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    posted a message on Video of the Enderdragon
    So wait... if they don't follow collision physics as of yet, how will we get back to the overworld if they destroy our stronghold portals? Better bring some extra ender eyes...
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Video of the Enderdragon
    Quote from soridus76

    My guess is that this is only a way of being able to see what it does without it getting stuck on things like an aerwhale.

    It clearly doesn't avoid anything. Like an aerwhale. I imagine they will have to code in some kind of avoidance for it, since no mobs currently seem to have any avoidance whatsoever. Works fine for things on the ground, they just run into walls and try to jump. Not so great for things that fly. Even ghasts don't fly that well and they just float slowly.

    I imagine there will be a number of Dragon-indestructable blocks for us to play with, most likely whatever the enderman towers are made with (Obsidian, it looks like?). But overall, the Ender/End landscape seems to be a giant plain anyway, so there's not too much for it to run into, other than the ground.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Nutrition
    Quote from AIMBEAST

    Good idea, so eating fish, bread, and meat everyday is good? That might be kinda hard to get fish for the first few days though...and bread. And fruit like melons...If bread does help increase your mining speed I think that would be a bit too overpowered. Once someone makes a simple wheat farm, it quickly expands and you get so much you don't even use. So i think without bread it will go slower, and with it it will keep it at it's usual maximum.
    But what is the stuff you shouldn't eat?
    Lots of meat every day? After all cookies are hard to obtain, so using them won't be so much of a problem.

    Dont think i understood most of it, I was just assuming

    It won't matter much over the first few days; they're long-term effects, so there isn't much wrong. There's nothing wrong with eating meat every day, so long as you don't mind being a walking tank from no carbs.

    Also, rotten flesh, cake, and cookies are the big "empty health" foods. You'll get your health, but it won't really help out any of the three categories.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Nutrition
    Quote from formthisway

    Well, if most people in America have trouble doing this in real life, I'm sure that they would have a hard time doing it in a video game. Just saying.

    :laugh.gif: I suppose you're right. Though I think there'd be a lot more incentive for us to do it in real life if it helped you kill creepers.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Video of the Enderdragon
    Here there be dragons! Awesome, though not something I'd want tearing through my base.

    And how about that flying? So much better than what ghasts can do. It's quite beautiful, if I do say so.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Nutrition
    So for those of you who aren't familiar with the details of the hunger mechanic, there's more to it than food simply refilling the hunger bar and getting you health. There's also an unseen "saturation bar" that determines how long you will stay full before your hunger bar begins to deplete again. For example, two cookies heal the same amount as a melon slice, but the overall saturation that they restore is far less than a melon slice, and you'll be hungry again sooner rather than later.

    It got me thinking... why not expand on that mechanic to make each food distinctive, and actively affect player performance?

    The nutrition mechanic would have multiple, unseen components to it to help calculate what the player's overall nutrition should be. You'd have a meter for carbohydrates, fat, and protein, and each food would have distinctive values of each. Higher values in each boost players physical skills; carbohydrates would increase player speed and mining speed (build-centric), fat would function like the saturation bar does now (survival-centric), and protein aids attack and defense statistics (adventure-centric). This way, a player can specialize in one component based on their style of play.

    For example, subsisting on only bread won't kill you, but while you'll notice how much faster you'll run, you'll also notice how much less effective you are at killing things and not having to eat constantly.

    Basically, eating a wide variety of good foods ups your performance, while eating crap all the time weakens you.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on cooked eggs
    Quote from Dolmen

    Imagine you're exploring the untamed Minecraft wilderness. Suddenly, you see an egg! You snatch it up and eat it raw, then continue on your way. That would be awesome.

    If you count salmonella as awesome. Hey, why not, they already have food poisoning and nausea in the game! Eggs are plenty useful in chicken farms anyway though, and while I certainly wouldn't be opposed to this, it doesn't strike me as particularly important either.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Spawn Invulnerability
    Someone who's too lazy to build a mob trap! :tongue.gif: Besides, if you only need so much Blaze Powder, string, and slime balls, there's no reason to build traps for each of them if you can smite all that you need unscathed (as is the case for Blaze camping) in a couple minutes time.

    Really though, the goal is so that camping isn't the most efficient way to collect resources, because it's repetitive and boring to most. Building a spawn trap and fighting them off once they can defend themselves are fun ways of getting items like blaze powder.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob blocker block
    I don't know about this... it's an interesting idea, but it would be overexploited unless it's insanely costly to make, at which point most would simply revert to using alternate solutions (redstone lighting, half slabs) for larger structures where trying to mob-proof an entire castle could take weeks of diamond searching.

    Mob bait is something i stand behind unless it causes new mobs to spawn, which would be too overpowerd.. Ideally, it should only summon the ones close to the radius already.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mob Spawn Invulnerability
    With the current setup of spawners, it's remarkably easy to wait in the corner for your mob of choice (blazes, zombies, spiders) to pop out and for you to kill it in a couple of hits with a diamond sword without trying.

    My suggestion? Make new spawned mobs invulnerable for the first 1.5 seconds of life. That would give them just enough time to orient themselves without infringing on your attempts to keep the mobs under control.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Intermediate Mobs
    I don't think you can reasonably get rid of creepers. They're iconic, and the only mob that truly threatens to destroy your structures.

    Mob abilities would be very nice, fit with the abilities that we have received, and would be a lot easier to implement than creating whole new mobs in a world already heavily populated with them. I'd suggest that they could increase the difficulty of mobs spawned the farther you progress in your game, but that would wreak havoc on adventure maps. Perhaps a minor boss guarding the Netherwart in the heart of a Nether Ruin would add some flavor.

    One mob that has to get a buff now, btw, is the Ghast. With the new bow system, they're one-hit kills, fairly big targets, and Blazes can shoot 3 fireballs in a row.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Intermediate Mobs
    With all the talk about dragons, even without the rumored invulnerability, it seems like they'll be quite the foe come release time. I imagine you'll need to break out every upgrade you've amassed over the course of Minecraft (diamond everything enchantments, positive potions) to have a prayer of taking one of these guys down. It will be a fight for the ages. So who's that second-best mob that you have to fight through to earn the right to this epic mob?


    Endermen are neutral if you want them to be (though you'll need to kill one eventually), and have many weaknesses. Blazes are dangerous if encountered on their own, but easily spawn-camped and aren't too sturdy. Ghasts are incredibly fragile for such a big mob. Creepers can't be classified in the same way. While they're all great mobs, there's quite a big gap between that and being in dire need of armor and upgrades to take on the dragons.

    This shouldn't really be implemented before the final release (their attention is better spent elsewhere right now), but would everyone here like to see something a little more in-between in the long run?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on welp, looks like you cant kill the dragons.
    I'm all but certain you'll be able to kill them... it might not be in a traditional manner, however. Maybe they'll inherit the Enderman water weakness, and you'll have to build a trap to take it down. Or maybe it'll be a combination, where they're invulnerable at all times except when in water, so you'll both have to build both a contraption to keep it there and go toe to toe with it in combat.

    Or maybe we just pour lava on it.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Slimes
    Do a lot of clearing around bedrock until you find one of the chunks that they spawn in, then set up a nice open area with a lot of holes in the walls to kill them through. It can often get pretty crowded down there in slime pits, so unless you're up for some real combat practice, leave yourself some advantages.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on have villages been nixed?
    Before village interaction is added, they should at least make sure all the doors are both on ground level and not blocked by gravel!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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