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    posted a message on Server Same internet Provider
    Quote from TheMrMittens

    Does he have the right IP, Port?

    Yes. 200% sure.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Server Same internet Provider
    What if i host a server, and someone with the same internet provider as me tries to join?

    Will it matter?

    Because one of my friends that have the same internet provider cannot join my server. but everyone else (non of them have the same provider as us) can join.

    We tried almost everything to get this to work. and for some reason no matter what, we cant join each others server. but other people can.

    Any ideas?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Friend cannot Join Server
    To answer the questions

    Imdogtc: maybe ill add you depending on if i can get i to work over the next few days
    I AM giving him my external ip address. not my internal IPv4 192.168..... i also told him to add :25565 at the end just incase.

    Maverick: Yes he can join other servers, its only mine he cant join. he puts in ##.##.###.##:25565

    (25565 IS the port i forwarded) (the ##.##.###.## is my external ip)

    he disabled steam and tried it eventhough we are using the port 25565. still didnt work.

    Puff Daddy Pete: Now, does he have to forward the port 25565 too? he types in my external ip:25565 to join the server. but does he need to also forward that port?

    Also as a thought.. He can join other server in minecraft. But would his firewall be blocking anything with my port so he cant join? its just a thought.

    Thanks for the quick responces.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Friend cannot Join Server
    Alright. another "Friend cannot join server" i get it.
    Everyone is posting this.

    So... to make mine different...

    Yes. I have the port forwarding.
    Yes. My connection is good.

    Ok so heres my problem.

    I have a server, and my friend cant join (surprise!).

    In detail.

    I have a server. I can join it. I can view it on multiplayer screen.
    I have had other people join my server.

    But for some reason, my friend, (who lives in the same town as me) cannot join.
    But people farther away, (even ppl in canada) can join, and we cant figure out why my friend cant join

    He gets the error

    can't reach server,

    that fun stuff.

    he can join other servers. but not mine. and other ppl can join mine.
    Any ideas why he, and only he, cant join in my server?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Friend Cannot Join Server
    The Normal "Can't Reach Server"

    and that's how he did do it at first.

    with just my ##.##.###.## (external IP)
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Friend Cannot Join Server

    As the Title is showing, I'm having server issues.

    Now. well get this straight before you guys ask me.

    Do I have my port Forward? Yes.
    Do I have good internet connection. Yes, I also was connected by LAN not wireless.
    Can my computer take running a server. Yes, by alot.
    Does he have good internet? Yes. speed wise, its the same as mine. (same internet provider too)
    Did he do anything to his computer between then and now? no, besides random normal updates that every computer has.(try undoing them? why does it affect connection to a server if he does? Isn't this a internet problem.)

    Alright. So here's the story.
    I set up a server and all that jazz.
    The next day i got my port forwarded, I got my friend(Ryan, to keep things straight) to join me in the server. He didn't have a problem. no lag. no issues.
    Ryan, lives in the same town as me (2+ miles away). His internet connection is as good as mine.

    A week past. I went over to his house. and we got on the server again. We were on the same network, so we used the normal 192.168.1.blah to get on. I did make a port forward on his router to see if someone else could get on, but they never tried. they went to bed.

    Now this week, I put up my server again. I got 2 other friend to join. Friend 1 also lives in the same town as Ryan and I. He lives on the outskirts of the town so and easy 5-10+ miles out. He joined in without a problem.
    (Friend 2) Lives in Canada. So you know i figured if he could join anyone could right? lol. He ofcourse was a bit laggy. and left not so long afterward. But Ryan who could get on before, could no longer join. He as last time tired to use the same external IP to get into my server. (Friend 1) Used it and got in just fine. (dido with friend 2) But for Ryan, his wouldn't connect(cannot reach server). He could connect to other servers on minecraft, just not my server.
    So we tried a few things.

    First. We took away his port forward. nothing.
    Second. I Told him to connect doing ##.##.###.##:25565 (the port thats open). Nope
    Third. I changed my port to 25544 (forward it too) and made him change it to :25544, and nope. (did changed server settings/restart server)

    We first thought it could be my end. But how could it be me if two other ppl could join?
    So we went to his end, but how could it be his end if he could connect to other servers?

    So... we were stumped. No idea what to do.

    Any help?

    My setting: OS7
    Chrome (but i don't run in inside the browser? if this matters)
    Everythings(java, minecraft) up-to-date.
    Mods: No. not at the time. Later that night i did install zombies fly mod, but that was afterward when we stopped trying.

    His(ryans) settings: pretty user OS7
    Uh Chrome not 100% sure(that or FF, pretty sure its chrome), but he also doesn't play it inside the browser.
    Java & Minecraft is up-to-date
    Mods: none

    Posted in: Legacy Support
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