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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    Not like it matters, only 2 of them were actions, the other 2 were simply...errm...status updates? If it makes you happy...

    Koro: Ghent becomes Korish Province. Ghent City is the capital.
    Koro:Chatham becomes Korish Province. Chatham City is the capital.

    There, now they're a part of this turn. Deal with it.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    Koro: Scouts Worlds 2 & 3, and prepares improved maps with precipitation levels, soil fertility, elevations, caves, and prevailing winds. These maps are copied and given to Kinkaz.
    Koro: builds numerous farming villages throughout World 2
    Koro: Ghent becomes Korish Province. Ghent City is the capital.
    Koro:Chatham becomes Korish Province. Chatham City is the capital.
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    Kinkaz, what do you think of my offer up there ^^^
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    Lol k.
    Koro: Purposes the FTELS act, or Free trade, exploration and land settlement act. This act purposes unified efforts to sieze as much land as possible and divide it evenly, we Korish are great at exploration and your race with your hands and what not would be better at building.
    Koro: Constructs better roads throughout worlds 1,2, and 3.

    Edit: Note that the Korish are very intellectual beings, with lots of excellant cartographers that could aid you by providing highly accurate maps.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    Don't worry, Iv'e finished expanding. Im just going to work on building up and populating my land :biggrin.gif:
    Koro: Continues building towns in World 2 region.
    Koro: Continues building towns in area around ghent, World 1

    Please put these images on your computer for future reference
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    I made some maps and named them, lets try to use these names to avoid confusion.
    First up: World 2
    My land, all to myself. This land is sparsely populated with small, scattered villages with Jardowls in the lowlands and Seagles in the highlands. Capitol:Kuneer

    Now we have World 3

    All I have here is the village of Chatham and the surrounding area, this land is very mountainous and populated almost exclusively by Seagles. I do not plan on expanding any more, as Tetrai has already laid claim to the island. Can i keep my little peninsula, its really mountainous anyway and there is no land to build on.

    Edit: Heres world 1, just for reference.
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    Koro: Takes some land east of where Tetrai is on the new continent, and builds the village of Chatham.
    Koro Expands more in the river delta area around Ghent
    Koro: Expands the town of Kuneer

    Cities and towns: New Koro, Fordell, Ghent, Kuneer, and Chatham.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    I altered 2 maps slightly

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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)

    Koro: Exploration fleet discovers this land to the east.
    Koro: Builds Small settlement overlooking the enterance to the bay, town name:Kuneer, Bay name: Kuneer Bay.
    Towns/Cities: Fordell, New Koro, Ghent, and Kuneer.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    Koro: Sends ships to the south-east, and builds the Fishing town of Ghent in the river delta.
    Koro: Offers trade agreement to all sea-faring nations.
    Koro: Builds Exploration fleet.
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)

    Koro: Pushes south and seizes the land bordering Tetrai near the ocean.
    Koro: Builds Kuneer, with thick dual layered walls, with massive ship building yards and ports.
    Koro: Builds Fishing fleet, clipper fleet, and cargo fleet.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on [Creation][WIP] City of Koro v1 beta
    BUMPERS! Please comment. lolz k.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    Quote from Kinkaz

    You forgot many nations, such as Kel'ten. You also ignored that I occupied much of Koro after the war with Koro. Other than that, very good map.

    Actually no, The most of the land your nation occupies was under Korish rule, I had claimed most of that land, then in the war you managed to kick me off that land. Thats why Toralam is bigger than Koro, and the gap between the nations is disputed land, mainly disputed due to the fact that nothing lives there, its dead land.

    So the map is perfect, thank you.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on history in a fantasy realm rp (STILL ACCEPTING PLAYERS)
    Koro: uses spell of Light on The Korish Empire.
    Koro: The effects of the spell will destroy anyone's will to do evil, even scourge or shadowfall.
    Koro: Researches better magic regen potion.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Buying a new computer for minecraft - need suggestions
    yeah, I have a cheap computer with upgraded ram and minecraft runs fine at max graphics. Just look for a good amount of ram, thats all you really need, and if you can afford it, a solid state drive, they help speed things up too.
    Posted in: Discussion
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