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    posted a message on Can someone make a snow/frost/ice version of this elf?
    This is about the best I can do for a remake (its not my "drawing style" which makes it more dificult)

    Hope that helps xx
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Thankies for linking to my tutorial parts Paril :smile.gif: I never got around to sending them to you as I have been sick since the 3rd and am only getting back into action now. Will have to take a look at 1.4 and do a quick update one soon, everything looks like its progressing along wonderfully :smile.gif: xx
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Why would you wan't to play a DOWNGRADED version of Minecraft?
    Some people liked the game when it was much simpler, there wasn't all these biomes, potions, end and all the other stuff, when t was more about exploring.

    I am planning to downgrade my Minecraft (with help of McNostalgia or whatever its called in the Mods section) to 1.5, so I can play the Aramis map. Since I started playing when 1.8 came out, it will be different for me anyway :smile.gif:

    Everyone has different reasons for wanting to downgrade.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Anonymous pedofile
    I wrote a big long diatribe here, but gave up. There is no point trying to reason with you.

    My end result is that and your other skin is seriously damaging.
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Cobalt
    I would just view the trailer and see if theres any gameplay etc videos on youtube or anything.

    I looked, but its really not my sort of thing. Looks crossed between an FPS (like battlefied, COD) and Donkey Kong lol.

    Basically its upto you, whatever floats your boat. Other people can't tell you whether you'll like the game, only you can research and decide.

    If your going to ask a question like this, its better to say "can you describe more about Cobalt to me please" rather than asking should you get it.

    Same as only I can tell what clothes I want to wear, only you can tell what games you want to play. :iapprove:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on This is what my 9 year-old brother did...
    Thats very cute, and very well done, especially considering he was not allowed to play it :smile.gif: You should get him his own account, or let him play around on his own "world" every now and again. Sounds like you a very sweet older bro to him :smile.gif: Even if you don't want to admit it :iapprove:

    I like it, its very cute and detailed for something new
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on This weekend.
    umm.......are you sure he's not going to be there?

    I would avoid doing that anyway hun, if he's an "asshole" direct your rage at HIM, rather than his house.

    I know you may not see it right now, but other people live in that house too, and you can bet he probably won't be the one to clean it up. Maybe he has nice, caring brothers and sisters. Maybe his mum is doing everything she can (including working two jobs) to put food on the table, she's tired, he treats her awfully, do you really want to add to her stress by doing something else she needs to clean up? The father could be a scary man who could catch you in the act and cause a lot of trouble in your own home for you.

    Really, I know that the person "may deserve it" but does his family?

    Even in the mist of the nicest family you could meet, there could be a "bad apple".

    I'm not sure what he did to get you so upset, but really please don't direct that at his house.

    My brother caused problems all the time for us, my mum was constantly stressed out from all the stuff from the school we had received, then we also had people doing the same thing, directing their rage towards our home, not him (although they never TPed it, just shouted and cursed) One time when I was little (my brothers a lot older than me) this scary guy came to the house when I was home alone, huge 8 years older than me, and really really angry, and started yelling at me about my brother, I was only 9 at the time, had no idea what was going on, was home alone, and basically freaked out.

    I can understand if the guy is a bully, but again, direct it towards him, not towards others.

    Or rise above and take the higher ground. There's no need to do anything just because the guy is an ass. He will probably end up working at a greasy takeaway shop for the rest of his life, overweight and balding, whilst others he "bullied" end up with good jobs and a wonderful life.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on [Release] A Comprehensive Collection of Fine Suits 2.1
    The suit are fine and all (yes, they are great)

    But what I wanted to comment on, was your whole presentation. Its absolutely epic. I love the use of the 50's/60's home journal, its absolutely a work of art, and your signature. Seriously, without even the beautiful suits, just the penmanship/graphics are to die for.

    People may either have nice skins or nice presentation, but you blow everyone out of the water with both. It is akin to the more beautiful map introductions, which is frankly not seen in the skinning area (or anywhere else for that matter) not only have you put time into the skins, but obviously put a LOT of effort into the visual of showing of those skins to their best.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on beer or alcohol in MC?
    I will repeat what I said in the other thread thats now disappeared lol.

    Basically any content of an adult-related nature should not be added to the main part of the game. This causes the game to become more restricted to whom it can be played by. Forexample they preach the 5-105 age range on here, so alcohol should not be a part of a game for 5yo.

    Any "adult related content (MA/R Rated, Alcohol, drugs, nudes etc) can be a fine addition to any game, it can make it fun, silly etc, and give something new to play around with. However, these should be added as mods by 3rd parties and not into any "official" MC Downloads.

    For example Weedcraft? I think it is, sounds like a fun mod, and I would be willing to play it, but even if it were the best mod in the world, it should still stay a "mod" and not "main content"

    If there were to be something brewable it would be better to make it something more towards a wide age range like apple cider or herbal tea.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on GURLS
    Schmeh, I take everything as it lies.

    I joke, I play around. But yes, it is different girl vs boy. I.e. if I land a punch on my housemate hes going to rub it and say "ow, it hurts" but it won't really hurt that much. If he landed a hand on me however, I would be bruised for weeks. So it really depends upon the situations. i.e. there is a guy I know I could beat up, or if I punched him, I WOULD actually hurt him.

    And yes, I'm a ***** in the way that I will slaughter someone in a game, and then when they do the same to me, I'll do the girl line, but I do it all in fun, I wouldn't do it to some random person on online gaming :/

    I just don't think everyone can be bunched into the same group. Some girls don't touch games, some are hardcore and you don't know they are girls (they do anything to hide it) some overemphasise the fact they are girls, some play but aren't good, yadda yadda yadda.

    I suppose in your instance its merely a case of she wanted to be treated like the guys, but since she wasn't, she got overexcited at her win and blew it in your face. It happens. lol.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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