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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] RenderXR's Untold Stories Series

    Today I started playing Myriad Caves. So far I've gotten through the first area with one death, established myself at the monument, and found all of the emeralds in both of those places.

    I really like it so far! The first area plays very nicely, and the monument is well done. I can't wait to see what the rest of the map has to offer. I was a bit skeptical at first since I'm not personally a fan of the 1.9 combat (In one sentence, the reason why I don't like it is the fact that they slowed down the player without also slowing down the mobs), but it's not making as much of a difference as I was expecting it to.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    Hey everyone. I know I've been really inactive in recent months, but senior year of high school was happening, and I kinda dropped out of mapmaking for a long time. But my inspiration is picking back up, and I'm starting to make more stuff! I'm also going to make an effort to be more active on these forums (although I'll be gone for about the next week).

    I mentioned back in January that I had started work on another full map, called The World Below. This is the monument area for that map. Even though it seems unlikely that I'll ever actually complete this thing, I still want to show what I've done - just in case.

    More pictures of this area:

    I want to give out area names eventually, but not now - I think I'll wait until I make more progress. It's also worth mentioning that this map, as you may have guessed from the title, is cave-themed. It's also linear, so no intersections.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from TheXhen»



    Kinda sad to see that you're leaving, as you've always been producing some really cool work and been a great member of the community, but if you're losing interest, that's totally understandable. I wish you good luck in any and all creative endeavors you take part in the future.

    That being said, you have no idea how much I've been looking forward to Nightmare Fuel I, so I'm really glad you at least finished that. Can't wait to give it a shot!

    Edit: I've now played through the orange wool, and it's is very, very good so far. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us later in the map.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from Sekh»

    I don't even know what to say.

    Looking at some of those pictures (especially the desert city and some of the modern/futuristic stuff in progress), I can't even imagine how much time that's taken you, and it really shows. Everything you have there looks absolutely incredible. Although it isn't quite as grand-scale as the others, that second area of IT1 may be my favorite aesthetically, it's just so bright and colorful while still feeling ancient.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The CTMCommunity Maps Thread - Discordancy, Austerity, and more! - Scarcity, the sequel to Austerity newly released!

    This looks amazing! Seeing the finished project makes me regret not participating in this, so I'll definitely try to be involved if there are any more of these community projects in the future. Can't wait to give it a try later today!

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] Chimarian Memories CTM Series - New Minimap "Compaction" Released!


    I just finished the cyan area, so I'm now completely done with Sector 2.

    Overall, things are still pretty awesome so far. The travel times in the later part of Pink got a bit long, but that's not too major of an issue. Gray, the "not-Heliceo" lab area, is probably my favorite area of the map so far in terms of gameplay with its diverse environments and the mini charged creeper dungeon at the end. Pink is still my favorite for aesthetics. I haven't died since my last update, so my total death count is still at 6 (3 in light blue, 3 in pink). Also, I just got the seventh bonus block (with no spare emeralds), so I think I've gotten all emeralds so far. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    The Light Gray boss fight was a bit short, but the difficulty seemed OK - not terribly difficult, but tougher than the rest of the area. Unlike TT2000, its spawning worked completely fine for me, no problems. I also really like how the Lime-Cyan stretch of Sector 2 kinda makes up its own story arc, that being the search for the Visionary.

    Loot has been very plentiful (maybe even a little too plentiful) and scaled nicely, with the occasional special item throwing more variety in the mix. You have no idea how good it felt to get the Jump Boost III iron boots - that instantly brought back memories of my favorite items from RCIII and how helpful they were with my playstyle. I'm still using them four areas later, but they're starting to get a bit expensive to repair, so I don't think I'll be able to hold onto them for much longer.

    However, despite all this, there is one pretty significant complaint I have, specifically about the Visionary area. The mechanic is a great idea and adds fresh gameplay to the area, but from my experience, the eye you hold to make the invisible enemies' particles appear doesn't seem to consistently work. It still does its job, but I found that, a lot of the time, enemies would still be completely invisible while I held the eye or sometimes even be visible when I wasn't holding it. And I don't mean right after I held/released the eye, I mean a good 10-15 seconds afterwards. By the time I reached the teleport for the area, I was already considering it random chance whether or not I'd be able to see the mobs. So far, throughout the entirety of the map, that's probably my biggest gripe (although I don't know if anyone else has had the same issue).

    Another (smaller) issue, while not that important, is the delays on spawners. Many of the spawners for custom mobs have long enough initial delays that I've found I can rush up to them and break them without any mobs spawning. This was especially noticeable in The Cage - with the speed boosts from equipment and the Efficiency V stone pick you gave out earlier (can't remember where), I could sometimes run out, break around 5-8 spawners, and retreat with only one or two of them even having time to spawn mobs. Because of that, I think some areas (The Cage in particular) are easier than they should be.

    Other than that, I'm still going strong and having a lot of fun! I'll continue to keep you updated as I head further into the map.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] Chimarian Memories CTM Series - New Minimap "Compaction" Released!

    Pink wool is one of my favorite areas so far. It's big and open with challenging mobs, and it looks beautiful. But it's trying really hard to get me to hate it.

    I've died three times in the area so far. One was just me being overwhelmed by Lieutenants, but the other two... While trying to recover my stuff from my second death, I watched the angelic gold helmet from earlier in the area disappear about one second before I got to it, along with a lot of my other loot I had recently picked up. Then, I got knocked off the top of a tower and died of fall damage, but a creeper exploded right afterwards, resulting in a complete inventory wipe minus my sword, bow, and chestplate. Luckily I haven't lost any emeralds, but I swear this place is just out to get me.

    (Speaking of the lieutenants in this area, I genuinely think they're a little too strong. They move really fast and hit hard, which is a deadly combination. I would suggest maybe making them just a bit slower if you ever update the map.)

    I'm having a lot of fun, though. Things felt a little tedious around the end of magenta through light blue and some of yellow, but it's picked up again and I'm really enjoying myself overall. Areas have been nicely sized, and the teleports have ensured that no travel times are too long. Even though it has basically no effect on the gameplay, I also really like the idea of a single, giant intersection that splits the map into four main areas. So far, my favorite area aesthetically is by far pink (not to say the others aren't great, but the first view of pink's huge cavern is just mind-blowing), and my favorite area in terms of gameplay is lime.

    So far I've gotten all emeralds, and at the moment I'm at 5/8 in pink. I've also died 6 times as of now, 3 in light blue and 3 in pink.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] Chimarian Memories CTM Series - New Minimap "Compaction" Released!

    It may have just been me, but I thought that the slowness/blindness the Sirens gave was worse than the noise. To me the noise was only really bad when I had to listen to it for more than about a second or two at a time, which normally wouldn't be a problem because you can use a sprinting hit to knock them back. But when you're slow/blind, you can't knock them out of listening range unless you have a good knockback weapon.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] Chimarian Memories CTM Series - New Minimap "Compaction" Released!

    I just finished the orange wool area.

    So far it's great! Aesthetics are solid throughout, the monument area is well laid-out and conveniently placed, the mobs and loot have a lot of care put in them (I especially like the NBT chests because I haven't seen them extensively used in any other maps), and the gameplay is nicely balanced. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from Chipmunk46»

    I'm happy to announce, after a year (and a few months) of work, I've finally finished:

    This map has been my most ambitious project yet and I'm excited to finally release it. I hope you guys like it!

    Some pics for you guys:


    You can find the download here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/1554519-ctm-chimarian-memories-ctm-series-the-final

    Dang, that looks nice. You've been putting a ton of work into that project, and I'm excited to see how it turned out. Didn't know it was coming this early, so it's a nice surprise to see it so soon.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Strawberry Jam V3 - A CTM Map Building Jam! Jam #17 over - check out the maps!

    Sorry to say this, but I'm dropping out for now. I was a little busier than expected, and as a result, I fell behind probably to the point of no recovery and my motivation is dwindling.

    I still plan on finishing my map, as I really like how it's coming along so far, but I'll be doing it on my own time.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on Strawberry Jam V3 - A CTM Map Building Jam! Jam #17 over - check out the maps!

    I only got one area done today (I started at 4 PM where I live, it's now midnight).

    Not complaining, though.

    Current progress: The first area out of five (the last one being the monument) is now aesthetically complete, as well as the spawn room. I'm hoping to at least get areas 2 and 3 done tomorrow.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Strawberry Jam V3 - A CTM Map Building Jam! Jam #17 over - check out the maps!

    I have a song picked out that I'm pretty eager to use. It's actually very light on lyrics (only four lines in the entire song), but I think it can work really well for this theme. I'm still not positive, but I'm probably going to be participating in Wave One starting tomorrow.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Strawberry Jam V3 - A CTM Map Building Jam! Jam #17 over - check out the maps!

    I like those dates, my only complaint is that currently Wave 3 is four days while Waves 1 and 2 are only three. I think they should all be the same length.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Strawberry Jam V3 - A CTM Map Building Jam! Jam #17 over - check out the maps!
    Quote from TheZunar123»

    Maybe you could toy with the idea more and make some kind of time-travel theme. Like either the map progresses through time in a linear fashion or it's a mashup of a bunch of different times together like some sort of time paradox.

    That's basically already been done. The theme of the second Jam was "Time".
    Quote from ViCABO»

    The question is obvious ... The Sketch and TikaroHD participate this time? XD

    If I have time, then yeah. I've already come up with a good song to use assuming that's the theme that ends up being chosen.


    I do like the idea of a map theme being based around a specific time like "prehistoric", but I think that could be saved for a different Jam. Personally I love the idea of a literal song theme because it requires some thought, allows for lots of creativity, and will produce a nice variation in the maps.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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