- Toric
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Member for 13 years, 4 months, and 28 days
Last active Wed, Jul, 31 2013 04:01:53
- 258 Total Posts
- 20 Thanks
ChaosGuardian posted a message on MAC and NO ENDERPEARL THROWINGIm on a macbook... click with two fingers. Seriously, that's it.. or you can change your "right clicking" settings by going to the trackpad section on system preferences.Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion -
Suho1004 posted a message on Too much stuff, too little time to finish it?Well, I suppose that depends on what you mean by "work out." I do have faith that Mojang will eventually put out a finished product, but I doubt it's going to happen next month.Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion -
redstone1337 posted a message on Nice Notch, we loves him, precious! Stupid fat Notch, we hates him! GOLLUM!I don't get it, It seems like there are two opposing sides when it comes to Notch and his coding abilities. One side has a real hero-worship thing going on, and the other (and in my experience more vocal) side is constantly throwing ad hominems about his lack of Java prowess and his body mass index.Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
Notch seems like a nice guy from what I've heard. He wants to put minecraft out in the public domain when sales drop and he wants to move on to other things, and that's pretty cool, but that doesn't make him some video game developer version of Chuck Norris or anything. He's made mistakes. I think putting in items for which he hasn't discerned a purpose is a bad idea, but I'm not a programmer, so perhaps game development works this way.
Regarding the Notch haters, I wish people would put things in perspective. How much did you pay for this game? $20? Half that if you bought it during Alpha? (I've only been playing since mid-August, so I got it for a cool $20). This isn't a $60 game from a storied franchise, developed by legions of specialized developers and published by Sony or Nintendo. It's an indie game developed by 2 people. There are far fewer minds working on the game itself, far fewer man hours are put into it, and far less money. This means It's going to lack a lot of the cohesiveness and polish of a AAA title. That's just a fact, so expect bugs; expect some broken stuff, and expect some poor decisions. (yeah, that's right, I used a semicolon!) Having said that, Mojang has a lot more creative freedom than a developer working under one of the huge publishers. They can create a game that they want, take risks, and add crazy non sequiturs like snow golems. They don't have a marketing or finance team breathing down their necks expecting them to poop out another brown first person shooter because it's a safe investment.
I'm particularly bothered by all the weight related jabs directed at Notch. Seriously, what's up with that?
Just to make the title of this thread relevant, one of the sources Tolkien used for the concept of the One Ring was a parable of sorts from an ancient Greek philosopher (don't remember the name) There's a magic ring in a cave that can turn you invisible. Being invisible, you can do whatever you want free of consequences. You're completely anonymous. The gist is that most people who would take the ring would start doing bad things because they knew they wouldn't get in trouble. The internet is a lot like that ring. One finds oneself doing and saying things they would never do in real life because they're anonymous.
I try to curb the temptation by reminding myself that there are other human beings on the other side of that screen reading my posts, and I try to interact with them as I would in real life (well as far as I can in the medium of text). The other thing to keep in mind, less to do with this forum, but the internet is forever, and while I'm not sure, I suppose its possible to at least identify an ip address of a user if one is determined enough... but I digress.
Bottom line: keep things in perspective, stop the hero worship, and stop the hating.
My spidy sense tells me that the first comment will be, "too long, did not read." -
lordemperor posted a message on well we have a release date timeframe for 1.10More likely development on 1.9 will run over schedule, be released some time after October 18 and on release day when Mojang publishes that they call Release 1.0 the forums will be flooded with posts saying "Shouldn't 2.0 come after 1.9??!?!?!?".Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
Also the release version won't be any different, except for the difference that Mojang is released from the promise to provide new content to Alpha purchasers, and subsequent patches can be called "Expansions" or "DLC" and cost $$$. -
Kanye_Weast posted a message on Has the flood of 1.9 PR criticism got you pissed off??It seems to me that a lot of good community feedback is being drowned by an army of members who feel it is their duty to protect Mojang.Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
If your thoughts on this update or any aspect of it's development falls short of worship, they tell you things like this:
Quote from irfenboi »
Dear Idiots,
Can you stop complaining and just leave this community?
Thanks k bye.
Quote from Fanboyfanboyfanboy »
It's in beta. This means its unfinished. Most game companies wouldn't have the game available at this time, you're lucky for that so GTFO and rage on EA's forums.
Quote from Notchmarryme »
Your pointless is my fun.
I'm no fanboy, but I'm not going to cry about insignificant additions that don't seem to hurt anyone.
I'd rather play the game.
Your welcome not to if it bothers you too much.
Quote from #1fanboi »
you go make a game then. oh wait...
Maybe once you make a game that is a giant success, then maybe you can say a thing or two about "how game design works"
Other then that, you are just like the "that guy" who watches you play a game, yelling at you, commanding you to "check that chest! check around the corner! shoot him, shoot him!!" when "that guy" has never played the game a day in his life.
Quote from i<3minecraft »
Solution is simple don't play the game if u don't like how it is being updated.
Wait till the final release.
I find all these types of posts to be quite hurtful to the process of giving Mojang accurate feedback on what they've given to us to try out.
If you're post can be summed up in:
"It's a Beta"
"Make your own game"
"Start your own company"
"You are stupid"
"Minecraft isn't about what YOUUUU want"
"Fanboy party, where?!"
then please refrain from posting on that thread. When people post, they want an actual discussion on the opinion they've given, not to be flamed. I'm going to start reporting any and all infractions of the forum's rules, as it seems this group of people, which I like to recognize as "fanboys" seem to be the ones who violate them the most.
Mojang's feeling aren't hurt by criticism on here, and any idea posted doesn't need you, the fanboy, who believes their words speak for the entire community, to tell the poster to GTFO. If you don't agree with the post, give an argument, not a flame.
So, community, I ask you to report all these inappropriate posters who are getting in the way of an intelligent discussion on how we think this game might be improved. We are posting here because we love Minecraft, but feel it could do better. So fanboys, please don't stand in the way, or you will be reported.
Thanks :smile.gif: -
Rikaelus posted a message on Animal BreedingPosted in: 1.0 Update DiscussionQuote from PharWorld of Whythe****dopeopleplaythisgame?
I played longer than I'd like to admit, but finally got out of it just prior to Cataclysm. RPer. Ran a guild. 80% glorified chat room, 20% game. -
Kurosu posted a message on Animal BreedingPosted in: 1.0 Update DiscussionQuote from Toric
Probs not gonna happen.
I hope it does
But probably not.
They probably realize that if they did that, they'd have too many pissed off kiddies going "why is it warcraft IV?" or "THIS ISN'T AN MMO!?!?!? I WAN'T MY MONEY BACK!!"
**** those pissed off kiddies, They need to feed the old school fans with more than just Starcraft II and D3 -
Kurosu posted a message on Animal BreedingPosted in: 1.0 Update DiscussionQuote from Toric
Yea, but it goes back to the days of the first few Warcrafts. They were even in WC3.
Then thats different, I just never really played much Warcraft, More of a Starcraft Diablo guy, Though I would love a legit Warcraft IV -
Microbots posted a message on Animal BreedingCreeper breeding... Isn't that just a dark room with creeper spawner??Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion -
Phar posted a message on Animal BreedingPosted in: 1.0 Update DiscussionQuote from Kurosu
You're so optimistic about man kind, I can already see the thread titles "Why Breeding should be toggable" "Breeding Sucks!" "Notch ****ed up minecraft again" et cetera.
Oh I swear straight to god almighty himself, I will personally shove a rusty pole up the anus of anyone who complains about breeding.
Unless of course Notch ****s it up. - To post a comment, please login.
Yea, with proper development plans, think of how good this game could be a year from now.
Then think about how it's due for release in 3 weeks.
Not saying sandbox games were for unpopular people or nerds, but it was just very "underground" and not well known by the public.
Anyways, I think Mojang just got ahead of itself and started adding more and more features, trying to keep it's audience bedazzled.
Y'know when you were younger and you were talking to your friends and you were talking about how badass your house was gonna be when you become a famous rockstar? You'd be like "Yea, dude. I'd have a mansion on a hill, with a pool." and then your friend would be like "And laser sharks" and then they would just be there. You would reply with "And a turret defense system capable of killing NINJAS!" Eventually you just keep going down the list and you end up with this super long list of **** in your house.
I think that happened to Minecraft. I think Notch loved his toy so much, he started suffocating it. I think there's too much unfinished stuff and I just don't see how they are going to bug test the final build before launch.
Are they gonna.. uhh.. Bug test it at launch then?
Before you say "Internal testing," I would like to point out how extremely good, talented and experienced Mojangs testing team is, but it is currently hiding in a dark corner behind my cat.
Anyways, just my opinion.
I think it should be more expensive.
I'm all for things that costs diamonds and Iron. Makes the two more precious and makes the game harder/better.
Absolutely not, not until they implement it and it's in the game.
Remember, this is Mojang we're talking about. They promise a lot of things, and don't come through with most of it.
So patience, or you'll end up disappointing yourself.
breed a yellow sheep with a red sheep, get an orange sheep
Breed a creeper with a sheep
Who cares?
Look at how much better Valve is doing compared to Mojang. Look at what valve did. They hired modders. Oh, and Gmod wasn't just a mod, the guy made a ton of money off it.
I am a walrus, your argument is invalid!
Mojang isn't making the game anymore, they're glorified and paid modders at this point.
I would never buy another game from a company that took that approach to it's community. You can **** away millions of dollars easily. If Notch wanted to just be rich, he wouldn't have started Mojang. He needs to step up if he wants customer loyalty, which brings in revenue.