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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    Quote from tacticpanda

    Like you know the compensation he wants!! Compensation can be something other than money, you know!!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Taking Mod Requests Here
    I've had the Idea for a meteorite mod for a while. Before Terraria also, lol I don't steal Ideas.
    Its fairly simple pretty much there is a very very small chance that a meteorite will spawn, something like 1% a minute. When a Meteorite does fall though it causes a very cinematic scene where you can see the meteorite falling and a big crashing sound for 10 seconds or so. I also think it would look cooler if the meteorite chose a spot in the sky to start from and then separately chose a spot on the ground where it lands, that way the animation wouldn't just be a meteorite falling straight down. The meteorite will only spawn up to 30 chunks away from the player so they can see where it landed and make an expedition. Where the Meteorite hits the ground an explosion 3 times the size of tnt will happen and then the area where it hit will populate with meteorite ore. The meteorite ore will need a diamond pickaxe or meteorite pickaxe to mine. Once smelted you can use the refined meteorite to craft all of the tools and armor. The tools will last 2343 uses (1.5x diamond) and have an speed similar to stone but be able to mine everything iron can. The Meteorite armor would give you higher jumping and a double jump. However I want the meteorites to be really rare, and I also want the meteorite falling animation to be a really big deal.

    Make any changes you want though. I know nothing of java (sadly) so anything to make it easier or possible is a good thing :smile.gif:

    PS:I can make textures and sounds :wink.gif: PM me if you actually make this.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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