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    posted a message on Pipes- In Detail!
    Lava + Water tubes= great idea. Having drip irrigation (the leaky pipe) and lava tube lighting are excellent suggestions to improve Minecraft as a whole.

    Oil as you've described it is a great idea, and would satisfy experienced players' lust for coal. One adjustment; how about just making oil unplaceable, like milk? Buckets of oil could provide the same energy as a bucket of lava (without destroying the bucket), but once it's in the bucket, there's no way to put it down without losing it. The code for "original" sources seems like a strange, variable, and buggy one.

    Steam is interesting, but having to hook up a water pipe as well seems both too complex and too ugly (I don't want more than two ends of my furnace to have to be attached to a pipe). My idea: perhaps steam could just be created by hooking up an empty pipe to a running furnace. Steam would only exist in the pipes; the flow system would work the same as liquids, only faster (almost instant), and it could be specifically built for item transport. Give it the ability to hook up to the back of chests, and boom, instant pneumatic pipe system. The Minecraft community could do wonders.

    No need for slimes. They're hard enough for me to find as is.

    Last question: what would be the crafting recipe for a corner block and how would you determine the way it faces?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Caps Lock = Sneak Lock
    I think it's a neat idea, but to me, holding shift makes leaning off a cliff feel more precarious and thrilling. I think it's nice to keep an element of danger on high ledges. Also, if you're doing other things while playing Minecraft, having Caps Lock constantly in a state of flux can be annoying.

    It could be useful, but these are the flaws I see with it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Horizontal Nether Portals
    Hilariously cruel idea. I love it.

    Of course, while they're trying to build their way out of the Nether (if they survive), you can cut out the floor underneath the portal, building a second portal directly beneath it for the returning player to fall into.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Obsidian Arrowheads
    Seems to be the only idea that really stuck from the Beta thread, so I'll post it as its own thing here. It could be crafted directly from obsidian: 1 obsidian :obsidian: = 2 :Flint: :Flint: obsidian arrowheads, but only 1 arrow is created per ]" title="-<->" /> :|: :Flint: combo. Each obsidian arrow would do 3.5 damage (tell me if you think this is too much).

    The idea is that these arrows are hard to make, but reward those who put in the extra effort to mine obsidian and who want an upgrade over the same arrows that skeletons use.

    As for how they mesh in the inventory, obsidian arrows will fire first instead of flint arrows. However, if flint arrows are placed in the quick inventory bar and obsidian arrows aren't, the flint arrows will fire first.

    Proof that these actually exist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Arrowhead.jpg

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on There should be obsidian tools...
    Quote from Kastrel »
    I actually like the obsidian arrows suggestion. Thats a good idea, make them do . . . 2 damage per shot? Maybe more?

    Doesn't it do 2 anyway? I'd say give it a slight increase, but not much. Between 2.5 and 4. Just enough to make it a bowman's arrow of choice.

    Btw, proof that I'm not just pulling this out of my ass: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Arrowhead.jpg
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on There should be obsidian tools...
    What about obsidian arrowheads? It's what real obsidian is traditionally used for anyway. Make it do 3.5 damage, but with only 2 arrowheads created per block, so that they have to be used sparingly compared to the classic flint arrows. The obsidian arrows would naturally fire first unless the flint arrows were in the inventory bar.

    It would give users who take the time to find and mine obsidian a slight advantage, while keeping the use realistic. Sound good?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Hell is coming to Earth
    Quote from Krunchyman »
    If lightning could flow through redstone and Notch adds a lighning rod, you could make a zombie pigmen farm.

    You aren't the only one who thought that, brother! :Bacon: for all.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on UNOFFICIAL Official BLUESTONE DUST discussion/support topic.
    I support this idea. Redstone circuitry is an amazing concept as is, but being able to condense it like this (as the repeater has already helped with) makes redstone devices much more realistic for those of us who need to blend them in with the rest of the surroundings.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on If Notch added the thing you hate the most to MC...
    Quote from Spinyofdoom »
    Bees. Cheeky little yellow and black bastards. They're smaller than my thumb but they can still make me freeze up in terror whenever one gets to close.

    Ditto in every way.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Nether and Mincraft's Release
    I agree as well. The fast travel is hard to gauge, especially without a compass. There should also be some rare resources and unique items that the mobs drop, otherwise there's little reason to go there.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Would you like Minecraft to have Blood and Gore? [POLL]
    Who needs it? Minecraft's scariness comes from fear of the mobs and the threat everything you've built being destroyed, not gore. Plus, the lack of gore encourages players to try the game on more challenging difficulties than peaceful.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on More liquids!!
    Acid is interesting, but it's too hard to control. If it's placed on the surface layer, whats to stop it from careening down through to the bottom of the world?

    NetherFlow wouldn't add much to the game. And how would you get to it if everything around it is on fire?

    Quicksand is a bit of a cheap excuse for a trap, and doesn't yield any items.

    Sludge isn't natural, and it ruins the flow of Minecraft as an inherently beautiful game. Plus the zombie idea is useless on peaceful, and counteracts their appearance during the daytime.

    Oil is the only other liquid that I think really has a place in Minecraft. I love the idea of setting up vast expanses of oil wells over my desert, There Will Be Blood style. It could be used to create lanterns instead of glowstone, which requires a visit to a new part of the nether every time you want a new light source. Also, it could work with any vehicles that Notch hopes to add.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on We need a new enemy.
    Quote from Krunchyman »
    I want something that

    - Burns in the sunlight
    - Is a humanoid (Ogre, troll, e.c.t.)
    - Not actually a human
    - Not something dead (zombie, vampire, skeleton, e.c.t.)
    - Travels in groups
    - Attacks you on sight.

    Notch has mentioned Goblin villages... they wouldn't burn in the sunlight, but perhaps they could send out hunting parties as well?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on am i the only one that rarely uses armor?
    Leather. Perhaps if a future hardcore mode destroys all the items I was carrying, something more would be useful. But as it is, it's too hard to obtain the armor for the protection it provides. Iron takes lots of investment to find and smelt, and diamond is ridiculous for the danger you have to put yourself in to find it in the first place. If you can only find a diamond source once in a half hour while exploring a cave, from which you get 3 or 4 diamonds, the amount of time you have to spend in proximity to lava negates the safety you get.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on We need a new enemy.
    3 ideas (I know, I'm new, bear with me)

    1. Crocodiles as an amphibious, hungry mob. They would refuse to naturally go above a certain block height or a certain distance from the shore. Also, they would prey on all the other mobs, not just the player, though mobs would not drop their items if killed by a crocodile. Giving them a porkchop or eating a mob/player would render them neutral for a period of time, perhaps 3 minutes, before they become hungry and would be willing to eat again. However, if attacked, they will attack in return even if satisfied, as zombie pigmen do, though not in packs.

    2. Random swarms of spiders or zombies on certain nights. Fighting off single zombies among other mobs is a rather simple affair, but if on certain nights, they were the only mob that spawned, and at 3 times the rate that mobs normally spawn, it would be quite fun and challenging to have to have to fend off waves of them. Zombie swarms would resemble survival horror games, and spider infestations could be downright horrifying. Skeletons and creepers would just be unfair though.

    3. Demons as a Nether mob. In addition to physically harming the player, their attacks can also steal the most valuable items from the player's inventory. Before stealing an item, they tend to lurk in the shadows, are nearly colored black, and be silent. However, after they attack, they light on fire, make noise, and actively try to escape. They move slightly faster than the player; however, they'll stop and hang around dangerous areas, such as lava, ghasts, and ledges. They have 15 health; however, if they are killed, the player both gets their items back in addition to demon dust, which can smelt 300 blocks twice as fast as usual.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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