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    posted a message on Am I the only one that doesn't want dragons in minecraft?
    If they were in the normal world, I could see where you're coming from. But as of right now, they're in the Ender, which in all likelihood won't have many supplies that'll truly revamp the gameplay mechanics. There's no story to Minecraft; these realms are designed so that you can totally look the other way if you want.

    Also, seeing them swoop between giant obsidian monoliths in a dark world surrounded by endermen (potentially on flying islands) is an awesome enough take on the idea that even if I didn't normally like dragons, I'd hardly care.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on THE ENDER! - A new realm!
    Quote from assassin10

    You make the Eye of Ender with 1 Enderpearl and 1 Blazepowder.

    I missed that, somehow. Thanks! :GoldBar:

    I do wonder if Minecraft will end up with some sort of storyline, though.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on THE ENDER! - A new realm!
    So we get a Boss, a world where Endermen can create structures to their hearts content, and the sky realm all in one fell swoop. Awesome. Even better, ender pearls will be fairly essential now. :biggrin.gif:

    My predictions:

    -The "eye of ender" will either be found at the core of Nether Ruins and protected by another boss mob, or given to you by the Villagers. After obtaining this, players will have to seek out a stronghold, where they'll use the "eye of ender" on the crystal portal to transport you to the Ender.

    -The world will be dark, foggy, and inky, much like the random textures we've been finding on the ground in 1.9.

    -Endermen will work together to create complex structures, and will all attack you upon looking at one of them.

    -There will be at least one other mob, also with the prefix "Ender" that will have a drop either necessary to find an Ender Dragon or an important potion ingredient.

    -Ender Dragons will be black, fly, and won't teleport, but will have some unique feature that distinguishes them from average dragons. Defeating one for the first time will roll the credits, and will give you some form of limited flying ability!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Potions...why Notch might have added them
    Quote from Mystify

    When the complexity is in the possible results, you have a good system.
    When the complexity is just in how you get there, it is not that good.

    Not necessarily. Fighting games have very complex and deep systems in order to obtain one goal; defeating your enemy. And when you have a powerful enemy, that's satisfying. Once we have bosses to fight, a better PVP system, and/or a final goal in Minecraft, the potions are going to seem like a much better system.

    Really, though, it's apples and oranges. Some like to create, others like to conquer. The beauty of Minecraft is that it allows for both.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Potions...why Notch might have added them
    Quote from ironbran

    potions are an expansion to end game content.

    This shouldn't be understated. You have to travel to the the heart of a nether stronghold and kill blazes until you come across a blaze rod. After that, you need to kill some of the hardest to hunt mobs in the game (Slimes, Ghasts, Blazes) and scour for rare items (Glowstone, Redstone, Nether Wart) in order to get powers that will be necessary for harder mobs yet to come.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Cauldrons vs. Brewing stands
    I voted cauldrons, but it's really a null vote until we see the finished version of potions. As of right now, we've got a few basic crafting properties, all based around Nether Wart, and they all have a single effect. Once we get more combinations, then I'll judge.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Potions...why Notch might have added them
    The fact of the matter is that complex redstone engineering requires a somewhat deep understanding of logic and computing. As of right now, however, potions are finite and simple. It's not hard to click on items in a specific order to get whatever you need. Water+ Nether Wart+ Sugar= Speed Boost isn't a science, it's basic crafting.

    Once you start throwing other variables in, however, it gets infinitely more interesting. For starters, simply adding multiple effects to a potion significantly alters strategy. Would you rather have a speed potion with a side effect of blindness or hunger? If most of the potions are "zero sum" and instant health boosts are offset by catastrophic side effects, then preparing for combat becomes a more strategic enterprise, even with the wiki.

    Even more interesting would be if time played a role in the potion-making process; it's easy to figure out how to put items in a certain order, but much harder when you have to wait a certain interval before adding the next ingredient to maximize potency. They'd be much more difficult to figure out for the scientists among us, and tricky to time correctly even if the recipe is known. I dunno if this will be implemented, but if it were, I'd spend most of my Minecraft days looking for the perfect potion recipes.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I want beaches to come back.
    I'd at least like them to be improved. Half gravel/half sand shorelines were rather ugly overall, IMO.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Potions and Distillation - 1.9-pre4 Reference Guide(Pics/Videos/Information!)
    Why not make potions unstackable? It would give them a little bit of a nerf to prevent abuse.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Weapon overhaul
    It could make for a decent mod for PVP servers. Obviously, you've put a lot of thought into it, but there's not a whole lot of utility in having 16 different weapon types, not to mention all the variants, for the sole purpose of killing mobs in slightly different ways. All of the weapons you've mentioned either involve shooting mobs to death or hitting them to death, both of which we can already do. Maces, muskets, and spears aren't Minecraft kills; Minecraft kills are setting up a TNT cannon, or surrounding spiders with cactus, or building a crusher/sand/lava/drowning trap, or punching creepers off a high cliff.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on NO MORE LAG
    By the time the final release date rolls around, it'll be about as non-laggy as Notch can possibly make it. Games will always be laggy on slow computers, but Minecraft shouldn't be much worse than any other.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on A Terrifying Enderman Idea
    Quote from Diamondaxer

    Freaky idea,but what if it was day time? would there be no fog, or would the fog be semitransparent (sort of see-through)? cool idea though

    Void fog doesn't behave that way. Even if lit with sunlight, you'll still only be able to see a few blocks in front of you.

    Everyone here is probably right about it being annoying if it happens all the time, though. Still, they're a rare mob, so perhaps a 1 in 10 chance? Not enough to play your whole life and never see it, but rare enough that it catches you off guard when it happens..
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Smarter mobs in Hardcore
    I support smarter mobs (specifically ones with enough intelligence not to walk into cactus), but I'm not sure I like the suggestions you've mentioned.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on A Terrifying Enderman Idea
    Imagine, you're wandering around at night, mob hunting, when you come across a solitary enderman. Having diamond armor and a sword, you feel fairly confident in your ability to do battle with him, and you'd love to get your hands on some ender pearls. You look straight into his eye... and the world begins to fade. It's the void fog, except that the enderman stands just beyond the edge of it, and you can no longer see him against the background of the world... all that you see of him are his eyes. Terrified, you back away and try to run, but the darkness suddenly starts closing in on you from all sides, and you can't tell which the direction your attacker is coming from... unless you catch a glimpse of his eyes. Frantically, as the darkness gets closer, you look on all sides and begin flailing wildly... only to look back forward and find those eyes an inch from your face.

    Basically it's just giving the Enderman void fog when you look at them. But I imagine it would be truly terrifying and challenging for even the experienced players...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Effect
    Too close to the surface to be void fog or probably obsidian, too hard to code to be just purple particles, too rare to apply to most mobs, and no indication that Notch is working on oil.

    Its probably either...

    -A general cave or underground water lighting effect (lightning bugs are a good thought)

    -A particle effect that applies to either a rare mob or a rare underground structure (endermen, abandoned mineshafts, stronghold, something new)
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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