Fallout 3 is one of my all time favorite games. There are other games that are technically executed better, but Fallout 3 will always have a special place in my heart.
And your mod captures its essence perfectly; even the parts that are . Bravo!
I have a relatively minor suggestion that I think would improve the game greatly.
Poison resist. I don't care if it's a potion, an enchantment, whatever, but it's much needed. There's simply no effective way to deal with a large number of poison spiders, such as you encounter in custom maps. Milk simply doesn't cut it. Maybe a poison resist potion could be made by adding milk to an awkward potion? I wonder if there would be a way to do that so you get the bucket back.
I feel like one of the reasons the "adventure" and "survival" aspects of the game started to lack is because of the abundance of resources. Updates tended to favor the gameplay style of people who enjoyed building rather than those who enjoyed fighting for survival, so naturally the game became easier.
I meant that gold-covered stone would be a very costly decoration for most people. Even if you got 16 per 8 gold, you'd need a lot to decorate a room with. And that's gold that might be better used in healing potions and powered rails.
You can only pick up the enderdragon using a trick with a piston; I don't think it's intended to be obtainable yet.
The chandalier and gold cobble ideas are sortof interesting. Coating a block in gold might be a bit excessive for most peoples' decoration, but I'm sure some people would do it to have epic pimped out cribs.
I'm not sure if there's ever going to be an economy of any sort with the villagers... I'm sure the idea has been proposed.
The enderdragon egg isn't supposed to be obtainable yet I don't think; I assume they'll have an actual purpose for it eventually, moreso than just a trophy.
Golden wire would be useless because gold is rare and redstone is abundant, especially with Fortune, so I think most people would gladly just spend two redstone and three smoothstone on repeaters rather than spend tons of gold.
If you were around during Minecraft Alpha you will remember that iron and coal were FAR rarer than they are now. The amount of coal in post-release maps in particular ensures that having enough coal will never be a serious concern. Likewise, the amount of iron has been consistently increased to the point where a suit of iron armor can be obtained in a very short amount of time, whereas in alpha it would take ages.
Now, for the most part, this is a good thing. It means that you can have enough coal for torches to explore as much as you want, and to smelt huge amounts of smoothstone and glass for building. An abundance of iron means that epic minecart tracks are not ridiculously hard to create as they were in previous versions.
These are all good things, and I understand why Notch and Jeb made these alterations, because a lot of people (myself included) were clammering for them.
But there's a downside to them; if you want to play minecraft for hardcore survival, having a seemingly endless supply of iron and coal in the map makes the game a whole hellofalot easier, especially during the first night. Too easy, some would say, because it's possible to get iron armor in the first few days, and as long as you're careful, that armor will make you neigh invincible.
So I propose a new terrain generation mode. One that returns iron and coal levels in the map to early-alpha levels, and disables creation of charcoal and the Fortune enchantment, to add even more scarcity. I remember the first time I played minecraft, the start was always exhilirating, because the challenge of finding coal might mean I'd have to cover miles of terrain in the first day. Add hunger into the equation and this would make the first 24 hours of minecraft a lot more strategic, difficult and fun, especially for people who like the challenge of staying alive in the game.
Now this would be entirely optional. You'd have the option, when creating a new world, to generate it as a "hardcore map" or a "sparse resources map", with the same control that allows you to generate a "Superflat" world. Maybe it would do it automatically if you chose Hardcore mode. But for people who like a real challenge, this would add a lot to the game.
It seems like this mod is broken. I've installed everything, several times. All the dependents work (modloader, modloaderMP, turbomodelthingy, and audiomod) but the Planes mod just crashes minecraft on login. Yes, I have deleted META-INF. Here's the output of the minecraft error thingy: http://pastebin.com/2mrscJ7j
package net.minecraft.src;
public class mod_Adobe extends BaseMod
{ public mod_Adobe
desk.blockIndexInTexture = ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/adobe.png");
ModLoader.AddName(adobe, "adobe");
public String Version()
return "1.5_01";
public static final Block adobe = new BlockAdobe(99, 0).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("adobe");
public static void AddSmelting(82, new ItemStack(99, 1));
I keep getting a crash as soon as I click "World Mod Options". It freezes and then blackscreens. Any idea why that might be? I think I installed the mod correctly...
Well now I feel like an idiot... I didn't have modloader installed!
I wouldn't think Minecraft would even run without it, considering how many mods I have. Sorry about that!
Fallout 3 is one of my all time favorite games. There are other games that are technically executed better, but Fallout 3 will always have a special place in my heart.
And your mod captures its essence perfectly; even the parts that are . Bravo!
Poison resist. I don't care if it's a potion, an enchantment, whatever, but it's much needed. There's simply no effective way to deal with a large number of poison spiders, such as you encounter in custom maps. Milk simply doesn't cut it. Maybe a poison resist potion could be made by adding milk to an awkward potion? I wonder if there would be a way to do that so you get the bucket back.
You can only pick up the enderdragon using a trick with a piston; I don't think it's intended to be obtainable yet.
I'm not sure if there's ever going to be an economy of any sort with the villagers... I'm sure the idea has been proposed.
The enderdragon egg isn't supposed to be obtainable yet I don't think; I assume they'll have an actual purpose for it eventually, moreso than just a trophy.
Golden wire would be useless because gold is rare and redstone is abundant, especially with Fortune, so I think most people would gladly just spend two redstone and three smoothstone on repeaters rather than spend tons of gold.
Now, for the most part, this is a good thing. It means that you can have enough coal for torches to explore as much as you want, and to smelt huge amounts of smoothstone and glass for building. An abundance of iron means that epic minecart tracks are not ridiculously hard to create as they were in previous versions.
These are all good things, and I understand why Notch and Jeb made these alterations, because a lot of people (myself included) were clammering for them.
But there's a downside to them; if you want to play minecraft for hardcore survival, having a seemingly endless supply of iron and coal in the map makes the game a whole hellofalot easier, especially during the first night. Too easy, some would say, because it's possible to get iron armor in the first few days, and as long as you're careful, that armor will make you neigh invincible.
So I propose a new terrain generation mode. One that returns iron and coal levels in the map to early-alpha levels, and disables creation of charcoal and the Fortune enchantment, to add even more scarcity. I remember the first time I played minecraft, the start was always exhilirating, because the challenge of finding coal might mean I'd have to cover miles of terrain in the first day. Add hunger into the equation and this would make the first 24 hours of minecraft a lot more strategic, difficult and fun, especially for people who like the challenge of staying alive in the game.
Now this would be entirely optional. You'd have the option, when creating a new world, to generate it as a "hardcore map" or a "sparse resources map", with the same control that allows you to generate a "Superflat" world. Maybe it would do it automatically if you chose Hardcore mode. But for people who like a real challenge, this would add a lot to the game.
What do you think?
Actually... I'm getting twice as many errors using your code.
Any idea what I need to do? I'm just trying to add a block called "adobe", and make it so clay blocks smelt into adobe.
I keep getting a crash as soon as I click "World Mod Options". It freezes and then blackscreens. Any idea why that might be? I think I installed the mod correctly...Well now I feel like an idiot... I didn't have modloader installed!
I wouldn't think Minecraft would even run without it, considering how many mods I have. Sorry about that!
I've installed most of the mods in this thread, as well as the Planes mod.
Any idea what's going wrong?
I think he means, which of Nandonalt's mods are you asking about?