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    posted a message on [ADV][1.2.5] Inspector Hemlock and the Bermuda Circus (Voice acted storyline!)(Over 9500 Downloads!)
    Quote from Rhys7891

    Just finished playing through this with my friend.

    Only had one problem (well technically 2), it was maybe just me though:

    At the final boss where you have to shoot the arrows into the avatars, the avatar's eyes wouldn't open at all. We went back and stood on the pressure plates and everything but they just stayed shut. Thought there was maybe a break in the redstone somewhere but didn't want to destroy the map to find out. Also I changed server.properties to spawn-monsters=false but creepers still spawned so I just had to keep using the "/mv purge creeper" command (we're using a bukkit server with multiverse plugins) but that didn't bother me

    Apart from that it was awesome. It's clear you put alot of work into it, it looks amazing, it was fun, and your Irish accent was great :P keep up the good work and I look forward to playing part 2 :)

    Overall - 9 out of 10 (only cause the last 3 keys were far too easy compared to the first one)

    Thanks for the feedback :) I've looked into those problems and I'm not really sure what happened, sorry about that and I hope it didn't detract from the experience too much!

    I know what you mean about the last three keys as well, I was kind of running short of ideas and they ended up looking nice but short of challenge!
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [ADV][1.2.5] Inspector Hemlock and the Bermuda Circus (Voice acted storyline!)(Over 9500 Downloads!)
    Quote from rsmalec

    Look who I found, lost at H9!

    Watching this now :D

    Quote from Landon97

    You should have used Adfly.

    I've heard only bad things about adfly.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [ADV][1.2.5] Inspector Hemlock and the Bermuda Circus (Voice acted storyline!)(Over 9500 Downloads!)
    Quote from Tarbot

    Looks epic had to bookmark

    Thanks :)
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [ADV][1.2.5] Inspector Hemlock and the Bermuda Circus (Voice acted storyline!)(Over 9500 Downloads!)
    Quote from rsmalec

    Thistlehoof - I was finally able to finish the whole map - look for a nice twist in the next video upload.

    That said, I need to rescore it slightly.

    I'm increasing the 'Detail' rating to a 4. Everything looks fantastic.
    But I'm going to drop 'Progression' to a 2, which is average.
    And the net Total Rating stays the same.

    Awesome, I look forward to it :) Thanks :D
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [ADV][1.2.5] Inspector Hemlock and the Bermuda Circus (Voice acted storyline!)(Over 9500 Downloads!)
    Quote from rsmalec

    I'm not ready to rate this yet, as I've only played up to note 6 (of 15), but here's the first part!

    Really enjoying these :D

    Quote from minecrafter09876

    Looks nice! I'm going to tell my freind about this map.

    Cheers, glad you like it :)

    Quote from ImpossibleLaughs

    This is such a good map, I haven't finished it as I get sidetracked and enjoy the small things you put into it! I just reached the "elders" if that gives you a visualization as to where I am in this map.

    I'm uploading part 2 right now, the editing takes a long time as I make "visual notes" for the viewer while I read over it. I think it's a good play through even though it's my 3rd video. :steve_csi:

    Very nice, added this and other playthroughs to the main post :D
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Library (Minecraft Community Dropper Compilation)
    Just some points I've stumbled upon with the latest release Ron, with the whole 'place a bookshelf on a gold block locking mechanism the redstone torches are no longer lit above the sequence of drops you actually just completed, instead it's whichever corresponds to where you put the bookshelf that lights up.

    Also, while I really like the placing a bookshelf mechanism as it adds a sense of involvement and reinforces the idea of 'resorting the library', the visible redstone is a bit of an immersion killer. I know it's hard (possibly impossible in this case) to be compact and discrete but I just thought I'd point it out :) Edit: sent you BUD switch idea

    Also also, why not replace bedrock with bookshelves or something more decorative in the drops for the lift and dropper mechanism, just a thought seeing as bedrock is one of the least attractive textures in the game.

    Also also also, the signs on the last drops saying they were not eligible and that they are your maps etc could perhaps look better on the walls, but meh, that's just nitpicking really.

    Also also also also, this map is freaking awesome! :)

    ... just my ten cents, it is a beta after all!

    Edit: Just emailed through a quick idea on the locks :)
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Library (Minecraft Community Dropper Compilation)
    Big congrats to Kinglau3, can't wait to see the finished map! :D
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [ADV][1.2.5] Inspector Hemlock and the Bermuda Circus (Voice acted storyline!)(Over 9500 Downloads!)
    Quote from Super_Dooby

    This was amazing i cant wait till you do the next one !!!

    Cheers :) Over 9500 downloads now :)

    On a side note, if people could post on this thread: https://yogscast.com/showthread.php?38253-ADV-Inspector-Hemlock-and-the-Bermuda-Circus-(Voice-acted-storyline!) too I'd be extremely grateful as, due to them being very strict on double posting, the thread has been stuck at the bottom of the forums since creation despite the map' success :SSSS:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [ADV][1.2.5] Inspector Hemlock and the Bermuda Circus (Voice acted storyline!)(Over 9500 Downloads!)
    Finally got round to adding the playthroughs to the main page :) sorry about the wait, I'm currently hitting the exam season and am extremely busy!

    So close to 9000 Downloads :D
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Library (Minecraft Community Dropper Compilation)
    Finally sent my entry off, took a while to convince myself it's ready but I think it was about time!

    Hope you enjoy and I can't wait for the final product :)
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [ADV][1.2.5] Inspector Hemlock and the Bermuda Circus (Voice acted storyline!)(Over 9500 Downloads!)
    Sorry about taking so long to reply, had a brief look at all of those playthroughs and they're looking good :) I'll have a proper watch as soon as I can and add them to the front page.

    Glad you all enjoyed it :)
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Library (Minecraft Community Dropper Compilation)
    Quote from ALVAROGUDIS

    Mcedit is updated to t 1.2.5, right?

    Not officially I don't think, but I believe someone posted a link to an unofficial version that is earlier in the thread, which I have been using
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Library (Minecraft Community Dropper Compilation)
    Quote from ALVAROGUDIS

    With my continued procrastination, I learned I STILL don't like my end design...how do you get the ender crystal in game? It isn't a block, it's an entity, like a cow, and there's no spawn egg for it, and I can't find any way to get it...anybody know how?

    Ooh, I do know this one, you have to use (or at least I did with Inspector Hemlock) MCEdit to add the entities via a schematic. I'm afraid I can't remember exactly where I found said schematic, but I'm certain it was via google.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Library (Minecraft Community Dropper Compilation)
    Quote from Briinkx

    One more question (to help speed up the process), what Mod is this guy using to instantly add blocks at 2:54 (sorry, I haven't used many construction mods myself).

    I believe it's world edit which is part of the 'single player commands' mod

    As a mod, it takes a bit of getting used to, but it is very useful
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Library (Minecraft Community Dropper Compilation)
    Quote from ALVAROGUDIS

    I've been having some problems with the end. The best stuff I can get, with or without worldedit looks less like a competentely generated terrain, and more like swiss cheese, and sadly, I'm NOT going for a space theme.
    Anyone have a few tips for worldedit?

    I've only just started using worldedit myself, but doesn't it have a 'smooth brush' which is meant to make shapes look more terrain generated. This might help :)
    Posted in: Maps
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