Hey what is up guys! 99FireyMan99 here, coming at you with an awesome mod! It is my first mod, so be easy on me! It is called Commands! They are pretty simple commands, but are very useful!
DONATE VIA PAYPAL!- [email protected]
Go check out my YouTube channel- http://www.youtube.com/user/fireyman99
Type /help to get started!
Special thanks to "goldenquick" He helped in the making of some commands!
Special thanks to "Kacperski" for letting me use his WorldEdit!
TEXTURE PACK - This is a texture pack for JUST THE CUSTOM ITEMS, because currently, the Function: overrideTexture is broken, so, until it is fixed, here is a texture pack if you really want the item textures!
List of commands | New = RED
/godmode on | off
/speed on
/speed off
/id <block/Item>
/fly on | off
/ci - same as /clear
/gm - same as /gamemode
/orestick - Gives you an item, where whenever you tap on the ground, it will let you know if there are any ores under that block!
Initial release!
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 2.0-
Added /spawn and /creative and /survival
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 3.0-
Changed /godmode to /godmode on, added /godmode off.
Added /sethome, /home, /speed on and /speed off. (Speed, makes the game speed faster.) Added /fire, /jump <height>
To spawn mobs now, do /spawn . Put a space between the spawn and the mob!
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 4.0-
Added WorldEdit! Type /WEhelp to get started!
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 4.1-
Now /godmode off doesn't kill you!
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 5.0-
Added /id
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 6.0-
Added /fly and /instamine!!!
Alphabetized the help pages!!!
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 7.0-
Updated to 0.8.0
Added the new blocks/items to /id
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 8.0-
Added /nr and /tree
Added SpiderJockey | Type /spawn jockey to spawn it!
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 9.0-
Added /nuke | Lot's of TNT spawns above you!
Changes/Bug fixes
Added message when you type /tree (I forgot!

Added message when you spawn a Spider Jockey (Forgot that too!

Added special message if you don't finish a command!
Added 2 more times to /time set! (Sunset and sunrise!)
Fixed the bug when you type /id , it adds instamine pickaxe to your inventory! It now doesn't do that!
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 10-
Added- /clear (Clears inventory)
Added- /gamespeed slow|normal|fast Removed /speed on/off
Added- /farm (Creates a wheat farm above you!)
Added- /smelt | Gives you an item that when you tap on something that can be smelted, it will drop the smelted item!
Added- /eggs | Gives you spawn eggs!
Changes/Bug Fixes
/die -to- /kill
Now when you use /kill | Your inventory is cleared!
The ids of the "Fly Items" and the "Instamine Pickaxe" | They now have a different texture!
Added custom textures to the custom items! | Like the instamine pickaxe, etc.
/help -to- /help | There is now a space between the /help and the page number!
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 11-
/orestick | Gives you an item, and you tap anywhere and it will tell you if there are any ores under that block!
Added a few chat colors!
Welcome Message when you enter a world!
/ci | Clears your inventory!
/gm | and you can use /gamemode c or s | and /gamemode c or s
New mob eggs to /eggs and a spider jockey egg!
Added custom items to Creative Inventory!
Updated to 0.9.0 - added new blocks and items to /id
Commands by 99FireyMan99 Version 12-
Changed /fly | Now /fly on/off | Real Flying now!!! Double tap jump to fly | Caution: You still take fall damage! Use /heal
Added the following to /id-
Redstone Block
Mob Spawner
Fishing Rod
Rotton Flesh
Updated Iron Door Id
Grass Path
Mobs Added to /eggs-
Magma Cube
Cave Spider
Please don't redistribute this mod without the permission of me, 99FireyMan99!
<------------------------- Hit that little green button!!!
ign :SkelgonMC