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    posted a message on Show Your System

    Why are you getting a 4790k and an ROG motherboard and a 970? Get a skylake CPU, don't waste money on an ROG board, and the 390 is better than the 970. Also you don't need a PSU over 650w, even 550w would be totally fine.

    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Question on computer specs

    How much are you going to pay for that computer? It's pretty terrible, the graphics card alone was slow 4 years ago, I would bet integrated graphics beat it nowadays.

    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Somewhat Cheap Computer Build!

    Looks pretty good, but do you really need 2tb and the disk drive? Also you can probably get a cheaper and better 500-550w psu by a company such as EVGA. I'm not sure what the reviews are on the unit you have there.

    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Need GPU advice

    Zen is over a year away, it's not really feasible to wait if you have no ways of playing games currently.

    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Show Your System

    Ok but why does his situation call for an enormous empty case with an itx board in it?

    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Somewhat Cheap Computer Build!

    That SSD is terrible, please don't buy it and I'm sorry for you if you did.

    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Need GPU advice
    Quote from Werewolf5153»

    It is, but you will need to buy ddr4, and if you already have ddr3, it can be an extra $50 you have to pay. Plus the motherboards are a bit on the expensive side, not many cheap options.

    Plenty of cheap 1151 motherboards available And on the flip side if he buys DDR4 now he won't have to by any memory again for the next 5+ years while that DDR3 has no where to go.
    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Will 4GB Bottleneck my Gaming PC?
    Quote from teckmaster»

    P.S. TheRacker, what do you think about skylake? I'm considering the upgrade atm. Haven't changed platforms in 5 years and I think its time.

    I think it's great if you're upgrading from that far back because there is a lot of new features and support for new tech that will be relevant for a ways to come. I know DDR4 doesn't really provide a performance difference, but the prices are coming down to almost equal with DDR3 now and it will be around for many years. DDR3 launched in 2007, so I expect DDR4 to be around for at least 5 more years, which means any ram you buy now will last for any future upgrades or builds while DDR3 is end of life. Also there's the M.2 ports and DMI 3.0 and native NVME support which means you're all set for ultra fast SSDs and other tech like thunderbolt that need high bandwidth. The CPUs themselves are't anything amazing, faster than haswell and broadwell by a bit, OC pretty well, but coming from a 5 year old PC it will be a pretty big upgrade. One thing to keep in mind is when you hear "Z170 has 20 PCIe lanes" that means that the chipset has that many. There are still only 16 3.0 lanes that the CPU controls, those are the ones used for the graphics cards. The 20 chipset ones are for M.2, sata express, thunderbolt, other expansion slots on the motherboard that aren't full 16x slots, and so on. Overall I'm really happy with my build and probably won't be touching it for at least 3 years besides a new graphics card.

    Oh if you do get it I would get a Gigabyte or Asus motherboard because the USB 3.1 ports use the Intel Alpine Ridge controller and not a third party Asmedia one. Not sure how big of a difference it makes but I'd rather have the official intel controller and since they were in short supply only gigabyte and asus got them.

    And I would stick with Z170 and not H170 or below even if you don't overclock because it has more chipset lanes, sli/xfire support, and more usb 3.0 ports. Not a huge difference but the price difference isn't that huge and I'm a bit of a feature "lover"(can't use the word I want here :/)


    Here's a really good look at the platform as a whole, because the CPUs themselves don't really add any features besides better performance in CPU tasks.

    Also AMD's Zen is still at least a year out from now and no one knows how well it will perform until it launches, Intel's Kabylake is going to be on the same process as skylake and the same socket with probably the same 5-7% performance increase that we've been seeing, so you're going to have to wait quite a while for anything that might be an even bigger upgrade. Also intel won't be upping core counts until cannonlake from what I hear, which is 2017 I believe so then you'd be waiting a very long time for something new.

    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Will 4GB Bottleneck my Gaming PC?

    That's pretty good, yeah, but it does not include windows and the 960 is questionable. I would find an R9 380 for <$200 instead. It's about equal to marginally faster, but has a wider memory bus and will probably fair better in the next few years with DX12 and the 256 bit bus when games need more vram vs. the 960's 128 bit bus. And if you can find a 4gb 380 for under $200 that would be a no brainer.

    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Quick Check On My Gaming PC

    There really isn't a "better" memory company unless you want to try and compare super high end overclocking memory that is ridiculously expensive. Just get any 8gb ram kit you can find for $45 or cheaper which should be pretty easy right now.

    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Will 4GB Bottleneck my Gaming PC?

    The parts you want to upgrade to. They are horribly out of date. So far so that if you wanted to make this computer 4 years ago in 2011 it would not be worth the money and very weak. So here in 2015 it's just outrageous to even think of spending $800 on something so old, out of date, and slow. If you're spending $800 you can do so much better in performance I don't even know how to make a comparison.

    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Will 4GB Bottleneck my Gaming PC?

    What you want to upgrade to would have been terrible in 2011, let alone now.

    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Computer Build for Minecraft!

    Do you have optifine? I'm pure vanilla. And minecraft doesn't use more than one or 2 CPU cores and not that much GPU horsepower so an i7 and 980 aren't going to help much. For me I'll mostly stay above 60 in vanilla but several times a minute I'm dropping well below 60. Which in theory doesn't sound bad, but I have a very high end PC. This is in creative though, I don't know if that has any bearing on it over survival.

    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Computer Build for Minecraft!

    Minecraft is basically impossible to run at 60fps smoothly. I have a 4.6ghz 6600k and overclocked 280x and I get anywhere from 120(I have it locked there because if I set it to unlimited the game freaks out) to 40, usually hovering around 80. But it's NEVER steady or constant, the variation is crazy. It hops all over the place constantly. I'm running it on the fastest and newest CPU core overclocked almost as much as you can, and my graphics card never goes above 40% usage, and even with all that I don't get constant or good framerates. This games' performance is just abysmal for what it is.

    If I were you I would just build a good balanced gaming PC in your budget and then not worry too much about MC performance.

    What is your budget?

    Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals
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    posted a message on Starting a Video Game Development Team.

    Lol another one of these threads

    "come work for me for free, I have no experience and have no porfolio or prior work of my own to show anything substantial but trust me this will work out"

    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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