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    posted a message on Has any of you found a stronghold before?

    My very first minecraft experience a year ago or so, I found a stronghold connected to an abandoned mine-shaft. My kids (who got me into the game) said what a lucky find it was by accident but at the time I really didn't know what a stronghold was lol. Now I will just use an eye of ender, though I admit nothing like just stumbling on one while caving (wish I would now!).

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Savanna M Biome with Villages, Temples & 113 Diamonds

    I like this seed for the close villages, the geography and saddles. Personally, I enjoy discovering "hidden" diamonds on my own and feel that a good loot seed has a ton of exposed diamonds that don't require much digging beyond getting to the initial cave/mineshaft. Cool vid though, good presentation, a lot of work went into it, can tell. Like that shader mod also!

    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on How i find my seeds

    I was using none till I found this post and now am using Mineatlas. It is an awesome mod-level tool that is really helping me plan a big base-move in my my survival world. Sooo much better than doing random seed after random seed in creative to find what your looking for in a survival world.

    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Cows always looking at the north-east corner?

    Is the grass greener on the other side?

    no, it is exactly the same color


    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Mineshaft Mania
    Quote from TheMasterCaver»

    Besides using Ender chests, you can also convert coal and other resources into blocks, enabling you to compress 9 stacks into a single stack (576 resources per stack of blocks). I even do this for iron and gold, periodically setting up a bunch of furnaces and smelting it while I continue to explore nearby areas (with half a stack per furnace it takes about 5 minutes to smelt). A full Ender chest can store 15,552 resources this way; in practice I get about half of this by the time I run out of space (about two play sessions) since I also mine rails, mossy cobblestone (not really worthwhile in 1.8; dungeons are also much rarer since 1.7 so this means less space either way) and collect some loot, plus have 5 slots used to store a few pieces of equipment).

    Note also that even if you use Fortune it is better to mine on the spot and make blocks since except for lapis, which is uncommon (though the drop rate is 13.2 per ore with Fortune III, making it possible to get more lapis than iron if you are mostly around y=16), every ore compresses more; if mined with Silk Touch you can only store 1,728 ore in an Ender chest, plus would have to mine it again to get the drops (at one time I used Fortune, even going so far as to only use an Efficiency V, Fortune III, Unbreaking III diamond pickaxe for all mining (which is actually sustainable to use when caving, repairing only with XP from ores and mobs), I also used a backpack mod for more inventory space for a while during this time, though I now only use Efficiency V and Unbreaking III).

    Thanks, that is a great idea. Not trying to derail the thread, but those tips help! Smelting on the run is some dedication to mining lol.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Show your base?

    My modest survival base:

    It sits atop a hill that I squared off to make a rectangle with cobblestone walls on each side, with a single door and steps leading to the level that the picture is taken on. Not the best but one of my first. :)

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Mineshaft Mania

    I think mastercaver said it best. I am a relative nub so take the grain of salt but, ya, placed cobblestone and torches. Clearing out caves and mines so quickly fills inventory slots that I can't imagine trying to fit signs and everything in there. I personally use voxelmap (the only mod I use) wth radar and cheats turned off. It has increased my enjoyment of minecraft 10 fold. It does not help THAT much in tracking where I have already explored other than that it is a map showing recognizable patterns and so forth.

    For me, inventory space is a bit harder to manage than tracking where I have been. I end up using the mineshaft chests to stash a ton of "less important" things like full stacks of redstone and coal.

    If it is a really confusing mineshaft or cave complex I will use a single column of cobblestone with the torches facing the correct direction at each intersection. The "correct direction" is the direction of the next column tracing back to where I entered the maze. So to get out all I have to do is find a cobblestone column and go in the direction the torches on it are facing. A mine or cave complex in which every intersection has a column is one that I know I have fully mapped out.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on looking for a special kind of seed

    Sorry if this is the wrong section.

    I play 1.8 survival on normal difficulty with the only mod being voxelmap. I am looking for a seed that has the following near spawn:

    Epic mountains/hills. Wolves. One very large village or several smaller villages. Horses. Anything, whether it is blacksmith or temple loot, that has a saddle in it is greatly preferred. Saddles being uncraftable, loot with a saddle in it fairly nearby is really important.

    Lots of diamonds/epic loot in nearby blacksmith/temple is always good but to me it isn't that great. There are ALWAYS diamonds under ground and much of the fun of the game is finding them myself.


    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on How do I resurrect a dead village?


    100 villagers, sweet! I envy you and aspire to that kind of city :D

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on A guide on how to make Minecraft survival fun again!

    That is a really good guide. Minjecraft never got old for me because I play it binges for a week or so then binge on something else till minecraft pops up in my head again.

    I play like a normal player does I guess. I am in no rush to finish the game. To me I want to progress in stages. The first stage is to just survive and thrive. The final stage would be when I have my base exactly where and how I want with a massive thriving village nearby.

    Once I get to that final stage I imagine I will start to look at mods. Minecraft has an equaled gigantic amount of player created content. I can't imagine a person burning through even half of it. My basic tip is to play the game in small highly enjoyable chunks and savor the experience.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The killer is greed!

    So I range far and wide looking for a spot for my new base and to explore in general. I cross many many different kinds of biomes, many thousands of blocks. I come across a desert temple. The loot is average. I dig down below the tnt (as is my habit), a staircase-tunnel about 20 blocks down. It opens to a nice underground ravine which leads even further down to a massive abandoned mineshaft complex ranging from 6-16 blocks from bedrock.

    Being a compulsive miner and well equipped for the journey I cannot resist: the vast complex of caves, mineshafts and ravines SO CLOSE TO BEDROCK means a truly huge amount of exposed ore. That much exposed ore at that level means there is likely less diamonds per chunk than if the entire area was encased in solid blocks, but it also means that the chance of tons of diamond and gold ore being exposed without any digging, is huge.

    So I explore and explore. Killing wave after wave of cave spiders, zombies, creepers and skeletons. Started with 25 xp levels and by the end I had 33 levels. 33 levels, 14 diamonds, a half stack of gold ore, two stacks of iron, a full stack of coal, 3 saddles and an emerald from the temple loot and other assorted goodies. I was throwing away lapis and redstone to make room in my inventory, but continued to mine it anyways for the xp.

    At that point I should have been happy and just returned to the surface and made the trek home. But noooo...I am thinking 14 diamonds is not enough for such a large exposed area so close to bedrock. I still have 3 loaves of bred, and 4 steaks. My diamond pickax with unbreaking II on it is not even half way depleted. To me I still had a ways to go before leaving that area. I find a single diamond ore at the bottom of another underground ravine encased in stone and right on the very edge of a lake of lava.

    I proceed to carve out the ore very carefully, attempting to expose any other diamond ore around it while also shaping the area so as not to have diamonds plop into the lava when mine them. Without warning I hear the "tick tick tick" of a zombie munching at me and as I look up I see fire around me and my hearts going down rapidly. Jump jump jump and I am back on stone but still on fire, I panic and hit escape to pause the game. One heart left. I unpause the game and immediately eat the golden apple but it is too late. All that loot and all those levels.....

    the killer is greed.

    Posted in: Literature
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    posted a message on Fear Of Mobs On Single Player Only

    I love love love horror movies and games and the genre in general. The scarier the better. Yet somehow, even with the blockyness, even with the rather mild depictions of violence and horror in this game, minecraft mobs are singularly frightening. Exploring a cave deep deep under ground, within blocks from bedrock, many thousands of blocks from home and minding my own business digging around to expose ore in hopes of finding diamond or at least gold. The suddenly that skittery sound and I look up and there are two baby zombies coming at me. Ack! A little jump scare and creepy chill down the spine lol. I dies in the same cave about 20 minutes later while trying to carefully maneuver/dig some diamond ore out right at a pool of lava. A zombie pushed me in.

    The above tips in this thread are good for lessening the fright I think. Minecraft immersion is a mix of discovery and mild horror I think. So breaking that immersion will lessen your fear. Turn off the game music, and mob sounds. Turn on your own music. Have a dog or several with you.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How do I resurrect a dead village?

    Great, thanks for the explanation!

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Adult Minecrafters Unite

    I am 43 and love minecraft! I'll admit my kids (12, 10, and 6) got me into it but I play a lot of games when I can anyways (dayz, rust, so on). Nothing wrong with kids or adults playing this game, all ages can really enjoy it. And honestly it is a great thing we do as a family

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How do I resurrect a dead village?

    Thanks for the seige information.

    Also, I am a bit slow. What I get out of it is that the drop with water exists to keep the villagers from going down the drop. Why not just eliminate the drop altogether?

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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