- Tiel
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Member for 14 years, 3 months, and 11 days
Last active Fri, Jun, 9 2017 06:59:51
- 823 Total Posts
- 82 Thanks
Sep 12, 2013Tiel posted a message on Snapshot 13w37a Ready For Testing!1.5, actually.Posted in: News
Jul 6, 2013Tiel posted a message on Cube World Wiki is LiveHrr. I hate that Curse is trying to make sites for a popular new game to make the indie developer depend on them...very distasteful behavior.Posted in: News
May 18, 2013Tiel posted a message on Minecraft Video Trailer: "Relapse"Posted in: NewsQuote from Boyde712
Not really, and if they were to animate it, why even bother making it Minecraft based? I thought it was pretty good, given the natural limitations of in-game filming, and IMO the voice acting was pretty good too.
You know, overdone optimism can be just as harmful as harsh criticism to a filmmaker. I think we can all agree that the lines were lackluster and the people voicing them didn't help much, either. I don't think he used animation software, either, just some basic After Effects touching up.
I like the premise, but the execution could have been so much better.
The biggest thing would be to make a better script. Avoid stuff like "WHY WON'T YOU DIE" "I WILL LITERALLY *unnecessary pause* FIGHT YOU TILL MY LAST BREATH" it's grossly cliched, and judging from the sample the maker can't pull it off well. A better option, if having the antagonist call the hero up on Skype and ask him why the f**k he refuses to just accept his fate is absolutely imperative, would be to have a conversation between the two, be it a logical one or just the villain taunting without giving the protagonist a chance to respond. Have some subtlety.
The other thing I feel I need to complain about is the names and the story. Really, some unknown alien attacks a ship? 'Reapers' at that. Where have I heard this tale before? While it's impossible to make everything completely original given how many years humanity has spent telling stories, a creative plot can bolster any film's appeal (Inception, for instance). -
May 18, 2013Tiel posted a message on Minecraft Video Trailer: "Relapse"Posted in: News
Same. Good effort, but absolutely terrible script and shoehorned special effects. -
Mar 21, 2013Tiel posted a message on Minecraft Realms: What Is It?Posted in: NewsQuote from dierampe
I have the technical ressources and knowledge to do this by myself (and Im doing). But anyway I like the idea for people that doesnt have a 24/7 running Server/PC at home or doesnt know what a port-forwarding is.
And for a very small Server for a few friends there is no need of complicated server plugin support or multiworlds. Just a 24/7 running pure vanilla server plus a whitelist is all you need to have fun with your friends.
Yet for 3+ dollars you can get the exact same thing plus some. -
Mar 21, 2013Tiel posted a message on Minecraft Realms: What Is It?From what I'm seeing here Realms is just a small hosting service from Mojang themselves for vanilla Minecraft. Not FTB etc, not Bukkit, just plain old grief-happy vanilla MC for 4-6 people. I dunno. I'd rather take a risk and stick to 3rd party hosts and be able to install anything I want, really...Posted in: News
Jan 14, 2013Tiel posted a message on Minecraft News, and Server SpotlightsPosted in: News
Yeah...if I had to guess the people posting are likely getting some sort of reward on the server for doing so.
I think MCF gets your point, guys. Please lay off so other servers can have a chance in the limelight -
Jan 13, 2013Tiel posted a message on Minecraft News, and Server SpotlightsGeez guys, give other servers a chance rather than just spamming through Out of the Water accounts (coincidence?)Posted in: News
I'd have to say...hmm. thedarkage.nl is a pretty nice server. So I'll just go with that, can't think of anything else off the top of my head. -
Mar 5, 2012Tiel posted a message on The Forum Has Been Upgraded!I'm not one to hate on progress, but the new forum looks like crap. Hard to navigate and an overall eyesore :/Posted in: News
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Ha, don't worry, that was just a quick worldedit to show the shape. I was convinced that had something to do with it. And that sounds most useful, though what's the lightest block at the moment?
What might be a cause for concern, though, is opening a chest on an active ship generates this error in the server console:
2:13:12 AM CONSOLE: [SEVERE] A critical server error occured handling a packet, kicking 4759
2:13:12 AM CONSOLE: while updating neighbours
2:13:12 AM CONSOLE: java.lang.ClassCastException: cuchaz.ships.ShipWorld cannot be cast to net.minecraft.world.WorldServer
2:13:12 AM CONSOLE: [WARNING] Failed to handle packet for Tiel424/ net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Exception while
updating neighbours
2:13:12 AM CONSOLE: while updating neighbours
2:13:12 AM CONSOLE: java.lang.ClassCastException: cuchaz.ships.ShipWorld cannot be cast to net.minecraft.world.WorldServer
2:13:12 AM CONSOLE: Tiel424 has left.
2:13:12 AM CONSOLE: [INFO] Tiel424 lost connection: user was kicked.
2:13:12 AM CONSOLE: [INFO] eTiel424 left the game.
If I might pose a question, when's the server going up?
But as it turns out, many of them have gone down since I set that up, and they're getting bored. I don't really play MC anymore, and have no time to look for servers nowadays between school and the job, so if anyone could recommend one or two that have active staff preventing the uglier side of the internet from shining through I'd really appreciate it.
Just use Flan's.
There's some debate on that, but the general consensus seems to be as realistic as possible without compromising gameplay value.
I find that way more attractive than I probably should.
Bet you didn't see that coming.
What makes you say that?