Quote from Senacharim
PLEASE stop redirecting every inbound link from google to the "news" page--it's rendering this forum more useless bit by bit. Thank you.
What are you on about? A search for optimine optifog minecraft forums brought me to this topic no problem. Or am I not understanding your issue?
I think it's time for me to retire the screen name "Travuersa". September 20th marked its 5th birthday, and in these 5 years I have put a lot of varied content under this name. And that's the problem. I was a dumb 16-year-old kid when I started this name, and it influenced my actions. I am now an adult, and I need another clean slate to start from.
I've done this before with a name I started using when I was ruddy 12. When I was almost 16, I decided to disconnect myself from about 4 years of asinine comments, and now it's time for that again.
I have come up with a new username, and I will not link this new name overtly or directly with "Travuersa". I will, however, continue to use "Travuersa" for things I have already sunk real world money into, such as Minecraft.
All my current accounts will be logged off, not disabled mind you, and I will create new accounts under this new name. The only way to ever contact me will be through Minecraft on a server which you've probably never heard of.
I don't remember if there is a rule against having multiple accounts, but I assure you that it will be irrelevant to me as I do not plan on returning here. This use to be a place I enjoyed, but through my new views, I see it as a place of irrelevancy. Posts I've made in the past I now view as puerile and pointless.
So, I say bye, and hope this new direction will be a liberative action.
tl;dr: The username "Travuersa" will be discontinued. I will be making new accounts under a different name. That name is not Hetrosexual_Ninja. I will probably never post here again. Bai.
Division and multiplication, like addition and subtraction, are inverse operands and should be considered equivalent.
48 / 2 * (9 + 3) = 48 * (1 / 2) / (1 / (9 + 3)) = 24 / (1 / 12) = 288
For this, 1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte (and for all other in the form 1000 q = 1 p). Trust me, I'm a computer science major. It makes sense (2^10). Defining a megabyte as 1000 kilobytes is THE MAN's way of selling you smaller harddrives.
For everything else, citation needed.
(-58 ± sqrt(-284)) / -32
Sounds like you're using the quadratic formula. If you got a negative under the radical, that means no real roots exist.
If you're using imaginary numbers, remember that sqrt(-1) = i, so the problem becomes:
(-58 ± sqrt(-284)) / -32 = (-58 ± i * sqrt(284)) / -32 = 58 / 32 ± i * sqrt(284) / 32
Frankly, I'm glad it's gotten a better name and a better use. It was a symbol on my keyboard only used after I learned python. Now I can say the only one with no use is "`"/"~" and perhaps "page down".
See, when white people are proud because they're white, people get offended, and rightfully so. But the LGBQTOMGWTFBBQ community is immune to such offense. Why?
And then there's the whole "Wow guys, you've really made it a central part of your life that you're gay, and need to tell everyone?" That's almost as strange as having a community of blonde hared, blue eyed people running about and making their blonde hare and blue eyes a central part of their lives.
All of this reminds me a lot about furries. I don't get involved in that community either because of similar reasons.
tl;dr: It's offensive to be proud about the way you are naturally.
Then I assume you believe that I am your almighty savior and you should send me all your money. After all, there's no reason not to.
Can you prove it?
So I'm assuming what follows is a mathematical proof or a large amount of evidence. It's not? Then no, they don't HAVE to exist.
16 unique values. You forgot 0. 0 = 0000, 15 = 1111.
Not sure how you went from 4 combinations of base 2 pick 1 to infinite combinations of base ~100 pick few. But sure, for argument, let's assume that there is a very low chance of an organic substance forming.
Statistically probable does not mean it is deterministically true...
Entropy is increasing.
That's a complete 180 from your confidence at the beginning of your post.
As for aliens who explicitly haven't visited our planet, I understand the logical thinking behind the hypothesis that they exist, but without evidence we can't say they DO exist.
So you're trivializing new flowers, fish, and terrain gen changes because they changed what the rose was? Seriously? What's wrong with using a resource pack again?
Also, it was almost cold enough to wear a jacket the other day.
Change log to 1.6 V4
Desaturated foliage and grass (This may be changed depending on the upcoming changes).
Changed creepers to match above desaturation.
Added top of log textures for pine, birch, and jungle.
Added melon stems.
Added note blocks.
Finished bat.
Added black outlines to potion effect icons + minor tweaks.
Changed end portal.
Changed end portal blocks.
New villager mad particle.
Updated flint and steel with the new iron ingot texture.
Fixed a misplaced pixel on all 3 cow textures.
Sunset light made warmer.
Moon light made colder.
Reeds item changed to compensate for 1.7 changes.
Podzol added.
1.7 flowers added. The rose bush is kinda placeholder but I like it, so it might stay.
Added dandelion and rose texturing. The rose will stay a rose because poppies are terrifying.
Why do you want to use Photoshop then?
GIMP 2.6.12 (although I imagine it's basically the same on 2.8.6)
Colors -> auto -> normalize (turns the brightest bit into white and the darkest bit into black);
or you can do manually, which is what I did. You can tune the result a bit better, but it takes more time:
Colors -> brightness-contrast -> Edit these settings as levels -> Mess with the sliders.
Well, you can do what I do, which is create a bunch of paths and have them draw new black lines on an alpha layer, and then use the magic wand (aa off, threshold = 254) to select the areas you want to color. Then paste the color on a new alpha layer. The color layer should be under the lines layer.
Alternatively, you could go over your pencil lines with a black marker (felt tipped preferably), desaturate your scan (Colors -> desaturate), and then increase the contrast and decrease the brightness equally (Colors -> brightness-contrast) until basically only your lines are left.
Copy this layer and make a new layer of all black. Right click this layer and "add layer mask". Paste your lines layer and invert its colors (Colors -> invert). Anchor the paste, right click the black layer, and select "apply layer mask".
This creates a layer of just lines that you can now use the magic wand (aa on, threshold depends on the selection) to select the black areas as described above.