Here is a story to prove that you dont keep secrets from your parents. Last year I lost my house key in the summer and I didnt tell them out of fear. They found out in the fall and I was grounded from my computer until just yesterday, until then (I was using other computers for the forum. I hope you never experience this.
So ask your dad and have a calm discussion with him. Find some facts if you have to. i get that new "call of duty 37: kill some talibans with an AK-47 because i dont know shiny edition"?
ciz i would really love a repetitive game year after year!
Yes so true, and these little 11 year olds in my hillbilly boy scout troop say that they are cool "cuz' they play call of duty, and pewdiepie is our god" i want to punch one in the face, but than I would get into more trouble than necessary.
ITT: "I don't like this game, so no one else should."
There are no overrated games. How well a game is rated, depends on how many people enjoy it. If a game gets rated high because a lot of people enjoy playing it, it deserves such a rating.
That is not necessarily what we are saying, I am asking about what the people as individuals think are overrated games. If someone doesn't agree with them, they are totally free to get in a discussion. Notice I underlined Discussion, not argument
Here is a story to prove that you dont keep secrets from your parents. Last year I lost my house key in the summer and I didnt tell them out of fear. They found out in the fall and I was grounded from my computer until just yesterday, until then (I was using other computers for the forum. I hope you never experience this.
So ask your dad and have a calm discussion with him. Find some facts if you have to.
Im not the best with redstone, but I can build large and small things
yes i know, i love that game
(Its D)
Heh heh heh, those sound like bad games