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Cart Mod
Change-Log [ Click Below ]
v1.2.5 : [ Download MC 1.2.5 Version ]
v1.2.5 Released for Minecraft 1.2.5 (2012-07-31)
Is now fully FML (Forge ModLoader) 135+ compatible. No more crashes due to the key-bindings.
TNT Carts have been added. You can directly place a block of TNT into an empty Cart.
- The block of TNT in a Cart can be lit/ignited in the usual ways, it will blow up.
- After blowing up the Cart itself will be a floating item that can be recollected and used again, if gotten before it dissapears.
Hand-brakes added to Carts. When ON the cart will not move, neither will any Mob Harnessed to it. * However; The effect is local only. The Cart will still fly/move fine with a Zeppelin type craft while brakes are ON, but it will no longer roll around. - * Cart hand-brake settings are saved and remain when re-entering a world.
- To Toggle Brakes: Have any Cart Gloves selected; [Shift][Right-Click] a Cart to toggle the brakes.
- The Cart does Not need to be following you for you to be able to turn it's brakes On or OFF.
Handbrakes are animated. When OFF the brake handle sticks straight forward. When ON the handle pivots to stick up at an angle.
Auto-Handbrakes can be Enabled in the Cart Mod Config file. With this Enabled all new Carts will start with brakes ON. Auto-Brakes will Automatically turn OFF when a Cart follows you and turn back ON when it stops following you. They will also Turn OFF when a mob is first harnessed to a Cart, then turn back ON when it is unharnessed. This always keeps Carts where you leave them so they don't get pushed around.
- After you harness a mob and the brakes auto-turn OFF you can still manually turn them back ON whenever you wish.
The Cart Mod Config File has been moved:
- It is now at: ".minecraft/mods/CartMod/mod_cartconfig.txt"
- There is now only one config file, no duplicates. "mod_cartconfig.txt", just double-click it to open it.
- The 'Capture Net' Item can now have it's itemID number changed in the config file like the other IDs.
Carts now have Gravity when not being pulled. When not being pulled or not harnessed they will roll forward a little every time they go down a block. This can cause them to keep rolling down a hill all the way to the bottom.
- Carts even have Gravity when you are in them. You can ride them down hill.
- A TNT Cart can be ignited then pushed off a hill. It will fall a ways before blowing up.
* Cart Gravity can be disabled in the Cart Config file. They will then move like they did in earlier versions and not roll down hill.
The Cart Texture has been fixed so that the boards all line up properly now.
Carts now have an Auto Kick-Stand Animation built in. This does not affect the Cart functionality in any way, it just makes the Cart look more naturally balanced when not being pulled or harnessed.
- The Kick-Stand goes down when Cart is not being pulled or is not harnessed.
Carts now have an Auto Tail-Gate Animation built in. This does not affect the Cart functionality in any way, but it does better expose the contents of the Cart while they are being accessed.
- The Tail-Gate goes down (opens) whenever you access the item in a Cart (Right-Click it). It goes back up when you are no longer accessing the item.
Cart Wheel Model and Texture is now 3D. The four wheel holes now have inner edges.
The Wheel Axle now spins too.
- A Message about Cart Mod will now briefly pop-up the first time you make a Cart, and only the first time. Unless you change a certain value in the config file afterwards.
The Cart Texture file has been renamed to "PullcartTexture.png". It is still in the "Pullcartmod" folder within the mod .zip along with all of the Item pics.
- The Cart Texture elements have been rearranged to make it easier to understand which part is which.
- A Texture Template .png is included in the .zip file to help with retexturing.
- A picture of the Cart Model in default view position is included in the .zip file to help understand the template direction labels. The template considers the side facing you to be the [Front] of the model and texture.
- An alternate Cart Texture is included in the .zip which will turn the Cart into a floating Metal box in appearance. It is the same Alt texture as included in prior versions but remapped onto the new Texture template. - Looking at this may assist you in understanding the template when you compare it to the Main one.
* More Info may be added later both here and in OP.
v1.2.1 : [ Download MC 1.2.5 Version ] [Locked] for now, will reopen once sites update version.
v1.2.1 Released for Minecraft 1.2.5 (2012-04-30)
- v1.2.1 is a bug-fix release. With 1.2 the game would crash if trying to use a Capture Net on a mob that is not allowed to be captured with this net. Now you get the originally intended message.
* BUG found in 1.2.1: Capture Net ItemID cannot be changed in Config
v1.2 Released for Minecraft 1.2.5 (2012-04-28)
- Capture Net item and Recipe added.
+ To Use Capture Net:
To Capture an Entity - While Capture Net is selected; [ Right-Click ] on Entity, then [ Right-Click ] on the empty Cart near it that you want to trap it in. Done.
To Release an Entity - While Capture Net is selected; [ Right-Click ] on Entity, Done.
-- It should now be free of the Net and Cart, though sometimes they still stand in the same location as the Cart for a short time if they wish to, but their position should drop slightly.
- You can now get into and ride an empty Cart, or be pulled, and get back out at any time. You can even nudge the cart around chaotically while in it, so long as nothing is harnessed to it. So long as you do NOT have any Cart Tools or Gloves selected; just [ Right-Click ] on an empty Cart that is close enough and you will jump into it. The just [ Right-Click ] the Cart again, with NO Cart Tools or Gloves selected, while inside to get free of it.
- Harness Disconnect method has been changed: Now you just [ Right-Click ] on a Cart with a Harness selected, any mob harnessed to that Cart will be released.
- Some mobs cannot be captured with this Capture Net. This is on purpose.
- Some mobs can no longer be harnessed with the current harness, this is on purpose.
- There is now a Time Limit for harnessing or capturing a mob. If you don't connect the Harness or Net to suitable Cart within the time limit you will have to start again. The time limit length is reasonable.
- "[Cart Mod] " now Prefaces all in-game messages created by Cart Mod.
- The Cart Model has returned to it's original size. It again cannot squeeze through a single door. You will need to start building Double-doors for Cart-accessible facilities.
- Wheels on separate Carts spin independantly now.
- "Wood Glue" renamed to "Glue"
- Furnace Cart Fire particle effect has been changed.
- The in-code [ Right-Click ] method has been changed to 'onRightClick' to make it more compatible with other mods. (Thanks RaustBlackDragon!)
- The 2 Recipe Charts inside of the Cart Mod .zip file have been completely updated, now with actual mini Cart pictures!
-- [ Warning ] All entities harnessed to, trapped in, or pulling a Cart will be freed or disconnected from those Carts every time you restart a World in Minecraft. This is something that Minecraft always does. * We are looking into a method of possibly auto-reconnecting them again right after they disconnect at the start of game, a toggle-able feature in the config-file. No promises though.
- There are a couple of easter-eggs in this version. One of them is really fun and dangerous.
v1.1 : [ Download MC 1.2.5 Version ]
v1.1 Released for Minecraft 1.2.5 (2012-04-18)
- Harness added. You can use the Harness to attach a Cart to any game 'Entity' that is near enough to the Cart. The attached Cart will then follow that Entity (Animal, Mob, NPC, Golem etc) with the same rules as when following the player. You can have many Carts, each one following a different Entity. * Should also work with Entities from other Mods.
* This is likely the only version of Cart Mod that will allow small Entities (Only 1 block sized like Chickens) to be Harnessed to a Cart.
Speed of movement will still be affected by the surface the Cart is on.
Cart will still auto-disconnect from Entity if it is stuck 5 or more blocks away from it, or if Entity Teleports away (like Enderman or Pet).
+ To Use Harness:
To Attach Cart to an Entity - While Harness is selected; [ Right-Click ] on Entity, then [ Right-Click ] on the Cart near it that you want to attach it to. Done; you should see a message saying that the Cart is now following that Entity. If it doesn't attach then the Entity was too far away from the Cart.
To Detach Cart from an Entity - Exactly same procedure as attaching; While Harness is selected; [ Right-Click ] on Entity, then [ Right-Click ] on the Cart attached to it. Done; you should now see a message saying that the Cart is no longer following that Entity.
++ One way to control the movement of an animal attached to a Cart is to hold Wheat in your hand (Have it selected) while near the animal that is pulling a Cart. It will then follow you and pull the Cart wherever you want. You can have many animals with Carts following you at the same time this way, moving MANY Chests, or other Cart types, at the same time (a Convoy or Caravan).
- Dispenser shooting has been improved. Arrows now shoot properly.
- Redstone Gloves will now pull Carts just like normal Gloves do, in addition to enabling the Dispenser Cart Activation keyboard key. You can use the Redstone Gloves for all your Cart usage all the time if you wish.
- Leather Glove Recipe has been added again for the normal Gloves item. It makes the exact same "Gloves" item as the Wool Glove recipe makes. The Wool recipe will remain as well. Use either recipe to get the same normal gloves.
* There is and will continue to be only the Wool Recipe for Redstone Gloves though. Only wool can absorb and concentrate the amount of Redstone dust needed to make them work.
- Glue Ampules can now be stacked to 64 instead of just 8.
- Glue can now be placed in Any open Recipe slot, not just the one shown on the Recipe Charts. Same for the Redstone in the Redstone Gloves Recipe.
- "Wool Gloves" Item has been renamed to just "Gloves". This item can now be made with either the Wool or Leather Recipe.
- A new Icon has been made for the Redstone Gloves.
- The 2 Recipe Charts inside of the Cart Mod .zip file have been completely updated.
- The 3 alternate Cart Textures made earlier and posted in this thread have now been added into the Mod .zip image folder. One removes the appearance of the Cart Wheels so that it looks like the Cart is floating, the second removes the appearance of both the Wheels and the Handles, and the third is just like the second image except it looks like Metal instead of wood (For High-Tech "Anti-Grav" game environments).
* Activate these alternate textures by renaming the image files in the Mod .zip.
- The "Wood Glue" Item will be renamed to just "Glue" in the next version as it isn't just for wood. It is also a general material treatment for toughening fabrics etc. The name change was just over-looked when the final compile was done for this version.
- The Download will be coming from MediaFire now instead of Dropbox. No Ad.fly though. This is to allow for more expected downloads without risk of my Dropbox account being frozen by too much usage. I use my Dropbox for other things too and can't afford to have it be frozen.
v1.1pre : [ Download MC 1.2.3 Version ]
v1.1pre Released for Minecraft 1.2.3 (2012-03-08)
- Dispenser Cart added. Add items to Dispenser in Cart just like to a normal Dispenser. To activate the Dispenser the Cart must be "following" you, then change gloves to the Redstone Gloves. Now you may dispense as fast as you wish using the "X" key on your keyboard, even while running forward! Arrows and Fire Charges shoot fine.
* If you fire the Dispenser while pushing the Cart in the same direction it's shooting, you will blow up the Cart. We hope to fix this. Moving it in any other direction (side to side and away from what you are firing at) should be fine.
- The Dispenser Key can be changed from "X" to another key in Minecrafts Controls Menu just like any other control can be changed.
* Pressing the Firing button when RedStone Gloves are not selected might crash the game. This is being looked into. Button controls are through Modloader.
- 2 new Items added: Wood Glue (also used as wool treatment) and RedStone Gloves. Glue is required in every Cart Mod recipe now. This will keep Cart Mod recipes from clashing with other mods. RedStone Gloves are currently only used for activating Dispenser-Carts.
- "Board" Item is now called a "Panel". Recipe has also changed.
- New Recipes: All recipes require at least one Glue. The Panel and Glove Recipes have changed more than that.
- Glove and Wheel Icons and Texture have been changed a little, mostly just given a bit more depth.
- Temporary annoyance = Glue ampules can only be stacked to 8. This will be greatly increased in next version.
- 2 new Recipe Charts have been added inside of the mod .zip. A Wide and a Tall version.
v1.0 : [ Download MC 1.1 Version ]
v1.0 Released for Minecraft 1.1 (2012-01-19) On jordanske's 18th Birthday!
- Smelting Cart (Furnace) now Works. Always makes some smoke while smelting. By default also has flames, flames can be turned off in config file.
- Wheels now Spin (forward and backward), they are Rounder, they touch the ground and have a new Model + Texture.
- Cart following is much smoother and closer now. It really looks like you are pulling it.
- If Cart gets stuck while following you and you get 5 or more spaces away it will disconnect "stop following you".
- Carts move at different speeds depending on the surface they are moving on. Example: They move very slowly on sand.
- Carts can now be gotten through single doors if you are careful.
- New Gloves and Wheel icons. The old icons are still in the .zip folder.
- Two new alternate EmptyCart icons have been included in the .zip folder.
+ Just change the filenames for the icons in the .zip folder in order to use the alternate or old icons.
++ Roads, paths and bridges will be of larger benefit to you now.
+++ The two Crafting Charts in the .zip have been updated with new icons and Instructions. Recipes haven't changed.
* ModLoader, mc1.1, is making two differently named config files in addition to the real one for some reason, just ignore those.
- BETA -
beta v2012-01-14 : [ Download this Version ]
Updated for Minecraft 1.1
- New Config File in .minecraft/config folder (mod_cartconfig.txt) now allows you to change the ItemIDs of the items added to Minecraft by Cart Mod. This is to allow for even greater compatibility than this mod already had.
-- Thanks go to blakmajik for the well documented Block-ID Config code he donated to Cart Mod!
* ModLoader is making two differently named config files in addition to the real one for some reason, just ignore those.
beta v2012-01-10 : [ Download this Version ]
Updated for Minecraft 1.0.0
- Gloves Recipe changed from 5 leather to 5 wool in the same shape.
- Testing Recipe for making leather out of planks has been removed.
- Gloves Icon has been changed slightly.
+ Includes these 2 updated Crafting Recipe .png charts inside of the mod .zip file, both have the exact same info for this version but are in a different shape for ease of use options.
[ Square Chart ] [ Tall Chart ]
* This version creates a file named "mod_cartconfig.txt" in the ".minecraft/config" folder. It shows the ItemIDs of the new items created by this mod. Changing them in the file will currently have no effect. This will be fixed in the future, allowing you to change the ItemID's used by this Mod for even greater compatibility.
-- Thanks go to blakmajik for the well documented Block-ID Config code he donated to Cart Mod!
** There is a vanilla Minecraft Lighting bug in 1.0.0 that makes Workbench carts dark in low light regardless of the Brightness slider.
- There is another MC1.0.0 lighting bug that will sometimes make a random cart change brightness depending on where you are standing. Neither of these Vanilla Minecraft bugs affects the functionality of the carts.
++ The name of this Mod as a whole has now been changed to "Cart Mod". There are still obviously Pull-Carts in the mod, but this name change allows for the other kinds of "non-pullcart" Carts that we would like to also add in the future without creating inconsistency.
beta v2011-09-29 : [ Download this Version ]
Updated for Minecraft b1.8.1
- Now works with either Java 6 or 7, same for all future versions
- Crafting Chart updated, though Recipes are still the same.
* notch has made chests smaller in mc b1.8.1, so looks a little different now but still looks & works great.
beta v2011-08-31 : [ Download this Version ]
Released for Minecraft b1.7.3
- First Public beta Release; in dedicated Mod release thread : http://www.minecraft...t/topic/591027-
- Released as "PullCart Mod"
- This build has an accidental dependency on Java 7.
- Only Mod Requirement is Risugami's ModLoader
- This Mod .zip can just be dropped into .minecraft/mods folder, or contents put into minecraft.jar after ModLoader installed.
- Smoke exhaust effect removed from PullCarts. Smoke had been added in the final Alpha version.
Storage Cart = Functional (Chest)
Crafting Cart = Functional (Workbench)
Smelting Cart = Can be made but does not yet function. (Furnace)
* A Tall Crafting Chart has been included inside of the mod's downloaded .zip file.
** This Mod does not change any of the original classes in Minecraft, allowing for almost certain compatibility with other mods.
+ Original Message Posted by MineCrak with this First beta release + [Click Below]
Alpha Concept Releases [ All were for Minecraft b1.7.3 ]
Initial Concepts, Models and test conceptual releases occurred in following Mod Request thread:
That first Request thread was started on 2011-05-25 by BigShinyToys.
MineCrak found thread and started participating in Project on 2011-06-13.
jordanske first posted in thread and started helping with Project on 2011-08-02.
Crafting Recipes
v1.2 Recipes:
v1.1 Recipes: [Click Below]
v1.1pre Recipes: [Click Below]
v1.0 Recipes: [Click Below]
beta version Recipes: [Click Below]
* Crafting Recipes for the 2011 versions of PullCart Mod. [ Click below ]
Click below for Original Text Recipes by jordanske:
#. # .#=leather
### .#=log
..# ...#=planks
#/# .../=stick
/## .#=board
/## ./=stick
..oo .o=wheel
some other recipes that will be removed later:
(For testing)
for leather: (Recipe Corrected by MineCrak)
#... .#=plank
PullCart Textures
Here is, or will be, a list of downloadable Alternate Textures & Item pics for the Cart Mod. Mostly community made.
[ * Old Section inside - Disregard for now - Textures are being completely redone * ]
* If you wish to use 32x or higher textures with Minecraft you will need to Read & Use This First!
Instructions for posting Alternate Textures & pics & Requirements if you want them in this post: (Click Below)
Here are some useful links to help you get started:
Paint.NET = This is a great Free Windows program that can handle the required .png transparency feature.
GIMP = A Free Multi-platform tool that also works great. [Click the "Show other downloads" Link under the Manual links to see the Mac & Linux Downloads]
Before you start = A tutorial in this forum, which also links to more in depth ones, for a beginning texture artist.
+ At this time I cannot help with explaining the structure of the Main PullCart Texture, I will when I can. For now you can edit it and test it in-game to see the effect. The Item pictures are very straightforward though.
* If you would like for your PullCart Mod Texture Pack to be shown & linked in this Texture OP post then please Read and Do the following:
Download the [ Default 16x ] Texture pack for the PullCart Mod version range you are targeting and look at how the file is Named and how it is Arranged inside. * We will need your pack to look the same, except you don't need to include the Internet link files in the root - those are only included for your benefit and use. The names and capitalization of the files inside of the "Pullcartmod" folder must remain exactly the same as they are found in the versions of PullCart Mod that you are targeting, otherwise the Mod will not be able to find them.
You do not have to replace every .png with a custom one, just replace the ones that you wish to change. Leave any default .png files in the "Pullcartmod" folder for items or textures that you did not change. That way people will be able to easily swap in your textures by just replacing their entire "Pullcartmod" folder, and know that everything will work fine when they start the game.
The "[5of5]" in the compilation filename will refer to the number of your custom files included in your packs required "Pullcartmod" folder out of the total number of files in the targeted versions of the PullCart Mod's "Pullcartmod" folder. So if the targeted version of the PullCart Mod has 5 files in it's "Pullcartmod" folder and you have replaced 4 of those files with custom versions inside of the "Pullcartmod" folder included in your pack then you would put "[4of5]" in that part of your Pack's filename.
Replace the "example.png" picture in the Pack's root with one of your own that is staged & cropped in the same way but that includes your changed Textures & Items in addition to the defaults you might have not changed. Cropping it down like this keeps it from taking up any more space in this post than necessary, and also focuses attention right on the subject.
* You can have more than one example.png in the root. The extra ones don't have any restrictions like the first one does and can be posed or sized in any way you like but don't expect them to be posted directly in the OP. Just please number the Extra ones if you add any; such as, "example.png" "example-2.png" etc.
Edit the "Item Index & Attribution.txt" file to reflect the appropriate information. There will normaly be only 4 or 5 sections that you would alter. From top to bottom:
1. Change the PullCart Mod version number in parenthesis at the top ONLY if you are including files that only started existing with that new version number.
2. Change the word "Default" inside of the brackets [ ] with the Name and Version of your Texture pack. The name of the pack can even just be your name but do include a version number (we all make changes to things).
3. If your pack is for something other than the 16x size then replace the "16x" beneath your pack name with the appropriate size.
4. Change the Name inside of the "(by xxx)" field to the right of each element you have replaced with a custom version to your Minecraftforum.net registered nick-name like "MineCrak". If you wish to be credited under your real name or another alias then at the bottom of this file you can write something like: "MineCrak = Leeroy Jenkins" . You can also add your contact info at the bottom if you wish.
5. Copy & Paste the following text, including the dashed lines on it's top & bottom, into the file beneath the element & attributions list exactly as it is posted here:
I, the creator of the custom content included in this compilation pack and it's sole owner (not including content therein created by the PullCart Mod Team), do hereby grant a non-exclusive license to the PullCart Mod Team which will allow them the following rights in reference to my custom content included in this pack:
The PullCart Mod Team and it's affiliates may use, post, repackage, display, comment on and redistribute this content in any combination or part in any way relating to the promotion of, distribution of or use with the PullCart Mod, any related Mods or any Mods that may themselves include the PullCart mod, including the temporary or permanent adoption of any or all of these content elements as the PullCart Mod Default content for any period of time so long as proper attribution of credit is given to me the custom content creator of said content.
Furthermore I, the creator of the custom content included in this original compilation pack and it's sole owner (not including content therein created by the PullCart Mod Team), guarantee that I have the sole right to provide this non-exclusive license, and further that the files and content I have provided in this pack do not include or link to malware of any kind or definition and that the PullCart Mod Team and it's affiliates will not be held responsible in any way for any claim to rights made by others than myself or for any damage or trouble caused by any of the files or content I have provided in this original compilation.
I understand that since this is a non-exclusive license that I will also continue to be able to distribute and use my content in any way I wish so long as it does not in any way affect the license now being given to the PullCart Mod Team and it's affiliates.
* You can post a Texture pack including only your own custom Texture/s & Item pics without the above text if you wish but it won't be placed or listed in the Texture OP of this thread for our own protection.
++ If you have followed these instructions and want your pack to be considered for inclusion in the Texture OP of this thread then please post at least it's download link in the thread with a clear message stating what it is and that you would like it to be included in the Texture OP.
The Pack must be contained in a non-self-executable .zip format file with no other file compression formats used within it. In other words, just like the Default PullCart Mod Texture pack linked to in this post.
Your texture pack, as linked by the PullCart Mod Team and affiliates outside of your post, will likely be given a new download link to insure inappropriate and dangerous file-changing does not occur after it is posted. Also; there will be no ad.fly links allowed in the OPs of this thread.
[ 1 ] Texture Packs - For PullCart Mod versions (2011-08-30 through 2011-08-31, and likely higher)
[ Default ] [ 5 of 5 ]
This is the Default Texture & Item picture Set included with v2011-08-30 of PullCart Mod
32x Textures - [ 0 ]
64x Textures - [ 0 ]
128x Textures - [ 0 ]
256x Textures - [ 0 ]