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    posted a message on Athena's World
    Come on I know we can get more submissions than that i need some builders!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Athena's World
    Quote from ordinaryman

    allowing anyone to apply for mod/admin makes your server a place I definitely will NOT want to play.... visions of intense griefing by mods are dancing in my head....

    They don't get mod/admin just by applying but they do have a chance after reviewing them intensely :P
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Athena's World
    Athena's World
    Hello everyone we are looking for builders for the server Athena's World if you would like more info on the server then you can go to the server website here!

    So what we are looking for is Builders, moderators (you can you the admin application for now and when the mod application comes out i will update the link) , and Admins you and click on the individual links to apply for the title that you want.

    We are hoping to become a server that every one want's to play on we just need your help to get there so will you help us?

    P.S. once the server gets up and running there will some form of payment for the staff of there server :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Bumpmapping
    Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows of a Bump map and Specular Maps for the default Minecraft 16x 16x texture pack. Or if there is not a Bump map and Specular Map for the Minecraft default texture pack can any one make them for me?

    P.S, I need it for an animation im doing :P

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Blending Blocks
    Hello all I have an idea for a mod................
    Lets say that you have a stone and a grass block next to it they are very contrasting like this.

    Now I thing those block should blend together just to make it look more natural and not all block ahve to blend just like,
    • Dirt-grass
    • Stone-grass
    • Stone-dirt
    • grass-sand
    I think you get the point what do you guys think?
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Single Player Commands [V4.9] - Official Download [SPC] [+NoClip]
    Why do they even put META-INF in the class files?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on |[ Virtue Kraft ]| Looking for Staff: Co Owner, Developer, Moderator, and Head Builder.
    awww i wish i wasent running my own severlol
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for a java coder
    no one up for the job?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Need Staff And Builders!
    Thank you to all that applied but we still need more!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for a java coder
    Hello we have a new server and need a experienced coder in java. We need need you to be able to update/make plugins and would like for you to be able to code for the minecraft client.


    What is you minecraft name?

    Why would you be good for this job?

    Are you dedicated to what you do?

    How long have you been coding?

    Have you made any plugins/ mods for minecraft before?

    Have you coded for a server before?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Need Staff And Builders!
    Quote from Smasher306

    Minecraft Name:Smasher306
    Age:14,nearly 15,but very mature.
    Do you have a mic?:I am saving up for one at this moment.
    Position Desired?:Builder
    Why would you be good for this position?:I am op on 14 other servers and on 8 of them I am top builder...
    What else can you offer?:Structures,telling you about plugins...
    Skype Name:Don't have it..
    Are you willing to download mumble?:My computer hasn't got much space left so not really...

    Quote from dr_creeper123

    minecraft name charliezabeast

    age 11 :( but bin playing minecraft for years

    i don't have a mic but skype ( charliezabeastor if it dosent work charlie jeffrey )

    don't mind

    i been wanting to help people for ages because my brother ( mc___jeff ) has done his own adventure map ( Temple Of Le Mort )
    and youtube videos and i would like to help anyone please let me :) i have a rubbish computer so if mumble crashes computers no if it is fine yes

    Sorry guys you do not meet the age requirements and or the other specifications.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Need Staff And Builders!
    Quote from MineWars

    Hello people!

    Minecraft Name: Teublyster
    Age: 16
    Do you have a mic?: Yes
    Position Desired?: Builder/Staff
    Why would you be good for this position?: I run my own server, so staff would be perfect, and for a builder, well:
    What else can you offer?: A build team :o
    Skype Name: MineWarsGaming
    Are you willing to download mumble? Yes

    Thank you for applying I will pm you the ip
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Need Staff And Builders!
    Quote from mima19

    Minecraft Name:mima19
    Age:13 (I know)
    Do you have a mic?:yes
    Position Desired?:Staff/op
    Why would you be good for this position?: I am very good builder, most of the time I can adapt a building to its enviroment, I'm good at helping on servers
    Skype Name:Can pm it to you
    Are you willing to download mumble?:Already had it, but it broke ;(

    Im sorry but you don't meet age requirements.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Need Staff And Builders!
    Quote from snookies181

    Position desired: Builder, or Op eventually.
    Im a very good builder and I am respectful and do great work!
    I dont really have any pictures.

    Plz read age requirements.
    Quote from MineWars

    Hello people!

    Minecraft Name: Teublyster
    Age: 16
    Do you have a mic?: Yes
    Position Desired?: Builder/Staff
    Why would you be good for this position?: I run my own server, so staff would be perfect, and for a builder, well:
    What else can you offer?: A build team :o
    Skype Name: MineWarsGaming
    Are you willing to download mumble? Yes

    Great i will pm you to get you started.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Need Staff And Builders!
    Thank you for applying you meet the Qualifications!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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