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    posted a message on Savage Raid PvP - [1.7!] [CUSTOM PvP/Raid Server] [24/7 LagFree] [FULLPvP] [PvPStat Tracking/Leaderboard] [Base Raids] [Factions
    Voted on all 3
    Is the economy stable on this server? Can I actually sell stuff in a town?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Too much stuff, too little time to finish it?
    Quote from TheFriskyOne

    He should spend another half a year on it before release

    At the very least. THE VERY LEAST!

    Quote from TheFriskyOne

    He should spend another half a year on it before release

    At the very least. THE VERY LEAST!

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Too much stuff, too little time to finish it?
    Quote from Eddz0r

    We all know, Notch isn't the best coder.
    We all know, Minecraft was (and still is, I think) a Hobby for Notch. (Well he get paid for his hobby... like a boss...)
    Maybe one Month isn't enough for fixing all bugs, but the only change coming with the release is the price of minecraft. That's a smart move I think. Also you can't expect Minecraft will someday became a "finished Game". Where should this point of finish be? What should it look like? There is no way. And if not Notch, modder will proove this.

    How can you justify releasing the game in such a buggy state and upping the price?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Too much stuff, too little time to finish it?
    I think Notch should have just directly and completely ripped of all of the Dwarf Fortress features.

    Game would be baller.

    Then add in an ability to control your dwarves and have them dig and make a badass dwarven city.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Too much stuff, too little time to finish it?
    Quote from Ickabodx

    I always saw the alpha version of the game as a framework for a larger RPG / adventure type of game. Where the alpha version was basically a systems test on making the world work and then flushing it out with game play later on.

    Yea, with proper development plans, think of how good this game could be a year from now.

    Then think about how it's due for release in 3 weeks.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Too much stuff, too little time to finish it?
    Well, I think Minecraft was a grand game the way it was, just a bit shaky with bugs, and a few mechanical parts missing (pistons at one point, relays at an earlier point, and still no gear system). I think the recent developments that are story driven have derailed the "thread" of Minecraft. What Minecraft IS. I think the leveling system was all good, and maybe some perks and stuff, but I think that's where things started to trail off. It seems to me, Mojang was just trying to be new and inventive. They couldn't see that it had already been "new" and "inventive" because it brought EXTREME popularity to an ex-unpopular style of game, the sandbox game.

    Not saying sandbox games were for unpopular people or nerds, but it was just very "underground" and not well known by the public.

    Anyways, I think Mojang just got ahead of itself and started adding more and more features, trying to keep it's audience bedazzled.

    Y'know when you were younger and you were talking to your friends and you were talking about how badass your house was gonna be when you become a famous rockstar? You'd be like "Yea, dude. I'd have a mansion on a hill, with a pool." and then your friend would be like "And laser sharks" and then they would just be there. You would reply with "And a turret defense system capable of killing NINJAS!" Eventually you just keep going down the list and you end up with this super long list of **** in your house.

    I think that happened to Minecraft. I think Notch loved his toy so much, he started suffocating it. I think there's too much unfinished stuff and I just don't see how they are going to bug test the final build before launch.

    Are they gonna.. uhh.. Bug test it at launch then?

    Before you say "Internal testing," I would like to point out how extremely good, talented and experienced Mojangs testing team is, but it is currently hiding in a dark corner behind my cat.

    Anyways, just my opinion.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Enchanting table is actually pretty cool
    Quote from DaGrimCreeper

    True, but they are very expensive to make. You need 2 diamonds for crafting it, and 3 diamonds to mine the obsidian with, totaling for 5 diamonds in order to make one, plus bookshelves in order for it to reach its max potentional.

    I think it should be more expensive.

    I'm all for things that costs diamonds and Iron. Makes the two more precious and makes the game harder/better.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Enchanting table is actually pretty cool
    I would say the only thing I would want with enchanting is that you can find drops or loot on chests of enchanted items. Maybe enchanted items with some wear to them already, so it makes it fair? Very rarely would you find a fully, no damage lost, enchanted weapon. Even rarer, you might find a really badass one!

    IDK. I just like how it gives us something to use experience on!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on This is what happens when you mix Overworld, Nether and Ender chunks together =D (Update!)
    This is a really cool world. You should give us a download with the world!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.9 Update FACTION topic
    Where is the "stupid ****ing thread" faction?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Nice Notch, we loves him, precious! Stupid fat Notch, we hates him! GOLLUM!
    Quote from redstone1337

    Bottom line: keep things in perspective, stop the hero worship, and stop the hating.

    If there's anything everyone should get out of this thread.

    I don't hate him, I just dislike the direction he's going in and I don't want to see Mojang be the next SoE or Blizzard.

    Two companies which were awesome, and then ruined by money.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm sorry, I just can't believe this.

    Thanks for posting

    Use the search feature next time, as this is a duplicate thread.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on well we have a release date timeframe for 1.10
    Quote from lordemperor

    More likely development on 1.9 will run over schedule, be released some time after October 18 and on release day when Mojang publishes that they call Release 1.0 the forums will be flooded with posts saying "Shouldn't 2.0 come after 1.9??!?!?!?".

    Also the release version won't be any different, except for the difference that Mojang is released from the promise to provide new content to Alpha purchasers, and subsequent patches can be called "Expansions" or "DLC" and cost $$$.

    Yup, basically waiting for Mojang to screw us.

    Well, they're not gonna screw us per say, but they're going to pass off a polished turd for a full game.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Animal Breeding
    Quote from Jimbo Jambo

    There isn't anything inherently "wrong" with sex, but although the sex taboo is artificial, it still exists and has to be acknowledged. You probably don't think introducing a child to sex will damage them, but most people do, and that will most assuredly have an effect them. No kid wants to grow up believing there's something wrong with them.

    I think most parenting skills and traditions are slowly going out the window.

    I think it's damaging to our children the amount of information that's being withheld from our kids.

    It's much better to be upfront with a kid than lie to their face for them to find out somehow later, and then think all kinds of crazy things in their underdeveloped mind.

    Say your parents are getting a divorce, you don't find out till it's over and it's been going on for years. You look back and realize they were hiding it from you all along. First thought is probably "it's all my fault"


    So I'd agree. Taboos aren't really taboos though. It's more like "I'm too embarrassed" and once again, human laziness. Most people don't want to confront their problems, they'd rather just put them off till it's too late.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on tnx you notch
    Quote from Mentally Kiwi

    for example i am trolling for the purpose of being a douche bag

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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