On my Server the Trolls are spawn and get freezed (get stoned). I can hit them with my sword and they lose 10 HP, but if i hit them again, they get the 10 HP back. They just don't move and or attack anymore.
Kind Regards...
Trolls turn to stone in the daylight. They're meant to spawn underground I believe, but during the day they will always turn to stone. Nightime is when they won't.
This has been getting alot of download, please tell me if it is working for you fine
The link works fine, it's just that the site it links you to may be confusing some people. I figured out where to click to get to the mod file but others may not be aware, as it did take me a few minutes to figure it out.
I sincerely regret that the developpement of this mod haven't been continued... I really enjoyed playing on this mod and it was really great done.
I hope that, one day, someone enough experimented in coding will relaunch the developpement 🔥🔥
The Cryptic Mushroom team has actually picked up this mod, along with help from Valentin, the original developer. The project is currently on hold, but progress has been made on bringing it into current versions of Minecraft. They have a discord server you can go to to talk to the team about it!
The new stuff looks amazing! I really hope you keep working to make this mod even more unique than it already is, because if you do, you'll have a gem on your hands
", palatino, serif">Hello! Pardon me for being clueless/lazy/both, but is there a 1.12 testing version or beta yet? I woold love to punish my poor computer use this in a modpack of mine! Thanks!
This mod hasn't been updated in a long time, unfortunately, and it's not looking like the creator is going to update it to 1.12 (as far as we are aware).
I've been working on a new mod. The mod will be called Realm of Vytra. I intend to release it very soon, as well as launch a 24/7 Realm of Vytra server alongside the mod's launch, so people can easily play with their friends.
A lot of familiar mechanics from RioV will appear, but will be much more refined.
I intend to release the mod in late January/very-early February. I just have to add a few more mobs and structures, finish texturing, then configure item recipes and such for all the items.
You can follow me on my Twitter for up-to-date info on the mod.
Trolls turn to stone in the daylight. They're meant to spawn underground I believe, but during the day they will always turn to stone. Nightime is when they won't.
Unfortunately, no. Nobody has seen AnimationWiz since around mid-2018.
What's this? A picture of breakfast mobs?
Thank you
This link should work
Alright, the last post in here was almost 3 years ago, and this may just seem like a necro, but I assure you it’s not.
The mod is being REVIVED! Development is now underway for Minecraft 1.15.2, and we have a Discord channel to talk all about it!
A lot of the content originally planned for the mod is indeed making a return, as well as some all new stuff that’s sure to get you excited!
Come on down and say hello!
(There also may or may not be alpha builds on the way soon
so get hyped!)
The link works fine, it's just that the site it links you to may be confusing some people. I figured out where to click to get to the mod file but others may not be aware, as it did take me a few minutes to figure it out.
The Cryptic Mushroom team has actually picked up this mod, along with help from Valentin, the original developer. The project is currently on hold, but progress has been made on bringing it into current versions of Minecraft. They have a discord server you can go to to talk to the team about it!
Good work as usual! This seriously deserves more attention, because the level of quality here is excellent
That looks so cool! Very atmospheric!
The new stuff looks amazing! I really hope you keep working to make this mod even more unique than it already is, because if you do, you'll have a gem on your hands
This mod hasn't been updated in a long time, unfortunately, and it's not looking like the creator is going to update it to 1.12 (as far as we are aware).
I think they’re done with 1.7.10. 1.12.2 is the next big version for modding, so most mods are updating in that version.
This is awesome! If you haven't uploaded this to CurseForge, you totally should!

It could give you some more publicity on your mod. I love the fracture, it looks really great and I can't wait for more
Ooooo, I'm intrigued! I look forward to it!