I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out https://minecraftnoobtest.com/test.php
I am trying to change my Minecraft account name from The_Typholorian back to The_Typhothanian, a name I have used before. Microsoft copilot says that name isn't offensive to anyone, and the only remotely similar thing is Typhon, from Greek mythology. However, it says
You can't use language that some might find offensive
when I try. Please help.
I'm good at ideas. I'm also bad at learning things. Especially how to make a mod with forge.
Recently I've been thinking of an epic mod idea. I can't make it myself because I'm just not the guy that codes games and mods. Also, MCreator isn't good enough for my idea. Otherwise, it would already be on Curseforge.
I thought of a way to get around that problem. I could collaborate with someone. I could think of ideas, and my partner could code them.
What I'm saying is that I want to collaborate with someone that has a Discord account, has experience with coding forge mods, and is willing to partner with me to make this idea become reality. If you are interested, please send a friend request to The Typhothanian#8928 on Discord. Thanks!
So, I use Blockbench for two things: 1. To make textures and 2. To make easy plans for Minecraft builds. I am talking about #2 in this thread.
Is there a way where I can get, in this case, a dark oak planks block and permanently remove a chunk of it while not touching any part of the block except the area touched? Like, it only modifies the textures by deleting the corner of the texture to make it look exactly like an in-game stair/slab.
Just make a plugin when you do like for example /bedrocksolve it fills all the void blocks in the world from Y 0 to -64 with bedrock/barrier blocks or something?
So I am making a Minecraft server and I want a 3D crafting table with my own color palette for the logo. If you go on the Minecraft wiki and search up crafting table it will show a 3D model. I downloaded that and opened it in paint.net, tried to fill in the colors and it 100% broke the image. If you know how the wiki gets those really good 3D images please tell me. Thank you.
Anyone have a list of Redstone/mechanics/ores/building block mods for 1.16.5 forge that go well with Create and Chisel + Bits? I need ~20 separate mods, not modpacks.
Every time I get a bunch of mods together then launch minecraft I get a huge error message that some mods can't be loaded then I delete those mods and I have about 2-3 out of the ~100 I had at the start. >:
Again, I need help with my Minecraft server under development by just me. I am struggling and I chose to put a custom-made plugin on my server. I need help for someone to either 1. Create a plugin with how I describe or 2. Insert a link to a FREE plugin creator like where you click all those little buttons and draw textures and it just makes the stuff for you. I am not wasting my money on a simple plugin for my server.
The thing is I don't want forge. I just want your normal everyday server. I mean, take hypixel. They have ~140000 players online at a time and they have customized stuff like in Skyblock. and I also want to have custom textures with the items and stuff.
How do minecraft java servers make all those custom items without mods? I am getting myself a minecraft server and I want custom blocks and items. Please reply. I.I
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

To take the test, check out
I am trying to change my Minecraft account name from The_Typholorian back to The_Typhothanian, a name I have used before. Microsoft copilot says that name isn't offensive to anyone, and the only remotely similar thing is Typhon, from Greek mythology. However, it says
You can't use language that some might find offensive
when I try. Please help.
I'm good at ideas. I'm also bad at learning things. Especially how to make a mod with forge.
Recently I've been thinking of an epic mod idea. I can't make it myself because I'm just not the guy that codes games and mods. Also, MCreator isn't good enough for my idea. Otherwise, it would already be on Curseforge.
I thought of a way to get around that problem. I could collaborate with someone. I could think of ideas, and my partner could code them.
What I'm saying is that I want to collaborate with someone that has a Discord account, has experience with coding forge mods, and is willing to partner with me to make this idea become reality. If you are interested, please send a friend request to The Typhothanian#8928 on Discord. Thanks!
(P.S. I spent a long time typing this thread)
I need help with exporting .sch files. I clicked export and it just says
Save Progress
Building Schematic File
forever. It never changes.
So, I use Blockbench for two things: 1. To make textures and 2. To make easy plans for Minecraft builds. I am talking about #2 in this thread.
Is there a way where I can get, in this case, a dark oak planks block and permanently remove a chunk of it while not touching any part of the block except the area touched? Like, it only modifies the textures by deleting the corner of the texture to make it look exactly like an in-game stair/slab.
Just make a plugin when you do like for example /bedrocksolve it fills all the void blocks in the world from Y 0 to -64 with bedrock/barrier blocks or something?
So I am making a Minecraft server and I want a 3D crafting table with my own color palette for the logo. If you go on the Minecraft wiki and search up crafting table it will show a 3D model. I downloaded that and opened it in paint.net, tried to fill in the colors and it 100% broke the image. If you know how the wiki gets those really good 3D images please tell me. Thank you.
So I wanna make an easy code to open a door like this:
Button Button Button
Button Button Button
Button Button Button
so if you get the right combination in quick succession a door opens.
Anyone have a list of Redstone/mechanics/ores/building block mods for 1.16.5 forge that go well with Create and Chisel + Bits? I need ~20 separate mods, not modpacks.
Every time I get a bunch of mods together then launch minecraft I get a huge error message that some mods can't be loaded then I delete those mods and I have about 2-3 out of the ~100 I had at the start. >:
So I went through all the websites to download the editor and it brings me to googleadservices.com and that can't load so I can't use the editor.
Again, I need help with my Minecraft server under development by just me. I am struggling and I chose to put a custom-made plugin on my server. I need help for someone to either 1. Create a plugin with how I describe or 2. Insert a link to a FREE plugin creator like where you click all those little buttons and draw textures and it just makes the stuff for you. I am not wasting my money on a simple plugin for my server.
The thing is I don't want forge. I just want your normal everyday server. I mean, take hypixel. They have ~140000 players online at a time and they have customized stuff like in Skyblock. and I also want to have custom textures with the items and stuff.
How do minecraft java servers make all those custom items without mods? I am getting myself a minecraft server and I want custom blocks and items. Please reply. I.I