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    posted a message on [CTM] ProjectCTM - Collaboration Maps Collection {Titan's Revolt Open Beta 1 Now Released!}
    Quote from Fangride»

    1.8.9 is what we're doing! The 3rd Pantheon map will likely be in the most recent version of Minecraft though.

    Alright, sweet!
    Posted in: Maps
  • 18

    posted a message on Minecraft Character Rig (Blender) - [Advanced(ish) Face Rig] [Sharp Bends] [Extremely Long Title] Other snazzy things!


    Hello, other people of the interwebs! I've been working a bit on a more advanced rig and decided to give it to random people, so with the super formal intro out of the way, here's what I've been working on.

    -Reserved for new rig community stuff-



    -Sharp Bends, complete with smooth textures 'n such
    -Dynamic Mouth Controllers
    -Dynamic controllers for the eyebrows
    -Full mouth with a stretchable tongue
    -1.8 skin support
    -Eye controller bone
    -You Do Not need to re-size your skin!
    -No joint glitches (these are on most rigs I've seen, though all of them fix this with an elbow bone, I hate those)
    -No more elbow controllers, those things are a pain to work with, all you need to do is rotate the upper arm / leg bone
    -Fingers (automatically hide)

    Joint Glitches:
    On some other rigs, the IK is a bit glitchy, this is caused by the completely straight bone joints in the arms/legs, which leaves the IK with no "pivot" point. A common fix for this is adding a bone controller... and I hate those things, they're a pain to animate/pose with, so I put a very small bend on the arms, which suddenly fixed everything.

    The broken joints when you use completely straight bones on the arms:

    The fixed joints on this rig's IK:

    -Faceless 1.8
    -Default 1.8
    (If you're having issues with the rig, let me know which one you were using)

    (might as well put one here):

    -Fixed the head and hat not being parented to the head bone in the full_faceless rig
    -Added a readme/FAQ with the rig download
    -this will be the last update to the default_faceless, full, and full_faceless rigs. Unless something is highly requested/broken, I'll no longer update them, only the default will be updated further

    -Facial rig overhaul
    -Quick controller for easy lip animation
    -Eyebrows now have their own controllers
    -Changes to how the eyes work
    -Fixed all the N-gons
    -Teeth now have styles for you to choose from
    -Dynamic mouth controllers have been improved, they're smoother now
    -Shapekeys for the M and F sound (rotate the quick controller)
    -Pupils are beveled so it works nice with the new toon shader it uses
    -Structure of the face mesh is improved to be less glitchy now
    -Fixed 99.999999% of the texture issues that may or may not have existed
    -Removed the pixelator node group (someone mentioned that turning off the interpolation was a simple click in the material panel, I'm an idiot)
    -Fingers have been changed to look better and stuff
    -Removed Herobrine

    -Faceless rig type
    -1.8 skin support

    -Initial Release

    FAQ (if you ask a question that was included in this spoiler, I will not answer it.)

    Q: The rig is nothing but pink / grey, how do I fix this? OR How do I change the skin?

    A: When .blends get tossed around throughout folders / put up on the internet as a download, they tend to lose track of what texture they were using. To fix this, go to the image editor (top right window as default) click Image > Replace Image > and find your skin file.

    Q: How do I change the color of the eyes/hair?
    Right click the head and go to the materials tab, there should be a list of materials at the top, find one that says "eyes" then under "Diffuse BSDF" next to "Color" click the brown rectangle to change the color. However, you will not see a change in the 3D viewport, but the color will work in rendered view, if you want to change it to the same color whilst in the 3D viewport, go to "Settings" (located in materials tab at the bottom) and change the "Viewport color" to the same color.

    Q: How do I blender?
    A: I'm not going to answer these, I'm here to answer questions about how to use the rig, not how to use blender. If you want to know more about blender, search some videos on youtube, there's thousands of videos that show you exactly what you want to do.

    Q: I can't see the hat layer, or any of the other layers on the rig.
    A: The extra layers WILL show in the rendered view, they're drawn as a wireframe while in the 3D viewport, if they're textured in 3D view, you'll see nothing but black cubes around the rig.

    Q: I appended an item into the scene but I can't see the texture of it, how do I fix this?

    A: If you appended an item from a .blend that uses the "blender render" and not "cycles", you'll have to convert the item's material to the cycles engine. Otherwise, simply re-add the item's texture.png in the image editor. (see page 15 of this topic to see this in detail, it's near the top of the page in a spoiler)

    Q: How do I rotate / make the limbs face another direction?
    A: There's a cube shaped bone at the top of each of the limbs, right click one of them and press "R" twice.

    Q: Whenever I move the foot, it doesn't look right, the bottom of the foot always points towards the ground, what's wrong here?
    A: Nothing's wrong I assure you, this is intended so the foot can be placed on the ground without the corners clipping through the floor. Simply rotate the foot bone to whatever position you want.

    Q: How do I move the teeth up and down?
    A: There's a diamond shaped bone near the chin, it's kinda hard to see, but select that and press "R" twice and the teeth should do its thing.

    Enjoy! Hope it helps with your animating!

    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on Minecraft Character Rig (Blender) - [Advanced(ish) Face Rig] [Sharp Bends] [Extremely Long Title] Other snazzy things!

    -Fixed the head and hat not being parented to the head bone in the full_faceless rig
    -Added a readme/FAQ with the rig download

    this will be the last update to the default_faceless, full, and full_faceless rigs. I think they're at the point to where they don't need much more updating, so unless something is highly requested/broken, I'll no longer update them, only the default variant will be updated further.

    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 4

    posted a message on [CTM] ProjectCTM - Collaboration Maps Collection {Titan's Revolt Open Beta 1 Now Released!}
    Quote from Ferkikudo»

    What why? :(

    Patience, young padawan.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Minecraft Character Rig (Blender) - [Advanced(ish) Face Rig] [Sharp Bends] [Extremely Long Title] Other snazzy things!
    Quote from Zingdo»

    Actually something occured to me as i was thinking about this rig. When i place my arms by my sides, my elbows are facing outwards, so if i bend my arms they bend outwards, not forwards like this rig. Is that intentional?

    (Also you left the cursor on your image there)

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but I'll go ahead and answer with yes.

    Also, I'll use my amazing photoshop skills to get rid of the cursor

    Nailed it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Minecraft Character Rig (Blender) - [Advanced(ish) Face Rig] [Sharp Bends] [Extremely Long Title] Other snazzy things!

    February 5, 2016 Update!
    (still not finished ;-;)

    More news and whatnot. I've gotten 99% of the new face mesh done (only thing left is the tongue). However, I still gotta add textures/materials for everything, and I also need to refine the mouth shapekeys so he doesn't look like an old man.

    The next step, after the mouth and eyes, were the teeth. I went ahead and made the shapekeys that can change the way the teeth look, so here are the different styles I've added:

    NOTE: styles like the crooked/cracked can be edited to be less intense

    Feel free to request other styles and things!

    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on Minecraft Character Rig (Blender) - [Advanced(ish) Face Rig] [Sharp Bends] [Extremely Long Title] Other snazzy things!
    Quote from IHazFury»

    Cool! Will there still be a flat-mouth rig? I'm a fan of that part of the face in particular.

    I can see how some people would prefer the flat, simplistic mouth, so I'll most likely make another variant, maybe even a simple shapekey to turn the wrinkles on and off.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on Minecraft Character Rig (Blender) - [Advanced(ish) Face Rig] [Sharp Bends] [Extremely Long Title] Other snazzy things!

    Some news! (not an update yet)

    So I've been working on and off on the new face rig and I've redone the head mesh like 3 times trying to figure out a good "structure" for the mesh.
    But I think it's at a point where I can show things!

    Have some pixels:

    Best part is: There's no N-Gons!

    New face will include:
    -General mouth shapekeys (will still have dynamic mouth controls)
    -Shiny, bootiful pupils that will use the glossy Toon BSDF shader
    -Better teeth with a shapekey that can control how straight they are
    -The white part of the eyes will be slightly rounded so the pupils can be rotated by bones instead of being controlled by a shapekey

    Quote from NIBBL_E»


    I DON'T KNOW WHAT PERSOBAL MEANS BUT HERE'S A CINEMA 4D RIG: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/show-your-creation/fan-art/other-fan-art/1583467-minecraft-model-pack-v1-5-306-steve-rigs-v1-2-v1-1


    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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