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    posted a message on Too much stuff, too little time to finish it?
    Quote from Ickabodx

    I always saw the alpha version of the game as a framework for a larger RPG / adventure type of game. Where the alpha version was basically a systems test on making the world work and then flushing it out with game play later on.

    Yea, with proper development plans, think of how good this game could be a year from now.

    Then think about how it's due for release in 3 weeks.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 19

    posted a message on Too much stuff, too little time to finish it?
    Well, I think Minecraft was a grand game the way it was, just a bit shaky with bugs, and a few mechanical parts missing (pistons at one point, relays at an earlier point, and still no gear system). I think the recent developments that are story driven have derailed the "thread" of Minecraft. What Minecraft IS. I think the leveling system was all good, and maybe some perks and stuff, but I think that's where things started to trail off. It seems to me, Mojang was just trying to be new and inventive. They couldn't see that it had already been "new" and "inventive" because it brought EXTREME popularity to an ex-unpopular style of game, the sandbox game.

    Not saying sandbox games were for unpopular people or nerds, but it was just very "underground" and not well known by the public.

    Anyways, I think Mojang just got ahead of itself and started adding more and more features, trying to keep it's audience bedazzled.

    Y'know when you were younger and you were talking to your friends and you were talking about how badass your house was gonna be when you become a famous rockstar? You'd be like "Yea, dude. I'd have a mansion on a hill, with a pool." and then your friend would be like "And laser sharks" and then they would just be there. You would reply with "And a turret defense system capable of killing NINJAS!" Eventually you just keep going down the list and you end up with this super long list of **** in your house.

    I think that happened to Minecraft. I think Notch loved his toy so much, he started suffocating it. I think there's too much unfinished stuff and I just don't see how they are going to bug test the final build before launch.

    Are they gonna.. uhh.. Bug test it at launch then?

    Before you say "Internal testing," I would like to point out how extremely good, talented and experienced Mojangs testing team is, but it is currently hiding in a dark corner behind my cat.

    Anyways, just my opinion.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Enchanting table is actually pretty cool
    Quote from DaGrimCreeper

    True, but they are very expensive to make. You need 2 diamonds for crafting it, and 3 diamonds to mine the obsidian with, totaling for 5 diamonds in order to make one, plus bookshelves in order for it to reach its max potentional.

    I think it should be more expensive.

    I'm all for things that costs diamonds and Iron. Makes the two more precious and makes the game harder/better.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Baby animals almost confirmed! --[COME HERE!]--
    Quote from coin409

    I think the word "yet" basically confirms it.

    Absolutely not, not until they implement it and it's in the game.

    Remember, this is Mojang we're talking about. They promise a lot of things, and don't come through with most of it.

    So patience, or you'll end up disappointing yourself.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Animal Breeding
    Breed a red sheep with a blue sheep get a purple sheep

    breed a yellow sheep with a red sheep, get an orange sheep

    Breed a creeper with a sheep
    Get sued by Blizzard
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Pre Release for MAC OS X?
    You just need to download the .jar file and put it into your Minecraft folder. The game is cross platform period, there is no mac version. Java works on OSx and Windows.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
  • 1

    posted a message on What "Testificate" means
    Quote from ShaggyNinja

    What's the chance that you're all wrong and Notch is reading this thread laughing?

    Who cares?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on It's Official: Mojang Is Incompetent
    Quote from Locklear308


    Thus that argument is invalid.

    Look at Garry's Mod, completely blows away just Hl2.

    Look at how much better Valve is doing compared to Mojang. Look at what valve did. They hired modders. Oh, and Gmod wasn't just a mod, the guy made a ton of money off it.

    I am a walrus, your argument is invalid!

    Quote from destroyer2012

    Modders are "better" than Mojang because they don't have to make the game. All they do is MODIFY it.


    The other thing is mojang has no real competition. You guys already paid, so listening to your complaints is really just charity and not necessity

    Mojang isn't making the game anymore, they're glorified and paid modders at this point.

    I would never buy another game from a company that took that approach to it's community. You can **** away millions of dollars easily. If Notch wanted to just be rich, he wouldn't have started Mojang. He needs to step up if he wants customer loyalty, which brings in revenue.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Out of Memory
    OFC, cause they'd rather add new features than fix game breaking things like memory leaks.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Hardcore Mode
    In addition, I think instead of deleting your world, it should make it so you can only explore the world as is, not generate any new chunks, etc. So like an unplayable world. That way you DO get a trophy. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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