Your mod does not seem to have a modID, I'm using reccomplex which requires a mod to have a ModID for it to be used, could you either add one or tell me what it is if its hidden?
Sorry to bother you, but I would appreciate it if you would fix this issue with some of your block models.
In the image linked below there seems to be a texture glitch with shaders, specificity chocapi'cs shaders, they said that it is your issue and that they can't fix it. This texture glitch occurs with the water bucket, empty bucket, water barrels and gunpowder barrels.
I woudl appreciate it if you down-ported at least this performance update, if not any other, as increasing game performance is a big issue with the modpack I'm using which won't likely be updated to 1.11.2 ever since it's only a small feature update.
Thanks a lot for the feedback, I forgot air blocks aren't ignored upon generation, what I'll do now is turn all the stone into negative space since its an underground structure.
BTW I messaged the BOP dev's on the discord and sent them a link to your github, I'm not sure if they have messaged you yet about the tree gen issue, as they haven't directly replied to my messaging telling them you wanted to discuss the issue.
For now my temporary fix is to set the generation type of 'Vanilla decoration' with a weight of 0.0009 and the state of 'Tree'.
I have found some odd behavior though, sometimes a structure, such as the ruins, or a jungle floor which I created, will spawn on top of a custom tree. here's what I mean; in my jungle I have large custom trees with roots all ending at the same level, on some of these roots are fences. On a few occasions structures spawning in the jungle have spawned on top of these fences, some times 6 blocks off the ground. I assumed from this occasional behavior that the trees must be spawning before the structure, other wise this wouldn't happen, any thoughts?
Also, I think its time that I also understood the 'placer'.
If I want to stop a structure from spawning anywhere above Y80 I currently use the following sequence (note that L1 for example means 'line one').
L1>Move 80
L2>Bedrock (acceptance value 1.04)
L1>World Height
L2>Average Surface
L3>Move -3
L4>Mark -1
My logic of this is a quite uncertain.
With the first limit, which is placed above the second, the marker moves to Y80, then straight to Y0.
With the second limit the marker moves to Y255, then to the first surface (don't know what is defined as 'surface'), then moves 3 blocks down, and has a 50% chance of moving 1 block down.
So, is it the case that the second limit moves the marker to 3 (possibly 4) blocks below the 'surface' and then sets that exact position as the spawn point for the structure?
I also assume that the order of the parameters indicates the order in which they are executed.
Next, is this the case with the first limit? The first limit, if my logic for the second is correct, doesn't make much sense, it moves the marker from Y80 straight to zero. Then the second limit activates, moving the marker up to Y255 and proceeding from there, which makes the first pointless.
Now I remember you saying that they act as an 'if and only if' statements, in the sense of "if, and only if limit 1 is true and limit 2 is true the structure can spawn". If this case they contradict, the marker can't be at Y0 and at 3 blocks below the surface unless the surface is at Y3.
I do vaguely remember you saying that the marker indicates a spawning range. If this is true the first limit marks all blocks from Y80 down to Y0 as spawnable. But this contradicts with the second limit. If this is the case the second limit should mark all blocks down to 3 blocks below the surface as spawnable. Which could mean that if the surface is at Y62 the structure can spawn at any point from Y59-Y80, which would reside it in the air.
The logic here is very confusing to me, since the second limit would have to obey different rules to the first for they to be compatible. The second limit would need to set a 'strict' marker position, not a range.
As I've been messing around I have also noticed some add behavior front the latest version of reccomplex.
Sometimes, the game freezes, as in the game stops spawning chunks and the game-log stops, then sometime later 5-7mins, the game log starts up again with a time jump. E.g. the game stopped logging at 14:03:28, then started again at 14:11:07.
This appears to happen when large structures are set to spawn, e.g. occurred when trying to spawn savanna_village (approx. 60x60x30) and Jungle outpost (approx. 30x30x60).
Is there any explanation for this, I might just downgrade to fix the issue.
Your mod does not seem to have a modID, I'm using reccomplex which requires a mod to have a ModID for it to be used, could you either add one or tell me what it is if its hidden?
Can I have your core mods and medieval mods ModID's?
One more thing, I can't seem to place some blocks such as the plank/log piles. Is there a reason for this?
Thanks for the update, but it seems the /#pastegen command doesn't work, it comes up with this error every time:
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Name and ID cannot both be blank
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile.<init>(
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at net.minecraft.village.Village.func_82689_b(SourceFile:455)
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at net.minecraft.village.VillageCollection.func_189551_b(SourceFile:228)
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71267_a(
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71267_a(
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at
[19:14:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: []: at
Sorry to bother you, but I would appreciate it if you would fix this issue with some of your block models.
In the image linked below there seems to be a texture glitch with shaders, specificity chocapi'cs shaders, they said that it is your issue and that they can't fix it. This texture glitch occurs with the water bucket, empty bucket, water barrels and gunpowder barrels.
I woudl appreciate it if you down-ported at least this performance update, if not any other, as increasing game performance is a big issue with the modpack I'm using which won't likely be updated to 1.11.2 ever since it's only a small feature update.
I assume that the 1.11 versions work correctly with 1.10.2?
Should I tell them to contact you a different way, or do you want a link to the discord server?
Thanks a lot for the feedback, I forgot air blocks aren't ignored upon generation, what I'll do now is turn all the stone into negative space since its an underground structure.
BTW I messaged the BOP dev's on the discord and sent them a link to your github, I'm not sure if they have messaged you yet about the tree gen issue, as they haven't directly replied to my messaging telling them you wanted to discuss the issue.
Here is my latest mcedit 2 log, and as you can see it seem to not recognize the format.
And here is my mcedit log, this time tryign to import the bo2 crashed the console.
Does this work in 1.10.2, or just 1.11?
I have my doubts, but is there a possibility of adding bo2/bo3 object support in the future?
Does anyone heer know how to import bo2/bo3 objects intot he world like with a schematic? I have tried to do so with mcedit and mcedit 2.
mcedit crashes when I select the bo2 object and mcedit 2 does nothing.
Any suggestions?
Thankyou Ivorius, you have been a great help
For now my temporary fix is to set the generation type of 'Vanilla decoration' with a weight of 0.0009 and the state of 'Tree'.
I have found some odd behavior though, sometimes a structure, such as the ruins, or a jungle floor which I created, will spawn on top of a custom tree. here's what I mean; in my jungle I have large custom trees with roots all ending at the same level, on some of these roots are fences. On a few occasions structures spawning in the jungle have spawned on top of these fences, some times 6 blocks off the ground. I assumed from this occasional behavior that the trees must be spawning before the structure, other wise this wouldn't happen, any thoughts?
Also, I think its time that I also understood the 'placer'.
If I want to stop a structure from spawning anywhere above Y80 I currently use the following sequence (note that L1 for example means 'line one').
L1>Move 80
L2>Bedrock (acceptance value 1.04)
L1>World Height
L2>Average Surface
L3>Move -3
L4>Mark -1
My logic of this is a quite uncertain.
With the first limit, which is placed above the second, the marker moves to Y80, then straight to Y0.
With the second limit the marker moves to Y255, then to the first surface (don't know what is defined as 'surface'), then moves 3 blocks down, and has a 50% chance of moving 1 block down.
So, is it the case that the second limit moves the marker to 3 (possibly 4) blocks below the 'surface' and then sets that exact position as the spawn point for the structure?
I also assume that the order of the parameters indicates the order in which they are executed.
Next, is this the case with the first limit? The first limit, if my logic for the second is correct, doesn't make much sense, it moves the marker from Y80 straight to zero. Then the second limit activates, moving the marker up to Y255 and proceeding from there, which makes the first pointless.
Now I remember you saying that they act as an 'if and only if' statements, in the sense of "if, and only if limit 1 is true and limit 2 is true the structure can spawn". If this case they contradict, the marker can't be at Y0 and at 3 blocks below the surface unless the surface is at Y3.
I do vaguely remember you saying that the marker indicates a spawning range. If this is true the first limit marks all blocks from Y80 down to Y0 as spawnable. But this contradicts with the second limit. If this is the case the second limit should mark all blocks down to 3 blocks below the surface as spawnable. Which could mean that if the surface is at Y62 the structure can spawn at any point from Y59-Y80, which would reside it in the air.
The logic here is very confusing to me, since the second limit would have to obey different rules to the first for they to be compatible. The second limit would need to set a 'strict' marker position, not a range.
Could you help me out with understanding this?
As I've been messing around I have also noticed some add behavior front the latest version of reccomplex.
Sometimes, the game freezes, as in the game stops spawning chunks and the game-log stops, then sometime later 5-7mins, the game log starts up again with a time jump. E.g. the game stopped logging at 14:03:28, then started again at 14:11:07.
This appears to happen when large structures are set to spawn, e.g. occurred when trying to spawn savanna_village (approx. 60x60x30) and Jungle outpost (approx. 30x30x60).
Is there any explanation for this, I might just downgrade to fix the issue.