• 2

    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    We are very sorry for all the lag and shutdowns we have been having lately. This is due to the host and after many attempts to try and fix the problems they still have not managed to fix it and are being very unresponsive. Due to this we will be moving to a new server host with a better reputation as soon as our time with this host is up on the 5th of September. If problems persist and become even more troublesome then they currently are we will switch hosts at a sooner date. Also, due to the unexpected spike in members we will also be upgrading the amount of slots our server will have and the amount of data our server is run on. We thank you for your patience and hope you are all still having a good time.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on War of the Races [1.2.5]
    Quote from Maxjames

    my resume for moderator:

    Nice Resume.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on Faction Royale [Factions]-[PvP]-[1.2.3]-[Survival]-[Races]-[Dedi.Host/24-7]-[Tournaments]-[Raids]
    Quote from jakdax











































    here I looked up the website and found the skills how does this look

    no offence but that is the most stupid idea i have heard
    Quote from michael527

    ign: michael527

    stop being lazy repost your app correctly
    Quote from xXCupcakeMinerXx

    IGN: xXCupcakeMinerXx
    Ever been banned, if so why? Yes, one of my friends were playing around and he was the host
    Experience with Minecraft? Been playing for a while
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? Been on one other
    What race would you like to be? Dwarf
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I can become a really good leader for a faction
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?Yes, most definetly

    accepted as a dwarf
    Quote from BeechyBoy


    Thanks for accepting, having problems connecting.....Says I'm not on the white list? Just wanted to check you had the right IGN: BeechyBoy12 ?

    Any help would be great.


    repost your application
    Quote from MrPatrick1216

    Ever been banned, if so why?n0
    Experience with Minecraft?Ive played since alpha stage
    Experience with Minecraft Servers?I have owned alot and had a lot of experience with heroes and know they are my favorite plugins. SO if you have heroes i like your server
    What race would you like to be? Elves
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I am a nice guy that loves to play on a good minecraft server. I also am going to trry to be the best faction!
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?Of course


    accepted as a elf
    Quote from Wayne Nylund

    Been on the server about 30 minutes so far, enjoying the main spawn, but I can't seem to use chat! Apparently I'm in the global channel but don't have permission to chat there or leave global. I've tried every listed command in order to affect any change at all but to no avail. Alliance and Faction chats also not working for me. This is my first time using HeroChat so I could be doing something wrong. At any rate its been frustrating not being able to chat.

    I've joined up with Crusaders for the time being since they were kind enough to invite me despite not being able to say anything. If you get this thanks guys.

    idk the problem look up the herochat plugins
    Quote from flamingdragons_1

    IGN: flamingdragons_1
    Age: 13
    Ever been banned, if so why? I broke a torch inside spawn.......... over protective admins.
    Experience with Minecraft? lots
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? lots
    What race would you like to be? Orc, to wreak havoc
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I've been a dwarf on this server, before, it was fun, so I thought I would try Orc.
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? just did.

    Accepted as a orc
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on Faction Royale [Factions]-[PvP]-[1.2.3]-[Survival]-[Races]-[Dedi.Host/24-7]-[Tournaments]-[Raids]
    Quote from streamer2

    Whoops. Mispelled my IGN so here's my real app. Sorry.

    IGN: streamer2
    Age: 14
    Ever been banned, if so why? No
    Experience with Minecraft? I've been playing since Beta 1.5.1
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? Same as experience with Minecraft
    What race would you like to be? Humans
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I like making people rage especially if they're matters in PvP :P
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Yes but hopefully, my current skin matches humans good enough

    Accepted as a Human
    Quote from SoaringFish

    Ever been banned, if so why?No
    Experience with Minecraft?3 Months
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? I play on survivals not really on PVP servers
    What race would you like to be? Dwarf
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? My timezone is GMT +8
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? YEA!!!

    Declined need a ign
    Quote from ShinkunZ

    Ever been banned, if so why?No.
    Experience with Minecraft? Since early beta, before multiplayer even came out lol.
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? Been admin for 2 servers till both shut down sadly.
    What race would you like to be? Lycan
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Not much, simple player get along with everyone easily and am helpful.
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Yes, I love looking for different skins lol.~@~

    Accepted as a Lycan
    Quote from chewbacca15

    IGN: wookie15
    Age: 15
    Ever Been Banned, If So Why?: Nope
    Experience With Minecraft: Yes I have been Head admin once and I love playing it
    Experience With Minecraft Servers?: Yep been an admin and I like playing it :lol:
    What Race Would You Like To Be?: Elf
    Extra Info, Want To Tell Me Anything About You?: Yes, I want you to know I dont have TS or Skype not anything
    Are You Willing To Change Your Skin To Match Your Race?: Yes :D I like elves ~@~

    Im excited to play! :D

    Accepted as a Elf
    Quote from Ewindu



    Ever been banned, if so why? never.
    Experience with Minecraft?since 1.7.3 i know not long :(

    Experience with Minecraft Servers?been on way too many to count but not like dedicated just was

    on for like a few min, i hope this one is the one for me.

    What race would you like to be? Lycan i would prefer lycan but dwarfs fine too

    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? i would be on almost all the time, i would be very dedicated to playing on this server. i like werewolves also known as Lycans, i would also love to be a part of this server. i need something really fun to do so i hope this is it :D
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? of course i like that kind of thing

    accepted as a Lycan
    Quote from liamtough

    Ever been banned, if so why? no
    Experience with Minecraft? Creative building and decent redstone
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? I own 3 servers 1 private 2 public
    What race would you like to be? Lycan, yeti, or orc.
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I haz a bukkit
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Sure if it gets me in the server. Lol.


    Accepted as a Lycan
    Quote from Qwert11111

    Age:17 ~@~
    Ever been banned, if so why?I have never been banned.
    Experience with Minecraft?Yes, I have been playing since about 1.4
    Experience with Minecraft Servers?Yes, I have been with Myminecraftonline, and many other pvp servers.
    What race would you like to be?Gnome
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?I like to build.
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?My skin is already me with a trench coat. and when i think of gnomes i think of little people were trench coats running around.

    Accepted as a Gnome
    Quote from KingdomofGod


    Ever been banned, if so why?

    I have not
    Experience with Minecraft?

    I have been playing Minecraft since Alpha 1.2
    Experience with Minecraft Servers?

    I have been playing multiplayer for near a year
    What race would you like to be?

    I would like to be a dwarf
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?

    I am president of the clan KoG and hope to make your server home to my clan.
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?

    I am


    Accepted as a Dwarf
    Quote from chewbacca15

    Can someone please white-list me :( ive been waiting for 7 hours..... Please help I am very bored and I have been sitting here all day and waiting for 2 other servers as well :( Is there a Dedicated Host on like it says on the title???? :( :( :(

    Okay, I am extremely sorry man i kinda had a bad day, first i had OGT's ( ohio grad test ) then i had to come on and get my braces tightened with extra spacers and chains, so after that i came home and crashed on the couch.

    Quote from johanmandus

    Ever been banned, if so why?no
    Experience with Minecraft?been much mining and fighting
    Experience with Minecraft Servers?been on alot of pvp server but this server seems to be the best
    What race would you like to be?humam
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? like pure pvp and i'm 2nd in command in a clan
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?absolutly

    Accepted as a Human
    Quote from DeathByGiggles


    Ever been banned, if so why?

    No I have not.
    Experience with Minecraft?
    I have been playing Minecraft for around 10 months.

    Experience with Minecraft Servers?

    I have been playing Minecraft for around 9 months and 3 weeks xD
    What race would you like to be?

    I would like to be a Lycan
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?

    I am vice-president of the clan KoG. xD ( ~@~ )
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?

    I am.

    Accepted as a Lycan
    Quote from Spetsnaz_Zombie

    IGN: Spetsnaz_Zombie
    Age: 16
    Ever Been Banned, If So Why?: Nope
    Experience With Minecraft: i've had minecraft since is first came out.
    Experience With Minecraft Servers?: Yes I have been Head admin and server admin also i have been a normal member and know their needs and wants
    What Race Would You Like To Be?:Gnome Or Elf
    Extra Info, Want To Tell Me Anything About You?: Yes, I want you to know that it have Skype not anything big i am mature and would play 12+ hours a week
    Are You Willing To Change Your Skin To Match Your Race?: Yes :D

    Accepted as a Gnome
    Quote from dafinalboss

    IGN: mromnoms
    Age: 15
    Ever been banned, if so why? yes, braking server limit on redstone locks
    Experience with Minecraft? close to a year
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? many servers ranging from pvp-creative-heroes (all economy servers :D )
    What race would you like to be? dwarf
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? no
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?

    Accepted as a Dwarf
    Quote from SoaringFish

    Ever been banned, if so why?No
    Experience with Minecraft?3 Months
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? I play on survivals not really on PVP servers
    What race would you like to be? Dwarf
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? My timezone is GMT +8
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? YEA!!!

    Accepted as dwarf
    Quote from chewbacca15

    When was he susposed to get home from school its 7:00 PM my time :( so hopefully he gets home soon

    sorry read my post above
    Quote from CoDSnipe12

    Age: 15 ~@~
    Ever been banned, if so why? No
    Experience with Minecraft? Yes going on a year now.
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? Yes part of several.
    What race would you like to be? Dwarf
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I currently reside in Florida
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Yes

    accepted as a Dwarf
    Quote from evilforlife

    IGN: EvaanDeVries
    Age: 17
    Ever been banned, if so why?: Never
    Experience with Minecraft?: Used to play it non-stop, then school started.
    Experience with Minecraft Servers?:Used to run my own server, played heaps of roleplaying and casual servers
    What race would you like to be?: Elves
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: Just hope i can get in :D
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?: Yuuup.

    Accepted as a Elf
    Quote from Nessie909

    IGN: nessie909
    Age: 14
    Ever been banned, if so why? nope!
    Experience with Minecraft? yess ;D
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? mhhm ;D
    What race would you like to be? Elves <3
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? ~@~ ;D
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? :/ unless its part of the rules

    Accepted as a Elf
    Quote from Exhiel

    IGN: Exhiel
    Age: 13, going on 14
    Ever been banned, if so why? never, and proud of it!
    Experience with Minecraft? Definitly. Been playing for almost a year, pretty good at the game
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? Yes. Ive dabbled in a few servers 3 or 4 times
    What race would you like to be? 1st choice Elf 2nd choice Dwarf :D
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Im open to anything you throw at me, ready to help, If u need me to do something, just ask
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Most certainly

    Accepted as a Elf

    Please wait up to 10 mins. there is alot of you this time
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on War of the Races[No-Lag][24/7][Whitelist][1.1][PvP][Factions][Tournaments][Races][Chaos][Raids]
    Quote from crazycaleb24

    IGN: crazycaleb24
    Age: 14
    Ever been banned, if so why? No
    Experience with Minecraft? I've been playing for 3 or so years now so yea, I get how it works.
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? Been playing on tons of servers ense I'v sarted
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? Werewolf or Yeti.
    Why do you want to join both of the two races? I like the skills sets and the type of races they are.
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I've played on a lot of servers, PvP and creative alike so yea.
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Once I get accepted and told which class im going to most likely make one.


    Accepted as a Yeti

    Quote from Spoob42

    IGN: spoob42
    Age: 14
    Ever been banned, if so why? No, I am new to playing minecraft
    Experience with Minecraft? I have done map development for a friend and played survival on a friend's account
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? None
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? Werewolf(Lycanthrope) or Dwarf
    Why do you want to join both of the two races? Because a friend is a dwarf, I love wolves, and the perks seem the best
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? This is a really good idea, and I am excited.
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Yes

    ~@~ ~@~
    Is that enough?

    Accepted as a Lycan

    Quote from tuck190

    Ever been banned, if so why? nope
    Experience with Minecraft? since 1.2 maybe 1.3
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? not much only have been on servers for 2-3 days
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)?dwarven or elves (preferably dwarves)
    Why do you want to join both of the two races? i want to be a dwarf because i like to mine. i want to be an elf because they have bow and arrows
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? i like to think im pretty likeable not arrogant
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? yea

    declined read the rules

    Quote from yougonow132

    Ever been banned, if so why? I have never been banned
    Experience with Minecraft?about 1 and a half years
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? im on 8
    What race would you like to be(need two race options) Yeti or Elf (Yeti mostly)
    Reason for wanting to be these to races? My friends are Yeti's and I think Elfs are EPIC
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? im awesome at redstone
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? yes

    I really want on this server THX!!!

    your so eager to get on the server but didn't read the rules, DECLINED

    Quote from JezterWithAZ

    Ever been banned, if so why? a few months ago yes... rage grief..
    Experience with Minecraft? Alot of experience been playing since 1.2
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? Owned a few myself, mod and admin on a few. coowner of some
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? Dwarves or Elves
    Why do you want to join both of the two races? For Dwarves i like the building design with them always loved ungergroud architecture. for elves i like the idea of a fast aerobic fighter for when i do battle with foes
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? well lets see...~@~... mmm i like nachos and i haz epic buildign skillz bro :biggrin.gif: lol
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? sure will, ill most likely be making my own to what i like for the faction i join

    Accepted as a Elf

    Quote from Chad_Da_Man

    IGN: Timedoutkyle
    Age: 17 and a half (:
    Ever been banned, if so why? No
    Experience with Minecraft? Since sometime in 1.7
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? Alot
    What race would you like to be? 1. Elves, 2. Yeti
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Know lots of peeps in elves. IM A GIRL irl.
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? YES.


    Accepted as a Yeti

    Quote from rocktheworld2365

    Ever been banned, if so why? i was banned for killing server owner friend on a pvp server i know wtf
    Experience with Minecraft? been playing since beta
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? been admin,builder,pixel art god, and god of war on a server
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? elves and dwarves (mostly elves)
    Why do you want to join both of the two races? dwarves because i love mining and finding resources and elves because I'm a quick fighter that loves using bows
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? well i love minecraft and a nice guy who is pretty likeable
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Of course


    Accepted as a Elf
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 1

    posted a message on War of the Races[No-Lag][24/7][Whitelist][1.1][PvP][Factions][Tournaments][Races][Chaos][Raids]
    Quote from warhawkcrazy97

    Ever been banned, if so why? No
    Experience with Minecraft? About a years worth of doing everything
    Experience with Minecraft Servers?I've been a JrMod once and I have joined many servers
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? Elf or Yeti (I would rather be an Elf)
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I think I have a minor minecraft addiction syndrome
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Mine fits the Elf already.

    Declined read the rules

    Quote from Jdude44

    1 year, expierienced build
    1-Elves 2-Wherewolves
    I have been looking for a fun, interesting server and this one sounds great.
    I am willing to change my skin for the race.

    Declined read the rules and use the application template

    Quote from IronicCooper

    IGN: IronicCooper
    Age: 16
    Ever been banned, if so why? Never I swear :wink.gif:
    Experience with Minecraft? I bought the game about a year and a half ago and I've always kinda been on and off. Just recently I've really started to get into it, getting involved in the community and starting and leading a major powerful faction in my main server.
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? I've mainly played faction and towny servers, but those are mainly just people screaming at each other for PvP. I'm really excited to join a server that actually has organized PvP for once.
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? Elf would be my first pick.I would prefer Elves, Yeti, or WereWolves, but I understand if there is a necessity for me to be a dwarf.
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Pretty much covered it all :smile.gif:
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? While I do love my business panda suit, I would be willing to change.

    P.S. An orc race would be sick.

    Declined read the rules

    Quote from Natedogey

    IGN: McMaster1337
    Age: 13
    Ever been banned, if so why? Bad Words
    Experience with Minecraft? Very good.
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? All I do.
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? Werewolf, Yeti
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I really want this to be accepted soon :tongue.gif:
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? No. I am in a clan so I have to keep that skin.

    declined read the rules

    Quote from plaguerot

    Ever been banned, if so why?no
    Experience with Minecraft?before mobs were introduced
    Experience with Minecraft Servers?Middle earth minecraft server, Road To Ages Mod
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)?Dwarf, Werewolf
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?I am looking for a good fun server to play on
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?Yes

    Accepted as a Dwarf

    Okay i can give you valid reasons for each mod

    Chest Shop, decent for big servers like +100. In my mind being able to make money while your offline is dumb, also if i get this i have to make a area for safe building of shops which would be abused

    IConomy, its outdated

    LWC, ruins the point of the server

    Tresure Hunt there are many other plugins that work better

    Quote from SpenceF

    never banned
    i have been baned from a server that was owned by a retard :dry.gif:
    Been on plenty of servers so i know what i am doing.
    Race?... White i guess
    The reason why i want to play on this server is becasuse i havent been able to find any good servers in a while... expesialy with 1.1 faction. factions r the best! :biggrin.gif:
    it seems that good servers r very hard to find now :sad.gif: but i would VERY much appresiate it if i would be able to play on this awsome server :biggrin.gif:.

    Declined read the rules

    Quote from BanaNAfiNgerS

    Ever been banned, if so why? 1 because i broke a rule by accident
    Experience with Minecraft? I have enough experiance
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? I know a thing or two
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? I would like to be either a dwarf or a Gnome
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I am a Nice guy
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Mabey

    declined read the rules
    Quote from digNbeck

    IGN: digNbeck
    Age: 19
    Ever been banned, if so why? Never
    Experience with Minecraft? 1 year playing
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? same as above
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? 1.Elf 2.Dwarf
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Lot of building experience and redstone circuits (can handle anything that requires Digital Circuits)
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Sure

    Decliend read the rules
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 1

    posted a message on War of the Races[No-Lag][24/7][Whitelist][1.1][PvP][Factions][Tournaments][Races][Chaos][Raids]
    Quote from paperCuT

    Hey Toast, you should be a "boss" that roams around aimlessly. I remember this sort of suggestion from my WWM.

    Basically, you will have full diamond and 300 in each mcMMO combat skill, also all gear will be enchanted with whatever you want. There can be misc rewards in your inventory, too, like diamonds, music discs, and other rare objects/blocks.

    Upon a player running into you, they can fight you or run or do whatever, and may call for help from their faction to come and try to kill you. If they kill you, you have to reset all of your skills back to 300 and award the players who accomplished the deed with 25 skill levels in a skill of their choice.

    I think that it would be an epic experience to have a few buddies gear up and try to kill you, it would be challenging, fun, and worth it if you win!

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 2

    posted a message on War of the Races[No-Lag][24/7][Whitelist][1.1][PvP][Factions][Tournaments][Races][Chaos][Raids]
    Quote from ogproof

    Ever been banned, if so why? no never
    Experience with Minecraft? my friend (jfran) just convinced me to get minecraft
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? this will be my 2nd
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? 1st elves 2nd jfran told me not to bother apprently ill get banned or somthing :S
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? nothing reallly
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? ya sure why not :smile.gif:


    Accepted as a Elf
    Quote from fish312

    IGN: fish312
    Age: 13
    Ever been banned, if so why? Not at all, not ever.
    Experience with Minecraft? Lots
    Experience with Minecraft Servers? Lots
    What race would you like to be(need two race options)? 1) Murk if that's a option when this is accepted otherwise Elf or Werewolf
    Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I'm very mature for my age, I would be a good addition to any faction, because I'm loyal and very active on the server if I'm having fun.
    Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Sure, I'm always looking for new skins anyway

    Oh also, ~@~ @~@. Hope I'm accepted! Looks like a lot of fun! :smile.gif:

    You seem quiet nice, murks is a option you have to earn by challenging me tho. Accepted as a Elf

    Quote from Xeovas

    I heard pynn100 got unbanned. I feel like its a bit unfair that he can and i cant. So, can i get unbanned>?

    Morale of the story: i got banned and im sorry,

    You're lucky i am nice guys, you know the rules don't do it again please
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 1

    posted a message on War of the Races[No-Lag][24/7][Whitelist][1.1][PvP][Factions][Tournaments][Races][Chaos][Raids]
    Quote from SinaasAppel

    Here a description for the orcs:

    Orcs are big, heavy, strong creatures who never flee a battle!
    Their love for fighting sometimes makes them go to far and enrage a whole group of people.
    With their axes and porkchops they will smash all who dear to face them.

    Elves are the most quick, sneaky creatures of the forests. They jump from tree to tree and
    will shoot you with their extremely sharp arrows.
    They're nature's best friend and every plant or tree loves them.

    These little creatures are the most friendly race of all.
    They're neutral to all races.
    They don't concentrate on fighting, but on collecting resources and making friends.

    This race are the best and the worst creatures.
    Their great discipline and smartness are very good.
    But their arrogant and disrespect for other races makes them fight most races.

    Hope they are good enough bro!

    i used them all except the human one, thanks a ton!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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