Run Minecraft launcher with vanilla 1.8 profile to install updates , then open a map to test . . The garbled name in the window is obfuscated text from reading wrong data , but is harmless .
As I believe that I have previously stated, I have tried doing that but it did NOT fix the problem. I have even tried that proposed solution multiple times now but have still been unsuccessful in resolving the problem. I also wouldn't exactly call it harmless. It should definitely be fixed of course.
So far, it appears the problem only exists with Minecraft versions 1.8.2, 1.8.3, and current latest 1.8.4. At least, for me.
The text error seems to no longer appear though. However, the minecraft jar still shows as that "a/io/File;)Z" for those particular Minecraft versions when choosing that Minecraft version's environment.
I have recently run into this problem too even though I have first run the vanilla launcher to update the game libraries. The problem still exists.
In fact, I have found that it's showing a bad jar file indicator for me within Magic Launcher even if I try to re-specify the proper jar location and file. I have even tried removing Magic Launcher's configuration file from the "magic" folder within the roaming appdata location. Nothing has worked to fix it so far.
Images below:
Additional Images:
Still having this problem with Minecraft Version 1.8.4.
It only happens with "Environments" (for the "Environment" Setting) above Minecraft Version 1.8.
When I try to start it I get this error involving some sort of Twitch library, I don't do any livestreams, in fact I only have one video on Youtube cause I don't really care for Youtube publicity. How can I run it without this file?
Run the vanilla launcher profile first to update your game libraries , then your can use magiclauncher . Get into the habit of doing this often to keep your game updated
I have recently run into this problem too even though I have first run the vanilla launcher to update the game libraries. The problem still exists.
In fact, I have found that it's showing a bad jar file indicator for me within Magic Launcher even if I try to re-specify the proper jar location and file. I have even tried removing Magic Launcher's configuration file from the "magic" folder within the roaming appdata location. Nothing has worked to fix it so far.
So, do you need to do BOTH "setupDevWorkspace" AND "setupDecompWorkspace" or will "setupDecompWorkspace" automatically do both even though "setupDevWorkspace" does not?
If you need to do both manually, should one be done before the other? If so, which one first?
Sorry, but.. no. They're really, really not practical. There are countless problems with the idea. I would go over the problems myself, but to save both me the effort of typing it all out, and you the effort of reading my inane drivel, take a look at these:
Note: I'm not saying he's an infallible source, but most of his points are perfectly good.
All of those "concerns" have either been outright debunked or answered.
Most people probably aren't talking about it because it's a cool concept, but not really practical. It would be much easier to just install solar panels on the roofs of houses. Not only would roads have to be closed down for these panels to be installed, but electrical work would have to be done as well, adding even more down time. Plus, these don't look pleasant to drive on at highway speeds either.
Actually, a lot of people are talking about it in general. Just not here. And, I disagree that it's not practical. What's not practical is asphalt since it is unsustainable because it is petroleum based. As for replacing roads, roads are always shut down due to maintenance anyhow for things like potholes which would no longer be a problem. They also account for the electrical things which also provides a bonus of no longer having ugly overhead power lines littering the neighborhood and falling down due to heavy ice and things like that. So, more reliability for electricity. No power outages because someone ran into a pole somewhere. Of course, there are many additional benefits too that save lives and money such as no longer having snow and ice on the roads or requiring snow plows etc. And, as for looks, the finalized product will look much better and I'm sure it won't be a problem visually for most people. Most people are saying they actually look better than asphalt roads too.
Yeah, someone in my school mentioned them. They sounded pretty cool. Are they in use anywhere?
They finished up their Phase II Prototype with federal funding and now they are finishing up their Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign which will allow them to hire more people, finalize the product, and start installing it in various locations. The projects will be close to their home in North Idaho at first.
Unfortunately, after I finally got this working despite it not syncing immediately, I checked an old bookmark I had to one of the Forge tutorials on their website since I had remembered something about the problem of it not syncing right away and I found that there is a HUGE change for 1.7.2 on how packets are handled:
public void onPacketData(INetworkManager manager, Packet250CustomPayload packet, Player player)
DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(;
EntityPlayer entityPlayer = (EntityPlayer) player;
EntityPlayerMP entityPlayerMP = (EntityPlayerMP) entityPlayer;
if ("insert_channel_name"))
int x = inputStream.readInt();
int y = inputStream.readInt();
int z = inputStream.readInt();
String text = inputStream.readUTF();
TileEntity tile_entity = entityPlayerMP.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if(tile_entity instanceof TileEntityExample)
TileEntityExample tee = (TileEntityExample) tile_entity;
tee.text = text;
PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToAllAround(x, y, z, 100, entityPlayerMP.dimension, tee.getDescriptionPacket());
... as you pointed out.
For some reason, I had been trying to do that from within the TileEntity's "getDescriptionPacket" routine instead.
I am still doing some testing and additional experiments because it appears to not always update a change right away and might still have the old value if I exit the game immediately after changing it. I am also going to experiment with just sending it to the server or to "All In Dimension" rather than "All Around."
I also had to change a couple of minor things like adding "worldObj" for getting the block's tile entity from entityPlayerMP based on the version of the code I'm messing with at the moment. A few other odd things like that here and there. I'm also sending the update on the GUI being closed at the moment as opposed to the button being clicked. But, all I have the button doing at the moment is basically closing the GUI. So, the final block update doesn't need to take place until then. I also had to add an IOException Try-Catch in the Packet Handler.
Your instructions also cleared up some confusion I was having about the code apparently needing to use BOTH Packet250CustomPayload AND Packet132TileEntityData in different spots.
Again, THANK YOU!!!
I'll let you know if I run into any other problems!
Now, I just need to get back to work on finally updating my Circuit Cubes mod once again. This issue, that has plagued me for a LONG time, is what was preventing me from updating the mod.
When I finally do, I will definitely be giving you the very much deserved credit in the OP there!
I updated my post above. It should cover saving the text and syncing the tile entity with the server with packets.
Thanks! I took a quick peek and I'm looking forward to going over it in more detail. I've been a bit busy so, unfortunately, I probably won't be getting to it until Sunday at the soonest. So, in the meantime, I wanted to let you know I saw you updated it.
While I'm waiting for the complete set of code that is in the process of being made for me, it would still be appreciated if anyone else also wants to take a stab at making a complete tutorial for doing this functionality from beginning to end. Those partial tutorials suck and always leave something out and getting separate tutorials to work together is not ideal. And, no one seems to have made a complete tutorial on this subject like they have for many other processes.
I apologize for before. A lot of people on here ask for snippets and stuff and take all the credit. In your TileEntity, you are going to need to simply add something like this into it. This will save the string to the TileEntity.
private String text = ""; public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound) { super.writeToNBT(par1NBTTagCompound); par1NBTTagCompound.setString("Text", text); } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound) { super.readFromNBT(par1NBTTagCompound); this.text = par1NBTTagCompound.getString("Text"); }
You are also going to need to sync the string with the server. This is quite complicated if you are new to packets. Add these two methods into your TileEntity. They will be called when you send a packet to it.
@Override public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { NBTTagCompound var1 = new NBTTagCompound(); this.writeToNBT(var1); return new Packet132TileEntityData(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 2, var1); } @Override public void onDataPacket(INetworkManager netManager, Packet132TileEntityData packet) { readFromNBT(; }
To be continued...
Been there, tried that. Those sections of the code appear to be the easy part. That's one of the reasons why I was wanting to see the full set of code to see it all working in action together and to also know that someone did actually get it working. I have seen parts like this and can get the block to save text until I exit the world and reload it. So, it appears I'm doing something wrong with trying to send packet information to get it to sync with the server side of things. So, once again, I need all the code not just snippets. People often think I may need only one part because they may assume I'm having the problem in a specific area of the code when it may be another section of the code. And, with people giving different snippets that don't necessarily match up, that also makes it harder to find where the problem actually is.
But, thank you for understanding and trying to help now.
In the meantime, I have apparently found someone that is willing to actually write a quick FULL set of code to fully illustrate the functionality and show it all working together so nothing is missed. I may just have to wait a couple of days but he appears to be willing to work with me to try and figure this out.
1) Create a block
2) Create a GuiScreen
3) Create a GuiTextField Obj
4) Initalise it, render it and all that jazz, really not that difficult, almost like regular buttons.
5) Save the text of the text field to the nbt in the tile entity.
6) Set the GuiTextField text to the saved text located in the TileEntity Done.
Of course you're not going to find a tutorial on this, because its so specific. However, if you break it up, like I just did, you could probably find tutorials, for example, there is tile entity tutorials which include saving variables. There is PROBABLY a GuiTextField tutorial, if not, then ask for help on that specific thing The rest is mostly simple
That's another one of my points about finding a complete tutorial on it. And, as I stated previously, I have found snippets and tutorials for different parts of it. And, most of it I don't really need. However, I finally decided that I need to see a complete set of code together so it all matches and the person posting it knows it works rather than just particular snippets that "should" work etc.
Or you could not be as lazy as the people who use Mcreater or crappy other programs like that and learn java or at least look at the forges wiki. I am assuming that you don't know java or understand how to use google due to your request for other people to make you a mod, instead of you trying it out and then asking for help. Here are some links that will help you learn java.
I have looked through the Forge tutorials extensively. Some of the specific information that I need is not clearly explained even though most of it works. Some of the tutorials are outdated in places or don't appear to match up well with other tutorials there or many other issues.
I have looked through many other tutorials here and other sites and have Googled for additional information. Yet, the same problems as above etc. Apparently, I keep missing something or something gets lost in translation on the specific portion I need.
I have not tried MCreator or similar "mod creator" programs.
I know Java but, again, apparently something is getting lost in translation with how to do a specific task with Forge coding.
I have actually tried this myself with all of the tutorials, etc, etc. I had even gotten it to work fine using ModLoader instead of Forge previous to Minecraft 1.4.2. After that point, with the "server/client" combination change to Minecraft, I could no longer get it to work with ModLoader either and I was wanting to switch over to Forge instead anyhow.
I tried to save everyone on an extensive detailed explanation on all of this because, if you're not complaining about not having enough information, you're complaining about having too much information.
This forum section is a place to ask for help and people give tutorials for specific items showing all of the different code segments. Unlike you, some people actually tend to try and be helpful instead.
Asking for the complete set of code for just this extremely simplified functionality is so no step is missed and nothing gets lost in translation. Plus, it's not enough to use as a mod on its own. I did not ask for a complete set of code for a truly functional mod but rather the complete set of code to accomplish a task.
Even if the complete code finally resolved the issue, credit would be given for the help.
So in other words, you want someone to code the whole mod for you and take their credit. No going to happen.
See my reply to the above. Especially items 8 and 9. Again, the whole set of code showing how to get the specific functionality to work is not enough for a mod on its own. Really, a block that does absolutely nothing but hold a string of text? And, again as also stated, credit would be given for the help.
I'd like someone to post the complete code (perhaps through Pastebin or GitHub in addition to here) for a simple Forge mod that does a specific simple task. I want to see all the classes and methods involved. Since this [incomplete] mod will do just one specific thing, there should not be too much involved.
All the mod needs to do is add a new block that lets you right-click the block and enter a string of text that gets saved to that block's tile entity. If you right-click it later, the text you previously entered will be displayed and you have the option of changing that text to something new at that time if you wish to do so. More importantly, if you exit the world or leave Minecraft completely and then reload the world again later, the last text you entered into that block will still be there.
I REALLY MISS the organization of watched forums being SORTED BY TOPIC like before.
AND, I miss that all of my watched forums (again, previously sorted into sections by topic) used to be ALL ON ONE PAGE that I could quickly scroll through.
I also HATE that it seems the only way to see all my previously watched forums are by the most recent rather than in a specific order like they were before.
While the first pic does show the new lighting, My guess is that the "second" thing (in that first pic) is not only that the chest opens (with the lock extending down) but that the lock itself is actually protrubing just like the new pig snouts.
The drop mechanism can be made much simpler. Instead of pushing all of the sand or gravel blocks out and then opening a space to drop one, just push only the bottom one out for the row you want. It drops, the piston retracts and is automatically reset. May have to make my own to show what I mean.
It's actually not that impressive. It's basically just a self-building bridge/wall being loaded with the correctly-colored cubes in the correct order to make the picture. In fact, the picture has to be already assembled in reverse order underneath the ground so that it could actually feed it up and fill the picture in using the correct order.
Ah, seems it's my Internet Explorer at the moment. Not sure why. Anywhere else on here works fine. Switched to Chrome to post this. Usually like using Chrome anyhow, but this usually gives me problems with the pages sometimes not loading in Chrome. Don't have the problem with Chrome anywhere else.So, let's try this one more time. If not, I give up.G0denEye93 did NOT make the Pistons Mod. Hippoplatimus was the one that made the Pistons Mod. G0denEye93 just made the wave machine (which, is actually nothing new) and the video of it. But, it was Hippoplatimus that made the Pistons Mod.Hippoplatimus' Piston Mod Thread Can Be Found Here: iiiHuman ~
G0denEye93 did NOT make the Pistons Mod. Hippoplatimus was the one that made the Pistons Mod. G0denEye93 just made the wave machine (which, is actually nothing new) and the video of it. But, it was Hippoplatimus that made the Pistons Mod.Hippoplatimus' Piston Mod Thread Can Be Found Here: iiiHuman ~
Thanks for responding. I knew I'm not the only one with this problem.
As I believe that I have previously stated, I have tried doing that but it did NOT fix the problem. I have even tried that proposed solution multiple times now but have still been unsuccessful in resolving the problem. I also wouldn't exactly call it harmless. It should definitely be fixed of course.
So far, it appears the problem only exists with Minecraft versions 1.8.2, 1.8.3, and current latest 1.8.4. At least, for me.
The text error seems to no longer appear though. However, the minecraft jar still shows as that "a/io/File;)Z" for those particular Minecraft versions when choosing that Minecraft version's environment.
Still having this problem with Minecraft Version 1.8.4.
It only happens with "Environments" (for the "Environment" Setting) above Minecraft Version 1.8.
I have recently run into this problem too even though I have first run the vanilla launcher to update the game libraries. The problem still exists.
In fact, I have found that it's showing a bad jar file indicator for me within Magic Launcher even if I try to re-specify the proper jar location and file. I have even tried removing Magic Launcher's configuration file from the "magic" folder within the roaming appdata location. Nothing has worked to fix it so far.
Images below:
Additional Images:
So, do you need to do BOTH "setupDevWorkspace" AND "setupDecompWorkspace" or will "setupDecompWorkspace" automatically do both even though "setupDevWorkspace" does not?
If you need to do both manually, should one be done before the other? If so, which one first?
All of those "concerns" have either been outright debunked or answered.
See the following links:
Actually, a lot of people are talking about it in general. Just not here. And, I disagree that it's not practical. What's not practical is asphalt since it is unsustainable because it is petroleum based. As for replacing roads, roads are always shut down due to maintenance anyhow for things like potholes which would no longer be a problem. They also account for the electrical things which also provides a bonus of no longer having ugly overhead power lines littering the neighborhood and falling down due to heavy ice and things like that. So, more reliability for electricity. No power outages because someone ran into a pole somewhere. Of course, there are many additional benefits too that save lives and money such as no longer having snow and ice on the roads or requiring snow plows etc. And, as for looks, the finalized product will look much better and I'm sure it won't be a problem visually for most people. Most people are saying they actually look better than asphalt roads too.
They finished up their Phase II Prototype with federal funding and now they are finishing up their Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign which will allow them to hire more people, finalize the product, and start installing it in various locations. The projects will be close to their home in North Idaho at first.
This is the Technology Section after all.
Me too.
Unfortunately, after I finally got this working despite it not syncing immediately, I checked an old bookmark I had to one of the Forge tutorials on their website since I had remembered something about the problem of it not syncing right away and I found that there is a HUGE change for 1.7.2 on how packets are handled:
With a bunch of code examples there.
It looks like I may have to be starting from scratch again all over with this.
First off, ...
I believe I have FINALLY found the problem thanks to you!!!
I was extremely close and basically had most everything correct but it currently looks like my problem was here ...
It was apparently the line:
... as you pointed out.
For some reason, I had been trying to do that from within the TileEntity's "getDescriptionPacket" routine instead.
I am still doing some testing and additional experiments because it appears to not always update a change right away and might still have the old value if I exit the game immediately after changing it. I am also going to experiment with just sending it to the server or to "All In Dimension" rather than "All Around."
I also had to change a couple of minor things like adding "worldObj" for getting the block's tile entity from entityPlayerMP based on the version of the code I'm messing with at the moment. A few other odd things like that here and there. I'm also sending the update on the GUI being closed at the moment as opposed to the button being clicked. But, all I have the button doing at the moment is basically closing the GUI. So, the final block update doesn't need to take place until then. I also had to add an IOException Try-Catch in the Packet Handler.
Your instructions also cleared up some confusion I was having about the code apparently needing to use BOTH Packet250CustomPayload AND Packet132TileEntityData in different spots.
Again, THANK YOU!!!
I'll let you know if I run into any other problems!
Now, I just need to get back to work on finally updating my Circuit Cubes mod once again. This issue, that has plagued me for a LONG time, is what was preventing me from updating the mod.
When I finally do, I will definitely be giving you the very much deserved credit in the OP there!
Thanks! I took a quick peek and I'm looking forward to going over it in more detail. I've been a bit busy so, unfortunately, I probably won't be getting to it until Sunday at the soonest. So, in the meantime, I wanted to let you know I saw you updated it.
Been there, tried that. Those sections of the code appear to be the easy part. That's one of the reasons why I was wanting to see the full set of code to see it all working in action together and to also know that someone did actually get it working. I have seen parts like this and can get the block to save text until I exit the world and reload it. So, it appears I'm doing something wrong with trying to send packet information to get it to sync with the server side of things. So, once again, I need all the code not just snippets. People often think I may need only one part because they may assume I'm having the problem in a specific area of the code when it may be another section of the code. And, with people giving different snippets that don't necessarily match up, that also makes it harder to find where the problem actually is.
But, thank you for understanding and trying to help now.
In the meantime, I have apparently found someone that is willing to actually write a quick FULL set of code to fully illustrate the functionality and show it all working together so nothing is missed. I may just have to wait a couple of days but he appears to be willing to work with me to try and figure this out.
Did all that. Didn't work.
That's another one of my points about finding a complete tutorial on it. And, as I stated previously, I have found snippets and tutorials for different parts of it. And, most of it I don't really need. However, I finally decided that I need to see a complete set of code together so it all matches and the person posting it knows it works rather than just particular snippets that "should" work etc.
Stop making stupid assumptions.
See my reply to the above. Especially items 8 and 9. Again, the whole set of code showing how to get the specific functionality to work is not enough for a mod on its own. Really, a block that does absolutely nothing but hold a string of text? And, again as also stated, credit would be given for the help.
All the mod needs to do is add a new block that lets you right-click the block and enter a string of text that gets saved to that block's tile entity. If you right-click it later, the text you previously entered will be displayed and you have the option of changing that text to something new at that time if you wish to do so. More importantly, if you exit the world or leave Minecraft completely and then reload the world again later, the last text you entered into that block will still be there.