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    posted a message on Should the official release still be ready by MineCon?
    As the 1 month cutoff for development gets closer, and Mojang claiming that prereleases will likely continue up until the final release, I'm beginning to wonder if more time shouldn't be taken to make Minecraft the best possible experience for new and old users. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly happy at all the work that the team has put in this past month, but with SMP connectivity still a pain, poor performance on many computers, lots of bugs, and a boatload of promised features yet to be added (Sky realm, Villager AI and quests, Finished potions, Working enchantments, Ocean mobs, The Ender/End, and Dragons), I'm beginning to wonder if Mojang has an unrealistic timetable for release. What do you think?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Endermen steal more than blocks
    Might be a swamp-related bug. With all the new additions (vines, lily pads, water coloring), it wouldn't be surprising that items could glitch out. An enderman bug wouldn't surprise me either, with their new teleportation behavior. Who knows though, it could be just a regular old entity coding glitch... there have been times in earlier versions where I went to where I could have sworn I died thirty seconds earlier, only to find no trace of my items. Either way, it's not normal.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.9 Dragon Texture
    I rather like it so far, but there's room for improvement. The face is nice, but perhaps a bit too vicious for something that can't really change its expression. The skin isn't bad, but could use some flair; the brown is a bit dull. Good for a texture pack, but right now it's not superior to what we have.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Who else wants to see dragons do this?
    From what it looks, dragons are going to be a lot more intimidating than ghasts are. You see, ghasts float rather than fly, present a huge target, and only take 5 hit points of health; dragons appear to be rarer, faster, more slender, and having a hell of a lot more than 5 health points.

    As for attack power, I'd like to see them with fully automatic fireball breath. The blazes in the nether shoot fireballs in 3 round bursts before recharging... why not just have the dragon constantly pummel you constantly with fireballs until it passes over or can't see you any more?

    Also, who else is in favor of them having at least 100 health points? I'd like to have to work to take this sucker down.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Infinite water source being replaced by Cauldron?
    Quote from unison

    I think that is really the crux of this discussion.

    We seem to have two basic types of Minecraft players here. Those who wish to build in which ever way they please with the focus on the building (more creative type players), and those with the focus on the obstacles preventing them from building (more survival type players).

    It can get a bit irritating how each camp wants to trample on the other on these forums. For a small and relatively insignificant bit of water realism, the survival players are willing to trample on everything the creative players have built, likewise, the creative players often dread and refuse every fun new addition out of fear that their previous contraptions may need some tweaking. Both sides need to lighten up a little, IMO.

    Personally, I've always liked the fact that Minecraft is a mix of both worlds. There are both better survival games and better creative games than Minecraft out there, but few that mix them quite as well.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Infinite water source being replaced by Cauldron?
    I don't like the idea of finite water. At all.

    1. If you try to implement it like lava, oceans and rivers become hideous whirlpools every time you try to take water from them. Trying to have rain and meltwater replenish it will break every exposed flow-based machine in the game, and create water springs in unwanted places.

    2, If you try to implement it like the finite water mod, every water-based contraption in the game (including TNT cannons) will break, waterfalls, fountains, and underground rivers will disappear, caves will flood irreparably, and having to update every water block in the game will increase lag.

    After all, in a world where you create infinite land blocks with a cobblestone generator, why does it matter how realistic infinite water is?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on My Hardcore Highscore
    Sniped by a skeleton
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Your Standard Minecraft Cuisine
    With so many food sources these days, what do your meals tend to look like?

    Mine mostly consist of cooked fish. It's filling, doesn't require you to kill the newer persistent mobs, and can be done essentially anywhere. Bread is also very useful if I've been out killing skeletons and own a lot of bones, since their drop pattern essentially makes every skeleton killed worth 1 bread.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The True Test of Minecraft Skills
    Quote from Badprenup

    The hard part is getting there.

    Exactly. Basically you have to survive long enough to get a diamond pick to mine obsidian, venture into the Nether, find some ruins to get enough blaze powder to make Eyes of Ender with, search out a stronghold and conquer it, and finding a dragon in the Ender in the first place.

    Also, I wouldn't count on dragons being quite as easy as we've made them out to be. Notch wants to make them a challenge, so I wouldn't be surprised to find them with at least 50 hearts of health and acting extremely aggressive. What's more, perhaps arrows will only damage them if they hit the correct part of the body.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on What should dragons drop?
    Since they're the ultimate boss of Minecraft as of now, there's no need to give them drop that bestows a god-like fighting power, because there won't be any use for it beyond killing more dragons or making other mobs obsolete.

    Instead, it should either open up a unique but nonessential gameplay component (say, flying), or allow for some seriously advanced potionmaking.

    Diamonds would be ok too, though. :rolleyes:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The True Test of Minecraft Skills
    Slaying an Ender Dragon... on hardcore. For anyone who thinks Minecraft isn't challenging, try this one on for size :wink.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on There is a difference between hard and cheap.
    #3 is very legitimate; hopefully it'll be sorted out before the final release. Otherwise, I really like the buffs that the mobs have gotten... it makes fighting (at least on single-player) a lot more challenging than keeping the right distance and holding down a stick. Also, what fun is sprint-striking if you can pull it off every time in the real world? You could shoo away anything you want.

    As for the creeper experiences, I might chalk it up to differences in explosion mechanics. They're not always consistent on multiplayer servers, from what I've seen, and little differences like if the creeper were jumping or actually touching you makes a big difference. Not a whole lot you can do there, just keep your distance! On hardcore, it's good that there are mobs that you deserve to be absolutely terrified of.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Ender Dragons Ideas.
    Quote from Ickabodx

    Dragons hostile to ALL mobs. Let them be absolute terrors on the land.

    Very rare persistent spawns of course.

    That would be fun if there were a lot of mobs in the Ender. As of right now, though, all I see to fight them are endermen, and they won't put up much of a fight against a flying mob.

    Now, if we could watch a horde of Skeleton try to bring one down... :cool.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Purpose of weak potion!?
    It's probably just a base potion, like the awkward potion is now. Once we get effect combinations, you'll see it turn into something useful.

    Besides, what kind of a challenge would potion-making be if everything you threw in there gave you an awesome power-up? Failure has to be expected sometimes.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on THE ENDER! - A new realm!
    Quote from HakitoX

    The dragons need some coloring...

    I think this is just the model. The skin texture is yet to come...
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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