Before entering, make a bed and sleep right by the portal so if you die, you respawn right by the portal
This is probably the best advice anyone's given so far. Really. I could just end up falling off of the End Island and respawning thousands of blocks away.
I bought Minecraft shortly after Christmas in 2012, and I've enjoyed playing it ever since. I've played lots of Survival, I've built many different structures in Creative mode I'm proud of, and the only parts of this game I haven't learned about (yet) are command blocks and commands. I believe I have an above-average understanding of the game, and I think it's the greatest game ever made.
The one major thing I've never done, is traveled to The End and killed the Enderdragon. In the first few weeks after I bought Minecraft, I explored The End in Creative mode, but I didn't bother with the Enderdragon. That will change soon. About an hour ago, I decided to locate the End Portal, and get the ball rolling to see the End of Minecraft. I've found it now, and I just need to go through the Portal.
The poll is closed, and voting in it isn't really necessary anymore. We already know the vast majority of people who find this suggestion approve of it. There's no logical reason to NOT implement it, unless you think something else would be more beneficial to the gameplay and long-term popularity of the game. The best thing to do now is find a way to convince the developers to implement it without making ourselves obnoxious to them.
Quote from Calacbolg»
oh god i broke it
Okay, so I can rollback. I would greatly appreciate someone PMing me proper BBC code that doesn't break formatting whenever I try to edit this, because I can't wrap my head around how stupidly designed this forum post editor is now. Quit sacrificing functionality for 'professional' aesthetics oh my god.
I name my sword Witherwrath, my pickaxe Rockrive, my bow Blazebane, my ax Woodreave, and my shovel Sundersoil. I haven't come up with any names for my armor yet.
There is SO MUCH potential with this though! The things you can do with terrain if this was implemented. Extremely big terrain generation that could potentially re-write how terrain is generated! Biomes that could stack on top of each other neatly! Biomes that have cool, new atmospheric effects, for example, a Volcanic biome would have an effect where after a while, you suffocate slowly, implying you are suffocating on high Carbon Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide levels. New enchantments could also sprout from environmental effects of these epic new biomes! This is revolutionary! I'm still supporting and congrats on developing the Cubic Chunks Mod!
If you want better terrain generation, you should check out this thread. Thanks for the support.
I did. I know how i just don't feel like it. I find numbers hard to pay attention to and listen to. When i hear numbers my brain somewhat fails. I need visuals or something.
There's nothing wrong with that, everyone learns best in different ways. Some people learn best by hearing, some by seeing, some by reading. Most learn by a combination of those. One of the greatest failures of the American (And most of the rest of the world's,) public school system is that it assumes that all the children being taught can learn in the same way. When literally everyone learns in a unique way, it's impossible for one or two people to teach them all in a timely manner.
Too bad the door will never actually open as there won't be enough of an energy differential left to power the computer running it. I wonder, just how far along that time line you could actually get a computer before you completely and utterly ran out of a way to power it? Of course there are some ideas kicking around now that seem to suggest that space and time are emergent properties of quantum interactions but thinking about that makes me feel like I'm trying to smell the color blue.
Maybe you can smell colors. After all, there are plenty of colors you can't see, and scents you can't smell. How do you know you see the same color as I do when we look at something and call it "orange?" Maybe every single person can see a multitude of colors no one else can...
The videos on the Planet Minecraft Tall Worlds Mod page don't work. The picture is magnificent though.
This is probably the best advice anyone's given so far. Really. I could just end up falling off of the End Island and respawning thousands of blocks away.
The one major thing I've never done, is traveled to The End and killed the Enderdragon. In the first few weeks after I bought Minecraft, I explored The End in Creative mode, but I didn't bother with the Enderdragon. That will change soon. About an hour ago, I decided to locate the End Portal, and get the ball rolling to see the End of Minecraft. I've found it now, and I just need to go through the Portal.
Any tips from those who've already done this?
The poll is closed, and voting in it isn't really necessary anymore. We already know the vast majority of people who find this suggestion approve of it. There's no logical reason to NOT implement it, unless you think something else would be more beneficial to the gameplay and long-term popularity of the game. The best thing to do now is find a way to convince the developers to implement it without making ourselves obnoxious to them.
oh god i broke it
Okay, so I can rollback. I would greatly appreciate someone PMing me proper BBC code that doesn't break formatting whenever I try to edit this, because I can't wrap my head around how stupidly designed this forum post editor is now. Quit sacrificing functionality for 'professional' aesthetics oh my god.
She's baaaaaaaack!
If you want better terrain generation, you should check out this thread. Thanks for the support.
Total thanks!