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    posted a message on Scariest Minecraft creature?
    The obvious answer is Creeper, for being able to come out of nowhere silently, kill you instantly, and pose a physical threat to everything you've worked on.

    That said, the noise that Ghasts make is the most terrifying sound in the game. And their ability to trap you in the Nether if you forget a flint and steel is a horrific possibility. I'd love it if Notch had them drop something unique, so that players would have to go toe to toe with them more often.

    Zombies aren't that scary if you can keep them at a safe distance. Skeletons **** me off more than scare me, to be honest. I only fear them for the possibility of losing all your stuff. I've never had that much of a fear of spiders anyway, so these ones aren't too bad.

    Hi, by the way.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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