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    posted a message on [Tool] Tabula/Techne to obj model converter.

    I haven't used this for many years now, so I cannot confirm if it works with new tbl files.

    the .cfg has some extra settings for the jar itself, so producing that is normal, it should also have produced the .obj files though

    maybe try putting the tbl file in a sub-folder of your saves folder?

    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft

    I don't check here very often, most support has moved to the discord: https://discord.gg/medHvkA

    1) I haven't made a specific list of these yet, someone should probably make a wiki page for it, the 1.15.2 AFA hasn't been updated yet though.

    2) On the speed/vit: doesn't really do much, if 2 moves apply on the exact same tick, it works like in the games, but is otherwise useless

    3) similar to 1), currently no wiki page, recently weather support is added for spawn code, but nothing is using it yet

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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft

    that bug has been fixed, it should be fixed in 2.0.0.v, which is the latest version out for 1.15.2?

    If it isn't fixed in that version, it is fixed for the next one

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft
    Quote from Swackman»

    Are the NPCs supposed to make Villager sounds now, or is that a bug?

    I assume you are in 1.14.4+? if so, yes, they now make villager sounds
    Quote from cgguardian»

    Just loaded this mod for the first time, how do we turn off mob spawns for vanilla monsters? I can't find the config file anywhere (using the AIO).

    Which version of the mod/minecraft?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thut's Mods - Elevators, Concrete and Volcanos

    is that 3 or 4 iron blocks on top? it should work with 4

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft
    Quote from KingXenth»

    How many models are we still missing?

    None :D

    Quote from RodrigoTaipe93»

    I need help with the Spawn config!

    They are pouring like rain!

    - https://imgur.com/a/o1okcUY

    I wan to make Pokemon spawning very rare! Can someone help me with that?

    - Here is my config file:

    - https://mega.nz/#F!8osEXayC!uC7urJyar8Z3J1FruxXqKw

    Try using spawnRate=20,mobSpawnNumber=2, and adjust those and maxSpawnRadius until you get a good number, you can clear them all with /pokekill

    Is there a reason I cant get any pokemon to spawn outside of the 50 block radius from where I spawn?

    Make sure world is not set to peaceful, and try resetting configs
    Quote from User_100293910»

    Having problems catching mew, says I need to have gym badges, I have 7? How many do I need???

    the badges thing is a joke, you need to have caught more than 400 or so unique pokemobs to catch it

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft

    Thanks, I will have it in the next update for pokecube mobs

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft
    Quote from PikachuExtreme»

    I understand wanting to have something to use up diamonds in that case, but given that you're in the overwhelming minority there (most people consider diamond armor needlessly expensive), locking fossilmons behind said recipe is pretty stupid. Thinking about, not just me, but players in general, I'm pretty sure that they largely A. find diamonds expensive and hard to find and B. are unlikely to think about the XML files. I'll edit the XML files for now (and try to not **** anything up), but it's still worth keeping in mind.

    Also it's kinda broken from a game design standpoint that, in order to get fossilmons, you first need to build the device that allows you to easily make unlimited Legendaries. The Gene Extractor's price is fine, maybe even a little low, for that purpose, but needing it in order to revive fossils means fossil 'mons are almost entirely irrelevant, only useful for 'dex completion.

    For something related to the cloning device that's less opinion-based and seems more like a genuine inconsistency, standard cloning operations allow you to use a Pokemob Egg or a chicken egg, but making Mewtwo or a Ditto only works with the former. Is this intentional?

    You only need to build one of the device, one you have it built, it doesn't stop working, so it gives a good goal to work towards. The mod's default settings are balanced towards how I like to play with it, not towards how other people do, I balance it to be fun to me, the configs are there for those who like to make things easy, or creative mode is there for that.

    For the ditto/mewtwo, it is intentional to require a pokemob egg, for the normal cloning operations the egg used is just a material source, it doesn't do anything besides that, for ditto/mewtwo, it is somewhat supposed to stand for the extra DNA that was used to make mewtwo, so it needs to be a pokemob rather than chicken

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft
    Quote from PikachuExtreme»

    You're slightly missing the other half of my point, which is that it's slightly ridiculous to need 4 diamond blocks just to start reviving fossils when they pop out at level 20.

    Not to mention, if you read the thing, you can literally see the Old Amber break apart and Aerodactyl start to grow out of it. No DNA extraction or anything, a dinosaur straight up grows out of amber

    Not to mention, "Standardized for the rest of the functionality of the devices"? Tell that to Mewtwo and Genesect.

    Mewtwo and Genesect use the standardized functionality of the devices, they are defined using a recipe in the xml files, If you don't like it, you can make recipes to replace whatever you want, same applies to the recipes for the blocks.

    As for the diamond blocks cost, whenever I play vanilla minecraft, after a few hours, I always end up with too many of the things, so I figured I would make a recipe to use them up, if you just mine at bedrock level for a bit, you end up with plenty of diamonds.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft
    Quote from PikachuExtreme»

    ...come to think of it, isn't the fossil reviving process a little overcomplicated? I understand it for general cloning and stuff, but in my opinion, for getting Fossil Pokemon, you shouldn't need the gene extractor. I mean, it's pretty silly to need 4 diamond blocks to get level 20 fossilmons, especially given that the fossils themselves are plenty rare. And if you haven't read Pokemon Adventures / Pokemon SPECIAL (same manga, different names) yet, in chapter 26, the fossil reviving process is shown, and Red just straight-up dumps the fossil in the machine and a revived Pokemon pops out. In my humble opinion, you should be able to revive fossils with just the Cloning Device. Then again, I'm sure you have reasons for this that I don't get.

    the way it is currently done is standardized for the rest of the functionality of the devices.

    the device Red uses, is a combined extractor/cloner, the part he puts the fossil in does the extraction, then moves the DNA to the cloner, which then produces the revived Pokemon, for the pokecube stuff, you need to be able to get the DNA separate for use in the splicing device, so the extractor is separate for that reason. If you want a "fossil in, mob out" machine, just make one yourself, you can feed items in/out of the blocks via hoppers, just use that to put your fossils into extractor, extract DNA, use hopper to funnel that into the cloner, and then have it pop out the pokemob.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft
    Quote from CorentG_13»

    Hi, for making eggs put two compatible pokemon in the same area (check the pokewatch at the breeding page of the pokemon you want to breed to see compatibility), preferably both set to 'wander' and wait.

    And for the cloning device you need to get an energy siphon and get an electric pokemon on it.

    Also Thutmose, is there a way to customize moves sounds in pokecube like the animation of a move ?

    Currently I don't have custom sounds for moves, but if you make an issue for it on the github (https://github.com/Thutmose/Pokecube/issues), I will try to get it added asap, I can probably make it so sounds run at different times during move use, like how you can specify when the animations run

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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft
    Quote from PikachuExtreme»

    ...are Pokemon Center healing machines and PCs supposed to be indestructible? Because if so, it's a bit silly that you're able to craft and place them in Survival.

    Also, sorry if this makes me sound stupid, but how does one hatch eggs? ...or do anything else related to them?

    they are not indestructible, just very hard to break, it is to encourage people to leave them alone, and to instead build their own (ones you have placed break very easily with a stick)

    Eggs hatch if left sitting on the ground, they will then imprint on the nearest creature to them when they hatch, if that creature is a pokemob, they imprint on its owner instead (ie will be wild if nearby mob is wild, will be owned by you if nearby mob is owned by you)

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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft

    not currently, that sort of thing is waiting on pokecube legends

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft
    Quote from Swackman»

    Okay....so Pokecube 1.12 (all 3 parts) seems to hate the latest Optifine; it'll juuuuust start the world up (not necessarily even load it) and then crash. :V

    It might be an incompatiblity with pokecube and optifine, or new forge and optifine, please make a bug report here: https://github.com/Thutmose/Pokecube/issues make sure to include the crash report (crash related bug report without the crash report is completely useless)

    Hopefully the end of this week I will have the free time to get around to checking the issues there, and will fix them. If the issue is not listed on that github page, it probably will be forgotten about.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Pokecube - Revival, adding >800 pokemon to minecraft
    Quote from Javi185»

    How strange I do not get the sub biome created, I've done all the steps

    Hmm, if it isn't working, not sure what the problem is, I might be able to help more easily if you join this discord: https://discord.gg/medHvkA then it will be easier to send screenshots of things to try to figure out what is going wrong.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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