to be called out.

    And pray tell, exactly what is it that I have said that is ********? Or is it the fact that you simply don't like what I have to say?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Notch is mad at Simon and Lewis
    Quote from deadly habit

    I love how people just jump to conclusions when just hearing a single side to a story

    I am glad I am not on trial for murder with a jury made up of those assholes.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Notch is mad at Simon and Lewis
    Quote from sunperp

    If you truly are neutral in the matter, your posts over the past few pages surely don't indicate it. From what I am reading, you have already made up your mind as to who you support and who you don't.

    Alright, so condemning Notch for his childishness automatically means I am absolving Yogscast of any possible wrong-doing on a separate issue? Okay, got it. Thanks for making it clear for me.

    It's abso-****ing-lutely baffling to me that people honestly think that blame in an incident has to be completely one-sided. I got news for everyone who thinks this way. The world isn't binary. It's not the sort of place where just because one person is wrong, then the other person is by definition right. Both sides in a dispute can make mistakes at any point in that dispute. Notch has plainly done this, as his tweets are evidence of. We are however still awaiting word on Yogscast's role in this mess.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Notch is mad at Simon and Lewis
    Quote from Drachasor

    So he made a mistake with his first tweet. He made a mistake giving into peer pressure and saying it was the Yogscast. He then made further mistakes by responding to being bugged by going off on the Yogscast.

    So yeah, he made several errors in judgment there.

    Several very childish errors which in all likelihood would have been avoided if he hadn't made that first one. Notch is solely responsible for this blowing up like it has.

    Now whether or not his allegations are true remains to be seen.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Notch is mad at Simon and Lewis
    Quote from Swineflew

    Youtube and modders made this game what it is today.

    Ignoring the rest of the post to not go off-topic.

    This line though is essentially correct, however, it could be more correctly worded as "the internet made Minecraft what it is today". Mainly, the ability to distribute the software without expensive packaging and the tons of free advertisement that forums, Youtube and other social media provides. Without the state of the internet today, Notch would not be a millionaire.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [Jul.08] Rei's Minimap v3.4_01
    I also want to clarify my position on this, though I doubt anyone will pay attention.

    This is a quality mod. The map is very good and has some very well thought-out features (such as the load delay). The way it even takes structures into account (unlike Notch's maps) and the lighting are also very nice. My issue is NOT with the mod or its features. With or without the mob radar and cave mapping it is a nice, simple, quality mod.

    My issue is with the behavior of Rei through this. An immature asshat got under his skin and Rei is allowing this to continue to affect the rest of the community. It is entirely within his power to end the issue, one way or the other, yet he doesn't do so. That is my issue with this whole thing.

    Yes, I come off as a blunt asshole. That is who I am. I call things as I see them and I do not mince words. In my experience, nothing gets accomplished when people do that. If this pisses anyone off, well, they're going to do what they are going to do and there is nothing I can do to change that, just like there's nothing they can do to change how I act.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Jul.08] Rei's Minimap v3.4_01
    Quote from Evil Hamster


    Why don't you stop acting like a 6 year old.

    Okay then. I give an unpopular, though honest, opinion and get insulted for it. Like THAT is mature.

    If you want somebody to listen to your opinion, you don't start off calling them names. That's just immature and a good way to ensure the person you're trying to communicate to will just shut you out.

    Look, I'm blunt. I have always been blunt and I will always be blunt. If you or anyone else doesn't like it, guess what, there's ignore.

    Also, point out where I started by calling someone a name. You can't because I didn't. You made it up.

    Second, just because you DEMAND an answer and threaten more crying if you don't get one doesn't mean anybody has to respond.

    Wait, what? What the **** is this? I was told to give my opinion to a specific matter, Marik didn't like my opinion and began backpedaling. How the **** is this demanding an answer and threatening to cry? You are delusional.

    I'm starting to suspect you're possibly an alt of newton. Just trying to **** Rei off so much he never brings back either of the features. Of course, I'll never be able to prove that.

    No, you won't because it isn't the case.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Jul.08] Rei's Minimap v3.4_01
    Quote from Marik

    First, what on earth gives you the right to tell someone what to do or what he shouldn't have done?

    This is a public forum. That alone gives me the right to make my opinion known. I gave my opinion on way Rei should have handled n3wton, nothing more.

    Also, you're the one who asked me what he should do. I answered. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't give you the right to suddenly take back the question.

    Second, why don't you redo this complete thing and do it exactly like in your perfect imaginary world? Shocker: the real world isn't perfect.

    That's actually my point. Not everyone is going to be happy. There's no sense in Rei being wishy-washy on the issue since the damage is already done. He needs to make a firm decision one way or the other on whether or not to re-implement those features of the mod and face the fact that no matter what he decides, not everyone is going to be happy.

    Also, trying to insult my intelligence by implying I live in a fantasy world is pathetic. Period.

    Third, I don't give a damn if you uncensor all your things, but that doesn't mean everyone has to know your opinion.

    Funny, I seem to recall you asking for it. All my sig does is give fair warning. You should have considered yourself warned before you suddenly became hostile.

    Fourth, Rei has the balls to continue this mod after so much idiots complaining. I don't see the average person do that.

    No, he actually didn't. He removed the parts of the mod a minority were complaining about. He caved to a bunch of immature posters and in so doing, became one himself.

    Fifth, you sound to me like someone in desperate need of attention and approval. Good luck.

    Your opinion of me, quite frankly, doesn't matter. I read through this and decided to give Rei a dose of maturity. You look like you could use the same.

    Please don't even mind about answering at all to this post, since I don't give a damn what you think.

    Don't bother replying? Why? Afraid of the can of worms you just opened? If you really don't want to what I have to say, there is an ignore button. Use it.

    Here's a tip; When you ask someone for their opinion, be prepared for one you might not like. Also, this is a public forum, by reading or posting here, you open yourself up to views that may be contrary to your own. If you don't like it, then you don't have to come here.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Jul.08] Rei's Minimap v3.4_01
    Quote from Marik

    With all respect, but this is history. Past. Not now.

    So, instead of telling the faults that have been made, tell what you think Rei should do now instead of what he shouldn't have done in the past. More directly: What, in your opinion, should Rei do, without you repeatedly saying 'he already lost'?

    Actually, it doesn't matter what he does now. It will not change the fact that n3wton won and Rei let him win.

    Rei needs a slap in the face with reality. He was a big baby about the whole thing and denied the community a useful aspect of his mod because he decided to act like a child and throw a tantrum. The more he lets this situation persist, the more in the wrong he becomes, especially since he is stringing along a lot of people who want the radar and mapping back. It is reaching a point now where n3wton takes a lesser share of the blame in this than Rei himself does.

    If I am leaning toward anything that Rei should do, it would be to make a final decision on whether or not to re-implement the contested features and let the community know. No matter what decision he comes to, he will make people mad, but that's the price he pays for letting n3wton get to him in the first place. Rei needs to grow a set of balls and make that decision.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Give me one AMAZING reason why Hunger should NOT be toggable
    Quote from Rikaelus

    And you're perceiving them as viable because you refuse, or are unable to see things from our perspective. We enjoy the environment except for this mechanic, or this among a few others. An alternative that sacrifices the rest of the environment isn't viable since it puts us right back to where we started--actually even farther back since now we might be missing several mechanics we enjoy.

    No, I see things from your perspective. I see things from your perspective all the time. I live in a town where everyone sees from your perspective. I actually can't get away from it.

    Your perspective is "me, me, me". You whine and ***** and complain because one little thing isn't going your way. You know what? Life doesn't work that way.

    These alternatives are like replacing spoiled chicken with good beef, but also adding spoiled carrots and tomatoes; you're fixing one problem by making others.

    So you don't like the way Notch and Jeb write the game. Guess what, I suggested a much better solution than pissing in the forums earlier in the thread, specifically to you, that you never addressed.

    That's why they're not viable. I don't understand why you can't understand that. Honestly, it's not tough to figure out. I'm spelling it out for you. Again.

    No, I understand perfectly that they are viable options. There is always some give and take. I don't like the fog, but I like everything else a lot better. A lot of people don't like the villagers that are coming, so they aren't going to visit villages. Everyone has to give something in exchange for what they like. Why are you any different? I wasn't aware you were so ****ing special.

    I've never made that assumption, nor do I see why you think I have. If you don't like the fog, make a post about it asking for it to be a graphical option. I like the fog, but I'll support it being an option so you don't have to deal with it.

    Really? You could have fooled me with all your talk of playing on different modes and rolling back aren't options.

    Of course it's not a viable option. I'm not playing the game. Obviously the option failed to fix the game to my liking. Derp.

    Actually, it is a perfectly viable option if you have refused to take any of the other options available to you, which by your own admission, is exactly what you did. You refuse to play in creative, you refuse to play in peaceful, you refuse to play in 1.7.3 and you refuse to mod. What else is there? You aren't enjoying the game, so...you took the only logical step and that is to move on to something else.

    Also, this statement screams "entitlement attitude", and I am quoting it again so there is no confusion...
    Obviously the option failed to fix the game to my liking.

    Okay, so let's talk about you, since this is the crux of the statement. Guess what? You didn't buy 3.5 million copies of Minecraft. You are not on the development team. You refuse to play creative/peaceful/1.7.3. You refuse to mod.

    There is no ****ing reason why Notch and Jeb should have to cater everything to your liking.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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