Location: Arizona
Server Experience: Main Builder: EdsMCserv, Forthwind. Moderator/Admin: EdsMCserv
Age: 17
Skype: I have a skype however I will message you my username if accepted, will not post username for all to see.
Availability: Weekdays: 6pm-11pm, Weekends: However long I am on for

Experience: I am the main builder for two servers at the moment, EdsMCserv and Forthwind. I have built many structures from arenas to 4 story shopping complexes to underwater cities. Sadly my underwater city when I went back to it was griefed, however I do have pictures of the shopping complex and the arena. I also have experience with redstone, I can make gates such as: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, Rapid Pulser, and the simple Clock.


The only thing I ask of, if I am accepted, is that you or whoever else is running the server, does NOT restrict my creative abilities. Too many times have I built for a server and they have either downgraded my rank for no reason or taken away my creative gamemode because of the fact that they did not need me at the time. I am filling out this application to build, not to be told when I can and can't build.
Thank you for your time.
- Scar851