Age: You know, I'd really prefer not to say on a public thread.
I'm applying to join this realm because I enjoy the sense of community. All the other realms I've been on have expired, and I enjoy SMP.
I can do some redstone stuff, but most of it is pretty basic and useless in this situation. I can do simple doors, comparators, and I enjoy doing traps. A majority of my redstone knowledge goes towards Command Blocks.
IGN- Nesssss (Soon to be changed)
Age: You know, I'd really prefer not to say on a public thread.
I'm applying to join this realm because I enjoy the sense of community. All the other realms I've been on have expired, and I enjoy SMP.
I can do some redstone stuff, but most of it is pretty basic and useless in this situation. I can do simple doors, comparators, and I enjoy doing traps. A majority of my redstone knowledge goes towards Command Blocks.
Hope to see you there!
My IGN is LordCatticusXIII, and I am uncomfortable posting my age, but I am mature.
My IGN is LordCatticusXIII, and I would love to join.
My IGN is LordCatticusXIII,
this sounds great!
IGN - LordCatticusXIII
Age - I hate giving my age out online, but if I'm ever immature, feel free to ban me
Why? - I have trouble finding good SPMs
What would I add? - I enjoy playing, and would add a lot of materials and buildings.
My IGN is LordCatticusXIII
My IGN is LordCatticusXIII
IGN - LordCatticusXIII
Age - Ask me in game, I'd prefer not to give on a public forum
[email protected]
IGN - LordCatticusXIII
Age - I'd prefer not to give on a public forum
Country - USA
How often - Every day almost
IGN - LordCatticus
Age - I'd prefer not to give on a public forum, but I am mature.
Why? - I have no other realms, and I am bored.
Fun fact - Ace Attorney is my life
Hold it!
My IGN is LordCatticusXIII and I would like to join because I have no other realms!
My IGN is LordCatticusXIII
IGN: LordCatticus
I would prefer not to give my age
I've been playing MC since it came out on the Xbox 360
I've been banned once, not for griefing. The owner still hasn't specified the reason.
IGN - LordCatticus
I accept
I can work well with others
I am mature enough to follow your rules
Your most important rule to me, is no hacking, to improve the experience